Wretch Of The Month


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Kevman's Wretched Rotten Employee of the Millenium

The Definition a Wretch

A wretch is someone:

(1) who is always jealous of other people,

(2) who is always sticking their nose where it doesn't belong,

(3) who thinks he/she is the best,

(4) who is a racist,

(5) who steals,

(6) who tells on other people,

(7) who is always causing trouble,

(8) who is always spreading rumors that aren't true,

(9) who has bad breath,

(10) who is a cheapskate,

(11) who has no dignity or self-respect,

(12) who has a real attitude problem,

(13) who has to beg to work at the cigarette counter,

(14) who constantly harasses supervisors to do overstock,

(15) who eats overstock,

(16) who always complains about being on cash all day,

(17) who is an unhygienic slob,

(18) who treats others badly,

(19) who can't shut their big mouths if their life depended on it,

(20) who will stoop to the lowest level to suck-up to their superiors,

(21) who is rude,

(22) who is always checking up on other people,

(23) who is just plain ugly,

(24) who is wretched,

(25) who is hated by everyone.

Hello, welcome to the wretched rotten employee of the month homepage. Only people I work with will understand and know who I'm talking about, so don't even bother reading this if you are not one of my co-workers. ENJOY, and try to guess who the wretch is. Good luck! This homepage will be updated every month, and please note: IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE THE WRETCH OF THE MONTH MORE THAN ONCE! Also, you may think that this is a cruel thing to do, but trust me, if you met this wretch in real-life, you'd probably want to make your own wretch page also, I guarantee! Also, check out the comments made about the rotten wretch by my fellow employees. If that many people dislike her, she must definitely be super wretched!

Wretch of the Millennium (Woohoo!)


OK, the lucky winner for the month of NOVEMBER is our one and only RUCKUS. What I mean by RUCKUS is that she has a very annoying voice on the microphone, and it sounds like she's trying to sing or something. It sounds like someone shot a cow or something when she talks. She always eats overstock, which would probably explain her weight problem. She's an ignorant racist cow, who thinks that she is the best, where in fact she is the worse, and crappiest cashier I have ever laid eyes on. She's ultra-ROTTEN, and deserves to be smacked in the head for always being jealous of other people. She enjoys lying, stealing, and ratting on other people. She's a cry-baby, and when she doesn't get her way, she whines to the head-supervisor. She checks up on other people, and can't keep her freakin' nose out of other people's business. She also insults people, and never looks at her own flaws. She thinks she's the greatest cashier at the cigarette counter, but she SUCKS! It takes her forever to close it for the night, always waiting until the last minute so she can punch out at 9:30PM. I can't believe she hasn't been fired yet, 'cause she actually told a customer "F*ck You", can you believe that? Who the heck would want to go to her cash? She would say "F*ck You and Have a Sh*tty Day You F*cking Bitch!" She's always throwing her "two cents" in whenever she can, and when she does it, just ignore her. Also, she drives the wretch-wagon to haul her huge bloated carcass home after a hard day of being wretched at work (tormenting her co-workers). Therefore, this makes her the WRETCHED ROTTEN RUCKUS of the month. Need I say more?

She just won this contest for being the most polite and efficient cashier at the store. What irony, the person who told a customer "F*ck You" actually won a prize for politeness and being efficient? What is this world coming too? The amusing thing is, that a memo was posted on the bulletin board, saying that she was the "As du service" (#1, Ace of service), and someone added the letter "s" to the word "As", so now it reads "Ass du service". HAHAHAHA!!! You can clearly see that everyone dislikes her. Whoever wrote in that extra "s" in, way to go! She really thinks she's better than everyone else now. I really hate people like that. So don't be surprised if she's next month's wretch, because she deserves it. Her attitude and sticking her big fat nose where it doesn't belong has caused her demise, and now everyone hates her.

Just recently, she opened her locker, and all these bags of chips fell out. She said that someone played a practical joke on her by filling her locker 3/4 full of chips, but I have a feeling that all those bags of chips were intended to fill her stomach. What a greedy savage! Even more savage-like that the customers!!!

It seems like everytime she works in the daycare center, the children's markers and pencil crayons tend to disappear, I wonder why! Let's hope she stealing them, and not eating them because that would be gross. Another disturbing thought: POOR CHILDREN! I would be traumatized if I was left in her care. One day, she might accidently sit on a kid. Oh Ciboire!!!

Oh yeah, if you see the pants she's wearing, you're gonna be sick and puke. It's soooooooooooooo scary to look at!

Wretch's fave quote: "So, anything good to eat in the overstock?"

Wretch's Picture For The Month Of May (She's One Really Scary-Looking Wretch!)

May's Wretch

"Please Don't Hate Me, I Was Born Wretched"

Wretch's Picture For The Month Of June (She Got Even Uglier)

June's Wretch

"Is It Just Me, Or Did I Get Even More Wretched?"

Wretch's Picture For The Month Of July


"I'm So Darn Wretched, My Picture Is Censored Because It Can Cause Blindness"

Wretch's Picture For The Month of August

August's Wretch

"What Can I Say, Wretched Is My Middle Name"

Wretch's Picture For The Month of Septemnber

September's Wretch

"Oh Ciboire, My Wretchedness Is Everyone's Misery"

Wretch's Picture For The Month of October

October's Wretch

"I'm So Darn Scary-Looking, I Don't Even Have To Dress Up For Halloween"

Wretch's Picture For The Month of November

November's Wretch

"I'm So Terrified To Look At My Face In The Mirror Because The Reflection That Appears Is Frightening"

Audio Clips About The Wretch

Wretch Audio Clip #1 ("You wretched slugs.")

Wretch Audio Clip #2 ("That's not what he said you ignorant wretch.")

If it says that there is a Debug (fname is NULL), try it again, it should work the second time.

Wretch Comments (As Requested By My Fellow Employees)

Duke of Kent

"Eeeewwwwwwwww, Ugghhhhhh!!!!"


"She's such a bitch, I want to spear her in the neck and give here an uppercut."


"A foul-mouthed witch."


"She's a loud-mouthed skank."


"She's rotten to the core."


"... and although they could hear her, not even foreign spies in their countries cared what she had to say. The microphone is a privilege, not a right."


"I hate her guts. She's so ugly."

Sonya Blade

"We should cut off her tongue, and feed it to the customers."


"She thinks she's so important, but she's nothing but a big fat butt."


"You finish the overstock, 'cause I HAVE to count the customers she says... what a bitch!"


"Her mouth is as big as her butt."


"My ears are bleeding from that wretched thing she calls a voice."


"Her motto is: If you drop the overstock on the floor, it's broken, therefore, you can eat it."


"Think positive... hopefully, someday she'll die."


"She's a selfish, rude, loud whale with no consideration for anyone but herself."


"I've never met her before, but if she has her own wretch page, she MUST definitely be a bitch."


"She's so cheap, she buys her children Christmas gifts from the grocery store. I feel sorry for her kids."




"She's the fattest THING on two legs, a significant big ass is something with character."


"Attention, attention! Maxi sale on fresh wretch-cut! We pay YOU to eat it!"


"She's a vulgar, huge, hungry hungry hippo."


"I've never even MET her, but judging by these pictures she's UGLY with a capital "ugh"! Be afraid."


"I lost my zippo. I think the wretch sat on it, and it was lost forever."


"She's so huge. She's bigger than ten elephants put together, and she's still growing... you ain't seen nothing yet."

Big Ben

"You should try building a fence for her neighbour, it's fuckin' hell. Fat whore."


"You would think that she's the grocery store mascot, the way she's eating all the food in the store, trying to promote that the produce on the shelf is yummy and good to eat."

What To Say If You Ever Encounter The Wretch In The Grocery Store

Tell her: "Anwaye Wretch!" (Hurry Up Wretch!)

She'll respond: "C'est qui ca Reg?" (Who's Reg? As in Reggie or Reginald)

Then you tell her: "C'est le gars qui travaille dans l'epicerie." (It's the guy who works as a grocery clerk)

And she'll conclude with a: "Oh, CIBOIRE!" (A swear word)

Miscellaneous Quotes

Comment About The Wretch: "What pet store did she visit to get that haircut?"

Wretched Singing Done By The Ruckus: "Le voici votre change!" (At the tune of La La La La La... LA!)

Comment By Someone Who Has Bleached Hair: "Oh no, now she's gonna be jealous of me because I have more gray hairs than she does!"

WARNING: Try not to be next to her for too long, or you'll be in a pissed off mood for a couple of days (I guarantee).

There's More To Come In The Future...

Mailbox If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to email me at

Kevman: The Future Of Law Enforcement / [email protected]

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