If the music didn't load properly, or if you want that music URL (hehehe) click the link below.

DownLoad MIDI

Ok people, I now have to start setting some limits here. For all you fan's of my stuff, you can still use it and download it for your own personal usage. You can also put it on your website, so long as your server isn't GeoCities; you don't need to upload it to your home page directory (the only exception is if it works 90% of the time or less on your own webpage.)


Visitors, I must caution you on something: I had to get rid of [email protected]. Why? Because as of April 15, 2002, will start charging $9.95 US dollar's to use their service. So, if you can handle a little $9.95 fee, go on ahead and use By the way I will check up on this once every week, and up-dates will come as needed. Up-date from 6-29-2003: WebTV/MSNTV users: you are no longer able to use this service, but trust me, it is still a pay service.

To contact me: Yes, I have two other address on this page. If you are having problems with anything on this page, or if I violated a copyright, please mail the webmaster. If your woes involve something technical, please please PLEASE check the FAQ's section. It can be found in the sidebar. Just click on FAQ's, and you will be taken there. IF your problem isn't located in the FAQ's secion, and/or if I deicde to respond (which 99% of the time I will), someone else may respond to your problem; this is normal. It will most likely be the email addresses on the etc. part of this page. Please don't mail those addresses with your problems. Mail the webmaster. You may, however, send friendly emails to those addresses, but please don't send those addresses any technical mails; they will just be ignored and thrown-out, and you may be blocked, if you become a problem. Also, should you ever get brave enough and e-mail me, keep in mind that your e-mail address will NOT be sold to any third party members or spammers. I wll NOT give your e-mail address to no one. I won't give you any ad's, or subscriptions to things like Joypages or It will be between just you and me. Even if someone threatens to kill me and/or erase my entire webpage just because I didn't give them your e-mail address, it still won't be given to them. AND PLEASE REMEMBER--I HAVE PUT UP EMULATOR LINKS. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY MAILS ABOUT THE EMULATORS NOR WILL I PROVIDE ANY ROMs. I DO NOT SUPPORT PIRACY!!! IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE EMULATORS, PLEASE CONTACT THE WEBMASTER OF THAT PAGE. THAT SAID, USE THE EMULATOR LINKS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Linking: you can freely link to anything on the links page, except for the MIDI. To tell the truth, you may NOT link to the MIDIs, or my images; 90% of the time they wont work, so don't bother linking. You can download or upload them for your own convience or personal usage. To link to this page: You may only link to the home page. If I catch a link to anywhere else on this page, in your own webpage, I will kindly give you some good-old fashioned HTML code by email to do it right. You can also link to my subdirectories, if you wish. However, you can put the other places of this page (faq's, html codes, etc.) in your favorites folder and/or bookmark them. You may NOT link to the email addresses. If I catch a link to my email addresses, I will kindly notify you to delete the link in 24 (twenty-four) hours. If not, I will personally pay a hacker to delete your entire webpage!!!

Scripts: You may go ahead and use my scripts as well. However, some of then don't work with PC's, so use at your own risk. To get to my scripts page, please click here. So, follow these fine rules, and I won't have to be that extreme.

Thank you, cloud_strife_86 & adventure_of_link.

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