8 - 9 August

Nasser Abouheif's Site

Juergen Wittman's Report

Full detailed report with beautiful pictures.



Auf diesem Wege möchte ich mich noch einmal herzlich für die Ausrichtung

des Delta Daysin Limburg bzw. Nürburgring bedanken. Wir haben diesen

Tag, der auch die kühnsten Erwartungen übertroffen hat, sehr genossen.

Die Vielzahl der Teilnehmer mit verschiedenen Modellen, Fachgespräche

und Informationsaustausch waren schlichtweg überwältigend. Hervorzuheben

wäre darüber hinaus die gute Organisation hinsichtlich Fahrtrouten,

Startnummernausgabe und Roadbook und ein daraus resultierender

pünktlicher Programmablauf.

In der Hoffnung auf eine baldige Wiederholung dieser Veranstaltung

verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Grüßen

Konstantin v. Palm, Heidelberg


Translation Thanks to Tilo Quast for telling me about this Altavista web add for translation .


In this way I would like to thank you again cordially for the adjustment of the delta Days in Limburg or

Nuerburgring. We enjoyed this day, which also exceeded boldest expectations, very much. The

multiplicity of the users with different models, discussions and information exchange were directly

overwhelming. To emphasize beyond that the good organization regarding travel routes, start number

output and Roadbook and a punctual program run resulting from it would be. In hope for an imminent

repetition of this meeting. I remain Yours sincerely,

Konstantin v. Palm, Heidelberg



Hi there, my name is Melo. I am (HF9) in the HF NET-Club.

I went to the Nurburgring. I did not register for the Delta Meeting and

did not attend on the Saturday (I arrived on Sunday).

On the Sunday there were supposed to be works cars on display, a Martini

Racing Stand & Accessories and various other points of interest.

I saw perhaps 30 (thirty) integrale's in the car parks while I was

there. What I saw of the meeting was crap. There were no Works cars, no

Martini support and there were no Lancia's on display in the Nurburgring

(where it seemed like every other manufacture was on display). In short

it was a waste of time going to the Nurburgring to see Lancia's of any


On the bright side I had an excellent time while I was there. The

OldTimer Grand Prix was superb. it was great to see all of those late

seventies/early eighties F1 cars charging round the track. The Noise was


I summarise the Sunday as an excellent day if you like Ferrari's,

Maserati's, Lamborghini's, Ducatti's, Porsche and other sports cars /

bikes. There were literally thousands of sports cars there both inside

and outside the circuit.

It was a very hot day and the surrounding area is very picturesque.

I will definitely go again next year, but probably for a week so that I

can fully explore the area (fantastic mountain roads !!).






Wirklich eine tolle Zeit mit all den verschiedenen Deltas. Sehr gefreut

hat mich auch die Teilnahme der britischen Deltafans!

Man muss schon echt Benzin und Delta im Blut haben um solch eine weite

Reise für ein Wochenende zu unternehmen. Ich hoffe wir sehen uns alle im

kommenden Jahr wieder.

Schade! Leider konnte ich die Tour zum Ring nicht mitmachen. Vielleicht

nächstes Jahr! Wie war´s denn so? Schreib mal einer was dazu!

Der Gaszug an meinem Integrale ist mal wieder gerissen. Ab Dienstag ist

wohl alles wieder heile! Welch eine Freude! Kann´s kaum erwarten noch

ein paar Runden mit meinem Integrale zu fahren bevor "Er" wieder sein

Muetzchen auf kriegt und seinen wohlverdienten Winterschlaf antritt!

Nochmals herzlichen Dank an Herrn Blaettel an dieser Stelle!

Es war einfach Super! What a great time!


Translation by Tilo Quast

I just wrote that I liked all the different types of Deltas and I liked that we had some

Delta owners from England. I even wrote my thank you to Mr. Blaettel.

He made all the organization around that day. And I hope that he will see

us again next year.


Greetings from Germany

Tilo Quast, Siegen/Wilnsdorf


Please send me your reports


First Delta Day












Sponsors and Support from Fiat Automobil AG, Martini Germany, Autoricambi Bielstein, Sellphone Teleservice And others


Biggest Lancia Delta Model show in Germany


Info submitted by Jüergen Wittmann

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