Kevman's Other Webpages

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Irc Friends & Their Cool Homepages

I've been IRCing since December 1995, and I have met so many interesting people on the IRC, so I've decided to make a list of all my IRC friends, each with a little amusing description. Click HERE to see my IRC friends list. I also have links to those who have their own homepages, CHECK THEM OUT!

Wretch of the Month

Every workplace has its bad employees, and my mine has tons! I used to work part-time as a cashier at a supermarket, and I can tell you that there are some people there who were hired just to be hated by the other employees. Click HERE to see my Wretch of the Month page. This page was updated every month. It is a shame that my workplace has so many wretched employees, but that is a problem that most companies/businesses have. If the Wretch didn't exist, then who would we bad-mouth at work? Prepare yourself for the wretchedness.

Tribute to Underrated Actors & Actresses

There are many underrated movie stars out there who have the potential to become well-known stars if they are given the chance to show what they do. The following is a tribute page dedicated to all underrated actors and actresses, which has a brief description of the individual in question, and a list of their previous and upcoming movies. If you want me to add someone to this tribute page, feel free to email me your suggestion. Click HERE to see the Tribute to Underrated Actors and Actresses page.

TV Show and Other Kool Links

TV rules!!! Click HERE to see my list of cool TV show links. You will also find some really neat tennis links for those of you who like to watch or play tennis. There are also some other great links that you may find useful, plus, a list of my favorite movie links.

Joke Factory

Feeling blue? Depressed? In a bad mood? Wanna have a good laugh? Check out these funny jokes that people have sent me via e-mail! Over 200 jokes are posted up on this page, check it out!!! Click HERE to see Kevman's Joke Factory and prepare to laugh yourself silly. HA HA HA HA HA!!!

The Oh Ciboire! Web Ring

My brother gave me this idea. My co-workers and I always use this expression whenever we get the chance. For example, if someone makes a mistake, gets pissed off, becomes tired of work, drops something, discovers some interesting gossip, is surprised of a sudden, etc. The expression we use is "Oh Ciboire!" or "Oh St. Ciboire!" Click HERE to see The Oh Ciboire! Web Ring Page. Basically, it's just a group of people linked to each other's homepages, but it's pretty cool don't ya think?

Anime - Japanese Animation

Japanese animation: the coolest cartoons on the planet. Check out my webpage for some cool links and pictures. Click HERE to see Kevmanimation in action!

Robocop Shrine - Tribute to Robo

My favorite movie of all time is Robocop. I'm probably the biggest Robocop fan in the world! I've dedicated a whole page to pay homage to Old Detroit's most awesome crime fighting cyborg. Click HERE to see Robo's tribute page. Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop. Robocop.

Movie Reviews

This is a new section on my already expanding webpage. Do you like movies? I presume you do, since you are here, how would you like to write reviews of the films you've seen in the theaters recently? Click HERE to read some movie reviews, and to find out how you can have your own movie reviews on the web.

Movie Trailers & Music

Ever wonder about the music playing in that movie trailer? Is it on the soundtrack or is it stolen from other movies? Well, check out my new webpage: Movie Trailers & Music. All the info that you wanted to know about movie trailer music is here. Click HERE to see the top movie trailer lists of 1998, 1999, & 2000, and other movie trailer music info.

Cool Movie Pictures

Movie pics!!! Click HERE to see my collection of cool movie pictures. It may take a couple of minutes to download the page, but it's worth it! Take 'em, you can even use them for your own homepage if you want to.

Eleven Thirty - Ole Ole


If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to email me at

Kevman: The Future Of Law Enforcement / [email protected]

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| Irc Friends & Their Cool Homepages | Wretch of the Month | Tribute to Underrated Actors & Actresses | TV Show and Other Kool Links | Joke Factory | The Oh Ciboire! Web Ring | Anime - Japanese Animation | Robocop Shrine - Tribute to Robo | Movie Trailers and Music | View My Guestbook | Sign My Guestbook | E-Mail Me |

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