A New World Order

This page is going to be a look at the coming New World Order that we hear politicians around the world talk so much about. More and more policies made by our own government are leaning heavily toward a global one world government. It has been a slow process in the works for a very long time. The main road block is America, and the freedoms that we have enjoyed. In order to usher in the "New World Order" the United States must be broken, our freedoms and our liberty must be challenged. With the current events of the past year the elite groups must be thrilled with their progress.

Take out a dollar bill, flip it over... see the symbol on the back; with the pyramid and the five latin words around it? They mean:

Annuit= Announcing
Coeptis= Conception or birth of
Novus= New
Ordo= Order
Seclorum= secular, or with out God


I think this is a pretty bold statement to put on the back of our money! I have maintained that the "answer" to most questions is...MONEY The power brokers who run things around the world behind the scenes have been rushing us to the brink of the "New World Order," I am sure that you have heard the expression...it was made famous by two guys, one of them was Adolph Hitler, the other was our former president, George Bush.

People in general are controlled by two things; money and food. To better understand just how our currency works, do yourself a favor and look into the Federal Reserve System and how it all came about. It is interesting to note that the only two presidents who tried to circumvent this system were assassinated; Lincoln and Kennedy.

At the turn of the century some private groups were born through- out the world. Their goal, to create their "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" at the expense of the freedom and national sovereignty of the Nation State.

Trilateral Commission

Of the three, the TC was the last to be formed, and known as the "child of the Bilderberger." In 1973, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, both already members of the Council on Foreign Relations, created a new coordinating group called the Tri-Lateral Commission. Their purpose was to organize plans between the three elite groups now controlling the U.S., Japan, and Europe to implement the plans for the One World Government.
David Rockefeller, head of the Chase Manhattan Bank and the Rockefeller fortune, is the North American chairman of the TC. Click HERE For more details on the TC

Council on Foreign Relations

Was born on May 30,1919 in Paris,France. They met at the Hotel Majestic during the Paris peace talks to ultimately plan the steps that would lead to the one world government. They gathered groups of business and financial leaders to ADVISE their governments on economic and international policy. They soon infiltrated every branch of government through out the world. The CFR admits that one of its goals is to replace the U.S. CONSTITUTION with a "new model constitution."

Their proposed constitution would allow the president to dismiss Congress at anytime and rule as a dictator by executive order. It has no Bill of Rights, no right for citizens to bear arms, no right to freedom of religion or freedom of assembly. And, as expected to "merge the United States with other nations into a one-world government"


Are the most secretive of the three international groups seeking the one world government. The members themselves call themselves "The Alliance" and they have very strict rules of censorship relating to the discussing of their plans. Could be they are so secretive because from the beginning they were funded by the Central Intelligence Agency. Click HERE for more info on Bilderbergers

See the list of participants at the 2002 annual meeting of the Bilderbergers

America is Paving the Way for the New World Order

Let's look at some startling facts... Most people would never believe that America would give up its National Sovereignty to join the NWO..but since the end of WWII, Congress has passed many laws giving the president awesome powers,(dictatorship!!)

I agree that during nuclear war the president needs to have total control.. However, the "term National Emergency" is not defined in these laws. The president is allowed to "suspend" the Constitution and exercise these powers whenever he, and he alone determines there is a "National Emergency" or increased "International tension!" This is pretty vague.. there are tensions and emergencies everywhere you look...

I don't have to tell you that with anymore terrorist attacks many of these orders would be implemented. There has already been sweeping changes in policy regarding the FBI. The media has made it sound like you are "un-patriotic" if you question these changes. More threats, more changes, less freedoms!

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." -- Julius Caesar

Presidential Executive Orders


  • #10995 Seizure of all print and electronic communications media
  • #10997 Seizure of all electric power and fuels, public and private
  • #10998 Seizure of food supplies and resources, public and private
  • #10999 Seizure of all means of transportation,including control over all highways and waterways
  • #11000 Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities
  • #11001 Seizure of ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE for work forces under federal supervision, also allows the government to SPLIT UP FAMILIES IF THEY BELIEVE IT TO BE NECESSARY!
  • #11003 Seizure of all aircraft and airports
  • #11004 Seizure of all housing and finance authorities; authority to establish FORCED RELOCATION~
  • #11005 Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways, and storage ware-houses, public and private
  • #11051 Authorizes the office of Emergency Planning to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or financial crisis!
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 12919 - Authorizes martial law and the confiscation of resources including transportation, food, water, medical supplies, and other items neccessary to respond to all 'threats against national security."

    But what constitutes a 'threat to national security"? What happens if another September 11th attack takes place? Look at the changes made after this event. The "Patriot Act" which gave sweeping changes to our FBI. It gives them awesome powers to surveil our citizens. It is worded to give them powers to track terrorists, however, there is no line drawn to protect innocent American citizens. Hitler called the Communists "a threat to national security" and seized total power. Would George W. do such a thing, but use the terrorist threat or some part thereof as the excuse? The Executive Orders gives him the legal authority to do so. Such as the military tribunals. Don't get me wrong, I'm on his side, I think he has done a great job handling this tragedy. It's just that with these awesome powers at anyone's disposal anything is possible.

    Tell me how almost every politician we have is sworn in to "uphold the U.S. Constitution" and yet is a member of at least one; if not three organizations designed to build the One-World Government and replace the Constitution? There must be a "conflict of interest!"

    Once again, I know it is hard to believe that in the "land of opportunity that some of these things could happen, but they can..LEGALLY!

    "Operation Dragnet" can be implemented under the McCarren Act - Title II under this legislation the president can legally suspend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and impose martial law! A number of reliable sources have reported that government agencies have accumulated the names of over 1 million American citizens as possible targets for arrest during a future time of "national emergency."Some sources suggest that these lists contain the names of prominent Christians and other patriots who have publicly expressed concerns for the coming New World Order!!

    This CAN and WILL happen!! Be prepared!"Put on the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD"

    Basic Instructions Before Leaving E arth

    The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, The way of salvation, the doom of sinners. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, Its histories are true and its insights unsurpassed. It is the traveler�s map, the pilot�s compass, The builder�s blueprint. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, And guide the feet.

    It is studied by adults, understood by children, But enjoyed by all. It is the power of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, And the glory of Christ. It contains light to direct you, food to sustain you, And peace to comfort you. It is our teacher now, our judge in the future, And will be preserved forever.

    Its value beyond pure gold, its taste above fresh honey, And its advice above mighty kings. Here paradise is restored, heaven is opened, And the gates of Hell disclosed. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, And practice it to be holy. Read it slowly, frequently... and prayerfully!

    The Night Before Jesus Came

    Some interesting links

    The Illuminatti The Mark of The Beast World wide topical Biby Saudi Arabia;friend or foe? Periods of Time in the Bible
    How can this be? The Cutting Edge Mystery Babylon - USA? Why so many churches? What Really Happened
    God vs. Chance Promises of God to man Our Time;The End Time?! Kingdom News What the Bible says about..
    Forbidden Knowledge Russia is Playing Dead Hebraic Heritage Ministries Middle East Peace Process The Search for Peace
    Judicial Watch! WOW! The Grace of God How to Study the Bible Freedom Page 100 fulfilled prophecies
    Messianic Eschatology Prophecy & Current Events A once moral nation The "restraining" force The Great Mystery Revealed
    Voice in the Wilderness Ministries Behind the Scene Rapture of the Church Marriage was God's idea! Rapture of the Church
    A look at Revelation 17 & 18 Proof the Bible is true Daniel's 70 Weeks The Current Nat'l Debt FDR's Day of Infamy
    Contact your Senator Contact your Congressman Bible Answers Ultimate Deception The End is NOT near
    Daily Bible Promises Dead Sea Scrolls Sons of God The Trinity examined The Anti-Christ Exposed!
    Jeremiah Project Hashemite {Antichrist}Kingdom NWO plans for U.S. citizens

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