Main City Page > The Pierre Level > The Time Machine Center

Police Station

Time Machine Center

Noel Memorial Hospital

Capitol Replica Library

Northern Historic District

Southern Historic District


Here is the place in the Interactive Lego City where you can travel through time, a place where so much is unknown. This station sits on a pond on the edge of the Pierre Level.

The three parts include the mini-mountain, the mini-island, and the mini-house. The mini-house is where all the plans and warroom strategies are mounted. The mini-island is where the timetravelers suit up and get ready for the trip while the mini-mountain is where the timetravelers board up in their machine launch and get shot into the fourth dimension.

This is the view leading up to the study capsule. The study capsule goes back in time to verify accounts of certain events in history. Recently, the capsule has finished two-year documentary research of the Civil War, a hotly discussed topic here in the South. Findings will be released in 2050.

This is a view inside the capsule before and after liftoff. Once the capsule lifts off, it flies out immediately and is zapped back in time over the Interstate exit here.

The Big Giant Medieval Head, is a reminder of the really gruesome wars and battles that have taken place in history and a point of inspiration for our future time travelers. This head is symbolic of the center's mission, prevent war from ever happening again.

Yolonda is the woman operating the zapper, the device that zaps the vehicles and capsules away in time. In order to return from the past or the future, you have to come back at nearly the same second as when she zaps the vehicle or capsule. Time has to be paused in order to conduct the mission.

Milton Merciless is the director of the pause room, which is the mission control for all time travel conducted from here. If you are wondering about how he ages, he has Dick Clark's genes, he just does not age. The last two years for him have seemed like 200 years but he enjoys his work commanding the Time Travelers.

John Crazyman, brother of Dr. Crazyman of the Space Center, is the director of the time Machine Center. He watches from his perch on top of the mountain. His chair can go back in time also, this chair is usually used for nature hunting missions such as dinosaur studies and other paleontology studies.

The Time Travel Fleet

The boat surfs the seas of time to locate prehistoric fish, historic sea battles, and travels unharmed through historic hurricanes and typhoons. This boat has also followed Mark Twain extensively.

The car has a flying feature to allow a unique blimp overhead shot of great cities of the past, including Rome, Athens, and Alexandria, allowing for the people of the center to map these places.

The Time Traveling Car allows for the people inside to get out and interact with those of the past and those of the future. This car also carries a "forget-pen" which, when zapped at people's eyes, makes them forget the interaction with our people.

There is much history to be relived and much of the future to discover. Come, and surf to these sites that relate to history and travel in the 4th Dimension.

Ashtar's Page

National Museum of American History

World History Links Page

Main City Page > The Pierre Level > The Time Machine Center

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