Mike Berman's 100 Worst Websites

The sites below are those that I do not like.

To see a list of my top 100 websites, click here.

  1. Download Microsoft Internet Explorer - Bend over and click here to join the crowd. Not me, baby! Never!!
  2. PriceWaterhousecoopers Legal Disclaimer Site - The company I worked for wasn't like this - really
  3. AOL - Click here if you like busy signals, unmitigated crap, relentless solicitations, system crashes, deplorable integrity, and a crappy browser
  4. Bad Music - Worship homepages for some horrible bands
  5. Y2K Information Center - Lots of paranoid drivel, including (of course) a doomsday countdown clock
  6. Alpha Chi Rho - Serving as the evil menace to the Penn State fraternal community for 81 years
  7. The Jon Benet Cybersleuths - This group of housewives has dedicated their lives to finding Jon Benet Ramsey's killer over the internet. And they think the police are "carefully studying" their chat rooms. ok, whatever you say.
  8. Horoscopes - Need I say more?
  9. Someone's Stupid Instant Messenger Conversations - Multiply this by a billion and you have some idea of the crap we'll be sifting through 10 years from now
  10. Atari 2600 Emulator - This might seem like a good idea, but it crashed my computer and I had to re-install Windows.
  11. Acrophonology Emulator - Maybe the worst site of all time
  12. Removed From the List

    The following sites have been removed from my Worst 100 list at the request of their administrators:

    News Haiku - I want to say something cute here, but I just don't get this site - REBUTTAL

    Domain Name Auction - Registers coveted domain names and auction them off - REBUTTAL

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If you find more crappy sites, let me know and I'll add them to the list.

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