HTML codes, for those of you that wanna build your own webpages or sigs. SIDEBAR NAVIGATION:










If the music didn't load properly, or if you want that music URL (hehehe) click the link below.

DownLoad MIDI

Ok people, this is how I make my sigs. Now for those of you that are still puzzled on how I make sigs, this page will explain in more detail.

Required items: 2 color numbers (and i will show you a list of them that I use in my sigs), one (or two) image URL(s), and a music URL.

Now, shall we get to the sigbuilding? btw there will be a deailed description of the code by using a textbox. Let's get it on!!! -- Judge/Referee Mills Lane -- America's Judge.

1. start off with a HTML tag.

2. Now add a body tag. It should have the info you need -- Body & text color, link & vlink colors, etc. Like below:

Or you can have an image background. The coding for this is shown below:

3. Next, a bgsound source. This tells the browser ware the music is going to be downloaded from -- This site, another website, your own, etc. etc. etc. If you want, you can add a "loop" number. This tells the browser how many times to download the music. Everywhere on this website (except my links page) it is played over and over. You make it "-1", not infinite, because infinite isn't a number. The coding for what it should be will look like this:

Now, you replace Music URL with your music URL, for example:

(Please note: The URL shown above is just an example. It doesn't actually work.)

You can change the loop number to whatever you want it to be. It doesn't always have to be -1 (infinite.) It can be 99, 4, 100, 69, etc. etc. etc.

4. Next, one of your images. The coding should look like this:

The deal is like before, replace Image URL with a image url (btw the URL needs to end with .gif or .jpg, otherwise it aint gonna work.)This time, you can play with the width and height, no matter how big or small the image is. Here is how you do it:

Now the width & height don't have to be 300, it can be other numbers. It's not like -1 & 300 are the only numbers out there. There are other numbers too. Don't be afraid to use them, no matter how ugly your image might look.

5. Repeat Step 4 (if you have another image URL in mind)

6. Add 2 br tags

7. Hyperlink (optional)

URL means to replace it with a URL. for Example:

Or replace it with the title of the webpage. How you do it:

8. Repeat step #6

9. a /body tag

10. a /html tag

Ok and thats all there is to it. That simple. Below is a list of color numbers I use (and btw you can have your own color numbers too. It's not like the color numbers shown below are the only ones out there. All you do is just mix letters and numbers around. Ex.1: #I99G5R Ex.2: #RR55DD

� #000000


� #33RRCC

� #181818


� #0000FF

� #008000

� #00FFFF

Pull your sig together below:

oOo did I just hear someone say "More codes please?" Well, click here.

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