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IMPORTANT NOTICE:The links/addresses in brackets quoted in this list were this site's former URL at and have been revised to suit the new URL.

===== C O N T I N U I N G =====

From: Raul ' Ted ' David [[email protected]]
Subject: Philippine stamp

it is sad to think that there are still politics in the issues of the Philippine stamps. it is no longer a matter of issuing a good Philippine stamp but what others think is immoral to the eyes of the people. I was just reading a statement from the news and it make me sad that somebody in his idiotic mind that nude painting made by our famous painters are dirty and immoral to the eyes of the beholder. it is sad to think the Filipino will make fun of it inspite [sic] it is a work of art. many foreign nation in this earth issued nude stamps without malice towards [sic] issuing it. here are a people who have bright minds but who close their minds toward arts. I pity them. concerning this site it is not clear what you are pointing at. I click on 1990 and get a future issue of Philippine stamps, what gives.?

+++++ new post -- moderator comment +++++

Subject: Click a Glitch?
cc: '[email protected]'

Yes! That issue was seemingly unresolved. No nude paintings was ever issued as vignette of Philippine stamps after that Philpost-Orlina ramblings. We collectors, especially Filipinos, would truly be amazed by other countries which feature nude paintings on their stamps. Maybe the Philippine society and its culture is still that closed-minded that even seeing nudity in paintings per se would equal perdition in hell or something.

Would you mind if I quote your e-mail and append it to the news page? You have good arguments and those statements could well serve as a basis for postings from future surfers as well as create a sensible issue regarding the state of our postal administration.

With regard to my site: "it is not clear what you are pointing at. I click on 1990 and get a future issue of Philippine stamps, what gives?" , are you using the earlier versions of internet browsers, e.g. NS2.0 or MSIE 2.0? The site is best viewed with MSIE 3.0 or NS4.02 (32 bits) browsers. Mapped images created for the new versions of the browsers retain their coordinates when loaded but they are distorted/overlapped when seen from the earlier versions.

Anyway, for the time being kindly use the following:
[Philippine Stamp Catalog: 1990s] (you could cut and paste this to Address/Location)

I am now studying Javascript for the redesign of the pages, with the hope that these glitches would be taken care of. Please be patient, I am rushing things up before year 2000. Thanks for the observation and your e-mails.

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