August 7, 2002

Wildflower Long Course Triathlon
May 3-5, 2002

The Wildflower race is the first major test of our training...roughly seven
months since we began in Oct/Nov 2001. The Long Course (as opposed to
the Olympic, Mountain Bike and Relay races this same weekend) is a
half-ironman, meaning we swim 1.2 miles, bike 56 miles and run 13 miles
to complete it. In high heat. On big hills. It's undoubtably the hardest
non-Ironman course...and thus a great confidence builder assuming we all
finish healthily!

Last year I had an unfortunate bout with hyponatremia, brought on by pushing
too hard on the course, extreme heat (100+ degrees) and my not taking
salt tablets. Continuing on until I went into seizures didn't help either.
Fortunately, the weather was forecasted to be milder this year (80 degrees),
I carried plenty of salt tablets and I planned to race at an even,
Ironman-type pace and use the day as a training day. That is, pushing
at moderately hard pace. Hey, the race was going to take me ~6:30
hours and I needed to make my energy last!

As the pictures and video was a successful race. I finished
in a decent time and in good health.


You spend significant amounts of time just preparing all your gear

Nicoletta and Pepe came to support me

Thousands of people come to compete

It's about 7:30am - and people are beginning to gather

A last bit of support!

8:15a - we're off!

We'd hit 40mph on some downhills

(For running shots you'll have to watch the video)

....FINISHED! (And no injuries)

...meaning the push is on for the next two months until Lake Placid
on July 28th...

To Be Continued...



As of August 1: $9000

Goal: $9000

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