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Ian's official site


Someone pass me the burbourn bottle i want to forget today completly.


Latest news ____

19 Febuary 2004, 9:59pm
Have you ever had one of those days, where everything goes wrong, right from the time you get up? Well i just had one. I wasn't even up and it started out bad, the phone woke me up for the second time, after already getting up and finding a shirt for my mum in the ironing basket, without my glasses on. Then 5 mins after she left the phone rang for her, no one loves me you see.

Fine so i figured i should get up, lets go on the net, i can't do any damage on here, right? WRONG. Get 10 emails, hey someone likes me, oh wait 9 of them are spam, oh well. The one email that i did get was informing me of inactive members, two in particular, suggesting that i give them all (all being all inactive members) an ultimatum. Sure why not, i like to please people, so i write this thing. Umming and Ahhing about it, these people im trying to kick out of my club are the ones that helped me to get started in RPing to begin with, oh no they will be cool. Famous last words, definatly not cool about anything, and i mean can you blame them.

Quickly retreated from the net, went down to fix my term deposit up again for 12 months, about the only good thing that has happened all day. Got a higher rate of intrest than i previously had, wow a whole .32% higher... Went to get my pay, oh i will have to give you cash, but i still owe you $6.05 ill pay you tomorow, cool but i would have rathered the cheque and the pay slip. Beggers definatly can't be choosers. Went to get my hair cut, nothing can go wrong now, right? Wrong, again. The price went from $10 to $12.50 so $25 later (paid for my mum as well) i walked out with a hair cut, which took all of 5 mins, no joke.

Ok so i go home, have a shower and i get a phone call, you comming out tonight, umm no im umm tired... Ok so blah blah, shit gets talked about on the phone, nothing that i want to discuss here. So i get dinner, then come on the net again, only to find that one of the same said people that i was to boot from my club, sent me another message, thanking ME for not being mad at HER, now a big HUH is due there.

Now talking to a good friend, asking him if i can turn back the hands of time and have this day over, there was 2 things that i had made my mind up i was going to do today, did neither and im really pissed at myself for not doing them, i think it would have been much better in the long run if i had done them.

Woe to me.

17 Febuary 2004, 10:17pm
Lookie here, someone finally made an Ian quiz, coolies.

You Are Maigraith! You are very powerful, but under the command of a
total cow called Faelamor. If you break free,
you are capable of miracles. For some reason
you become obsessed with Yggur (and then dump
him for Rulke!) Advice: 1.Tell Faelamor to ****
off. 2. Decide on a husband. 3. Get a life.

Which Character Are You From The View From the Mirror?
brought to you by Quizilla

About time is all i can say. Nothing much else to say, not interested in writting in here.

15 Febuary 2004, 9:44pm
Well the eventful day is over, my nephew's birthday, not valentines day, although that was over at the same time that valentines day was over, but the initial is much more important, even if i don't speak to my sister.

Lets see, watching Lara Croft: Tomb Raider at the moment, so not really wanting to write anything, but thought i would anyway. Now a total of 4 RPG's that im active in, sad i think.

13 Febuary 2004, 11:30pm
It's that time of year again, when we all get out and celebrate the fact that my nephew is having a birthday, oh and it's valentines day as well, minor fact. Or is it. People make such a big deal over it, i don't know why if you love the person enough you should not need a specific day set aside where you shower them in red roses and cards and all that shite, not saying it wouldnt be nice once in a while to get that, but why make a habit of it, on only one day a year? Seems stupid to me, maybe im a hopeless romantic, maybe im just stupid.

Only a week left to go now, until i have to go back to that dreaded place they call University. It's not so bad, the only thing is, in it's "wisdom" Cityrail has decided to have track work from the 16th until the 27th Febuary, and guess what i go back on the 23rd Febuary and will have the first week entirly spent taking busses up to Uni and back. Grr. Its 2 1/2 hours via train, 3 or more hours via the bloody bus. And if you don't know, the first week is only lectures, so no lab or tutorials, so the longest im up at uni for is 4 hours, because i have 2 lectures on that day, 6 or more ours travel for a 4 hour day, yippie, can't ait. Then the next day i have a 1 hour lecture, you can see im getting more and more pleased about this. and finally a 3 hour lecture, i mean who wouldnt love to waste more than half a day sitting on a bus? At least one day a week is only a 20 min drive away, god help me if i catch a bus, 3 busses and 2 hours later i might be able to get there. No doubt you have noticed, public transport is a little lacking in NSW especially the Central Coast.

Finished my Bitch, you can all come back now.

11 Febuary 2004, 11:57am
Bloody hell it's hot these past few days, whats the go with the weather guys up there *points up*.

10 Febuary 2004, 6:49pm
Can't find any fault with the yahoo counter, maybe i shall stop calling it yahell, and go back yahoo. Or not, i cant use Trillian or Gaim, because of Yahell bloody changes, it's back to yahell. Haven't done much, just sitting inside in the air cond, shit it's been hot these last few days. Definatly sitting on the net for far too long, but thats life.

Went looking at Ian's site and found that he will be at a convention thingy on 6th March, sounds like a good thing to go to, and it's free. Getting them to send me a programm of it, out to me, so i can work out when he is on and where they are, if i get my P's before then i will most likely go to it, been quite a few years since i saw Ian and i have a few books for him to sign, if he is willing or able to do it. Oh well, wait to see what happens. Thats about it for news and things i want to talk about, until next time....

6 Febuary 2004, 8:43pm
So far, so good, for the yahoo counter, not that anyone but me cares, i get that im easily pleased. Has anyone else noticed, that all the decent and good songs were created in the 60's and 70's? Still having a fettish for the entire rock box complimation, ie 60's and 70's music. And its amazing at how the songs actually make sense and are easy to listen to. Not to mention that alot of the artists (if thats what you can call them) today are re-creating the old songs and putting their own touches on them, uptown girl for one. Dont get me wrong i love the modern music as well, i have my fair share of Inxs, Metalica, Savage Garden, Rammsetein, Big Brovaz, Pink, etc. But i was brought up on the 60's and 70's, used to listen to 6 o'clock rock without fail every night, on 1.17 HOFM (i think thats tha call sign, it has been 4 years since i was in the state to pick it up.)

What is it with these new mobile phones, and the great things like camera's that are in them? The pixel quality that will be produced will no doubt will be crap, plus you have no capability for zooming on the stupid thing. If you want to *gasp* put them onto your computer, you have to go spend $150 on a bloody cable so that you can plug it into a USB port, probably only USB 1 support. At least thats for the Nokia 7250, waste of money go and buy a decent digital camera, they are only about $300, and you can get a pre paid phone for $99, anoput the same to buy a phone with a camera in it, outright. Please are stupid, thats the only conclusion i can come to.

Quote of the moment: Peope are stupid,. the person is smart. (but some times both people and the person are stupid.)

5 Febuary 2004, 12:09pm
I take back anything that might have been misconsrewed for me saying that the last counter that i had on my site was good, it had a bloody annoying link that it decided to put up, and when i go and check it today, its being nothing but annoying, buy not showing me the picture. So lets cross our fingers and try this yahell, umm yahoo one.

Im shocked, looking at the site statistics, for my counter, that people actually do come visit me in this corner of the net. God knows why, i dribble shit and don't actually say anything that is of any importance. I really need to learn html, instead of relying on Dreamweaver to do all this for me, it would prbably be a much smaller file and all that stuff, if i did learn it. I have the books and everything, just haven't had the inclination to learn it, but seeing as it is yet another language, and considering im learning programming languages, it might make sense, and so many people know it, so it can't be that hard to work it out, it just looks like a few tags, one to open and one to close, simple really., hmm yes simple...

Ok, well im going to give this counter a try, so everyone cross their fingers, otherwise im not going to be happy jan.

4 Febuary 2004, 6:53pm
Well, things never cease to amaze me. Take for example the *crosses fingers* working counter that i have, it was relativly simple, now why couldnt geocities', counter have been that easy to put in? I ask you. Although i would like to know why geocities tells me that i have had 940 people visit this page, 19 to my ian page, and 3 to the archives page. The other two pages i have up, that are not mentioned in the links area are pages soley for the purpose of Truine forums, and have 2 visits each, witch still amaze me. At least geocities is being nice and letting me upload my site now, unlike before.

Well what has been happening on this side of the country, nothing much thunderstorms and the such. I will never understand how when people see a excuse the french, crap lightning show, they can go "oooooh....ahhhhhh.......oooooh........................ahhhhhhhhhhh" It really baffles me. It's not like you can even see the streaks of lightning, there is so much cloud cover. Oh well thats my bitch for today, now to think of what im currently doing and what random link to put up... Decisions, decisions.

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This layout couldn't be made without the image from morning glory, and brushes from vbrush... This layout was also last but not least, downloaded from day dream graphics... well that's all folks... :P


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