
The Moon


Symbol for the Moon The Moon at THIS VERY Minute!



The Moon has always held the attention of Earth’s peoples and was not classified as either benefic or malefic by the Ancients, although Ptolemy leaned towards a benefic influence.  Her position shows where you are subject to emotional ups & downs; and where we have failed to show enough emotion previously.  The pull on our emotions this time, can cause us to react overemotionally to those house affairs in this life.

The Moon spends about two and a half days in each sign and takes 28 days to complete its journey through the zodiac.  It is the Earth's only natural satellite and controls the tides.  It was called Luna by the Romans, Mani by the Norse, and Selene by the Greeks.

The principle ruler of those born at night (nocturnal chart), it astrologically relates to one’s emotions and security needs.  It is your instincts, those primal stirrings that creep into your thoughts.  The natural ruler of Cancer, it has an influence on domestic and nurturing issues.  It represents the unconscious, the habits and instinctual behavior patterns we drift into when we are not operating from the realm of ego and consciousness (Sun).  She rules women in general, the mother or mother-figure in particular; and will describe (by sign, house, and aspects) how you experienced and perceived your mother.  The Moon is a very important influence in the chart and is looked at first, along with the Sun and Ascendant.  She represents sensitivity, moodiness, fluctuation, childhood and the patterns we learned in childhood, past conditioning, habits, how we seek to nurture and be nurtured, and the private life.


Symbol for the Moon Astronomical Data


Mean distance from Earth 384,400 km
Diameter 3,476 km
Mass 0.0123 Earths
Density 3.34 grams per cubic cm
Surface temperature 248 F to -274 F
Orbital period (Synodic) 29.53 days
Rotational period 27.3 days


The Earth and Moon form a double-planet system.  The Moon is the closest astronomical body to the Earth and we know more about it than any other object in the heavens.  Many surface features are visible to the unaided eye, and a pair of binoculars reveals a great amount of detail.  A small telescope shows vast seas of lava, large mountain ranges and hundreds of craters of all sizes - much larger than here on Earth.




Western Astrology

Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Chinese Astrology

Rat | Ox | Tiger
Cat | Dragon | Snake
Horse | Goat | Monkey
Rooster | Dog | Pig

Western/Chinese Synthesis




A Ki-chan Creation


Moyra's Web Jewels Special thanks to Chris Cobb for his hard
work in creating the Lunar Phases Applet.

Chris Cobb's Obligatory Java Applets
Graphics by Cowgirl

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