Mike & Christy's New House - Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How far are you from Washington, DC?

As the crow flies, about 25 miles.
As the car drives, about 45 minutes.

Q. How far are you from my "hometown"?

Well, find your closest major city:
Boston, MA - 460 miles (8 hours)
Albany, NY - 385 miles (7 hours)
New York, NY - 250 miles (4.5 hours)
Philadelphia, PA - 160 miles (3 hours)
Pittsburgh, PA - 250 miles (4.5 hours)
Cleveland, OH - 370 miles (7 hours)
Washington D.C. - see question #1, you're not paying attention
Richmond, VA - 110 miles (2 hours)
Virginia Beach, VA - 210 miles (3.5 hours)

Q. Why are there 4 bedrooms, and only two of you?

A. Three words - Beanie Baby storage

Q. What is the square footage of the house?

A. Hmm... Something like 1,900 square feet plus the basement.

Q. What interesting things did you learn during the move?

A. That somehow we have 3 full bottles of Jack Daniels.

Q. Why should I come to visit?

A. We have 3 full bottles of Jack Daniels.

Q. So what teams do you root for now?

Football - Eagles
Baseball - Yankees
Basketball - Knicks
Hockey - Flyers and Rangers (is that possible?)
WNBA - commercials

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