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Noel Memorial Hospital

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Hisotric District-South

The LEGO City of Chris Fortier, VA

Welcome to Noel Memorial Hospital, home to one hospital bed and a surgery area, necessities in the Lego City of Chris Fortier. This hospital also has an ambulance with driver to escort the downed citizen to safety. In this city, accidents happen. Sometimes, these accidents can have near-fatal consequences. We here at the hospital try to prevent circumstances from going to fatal. With the medical staff and citizen volunteers helping, any patient can rest assured that he or she will be safe.

Team Rescue

The Noel Memorial Hospital, at the eastern edge of the Pierre Level.

On the ground, the Ambulance speedily takes you to care.

In the air, LEGOgale whisks you to safety from the accident.

Just last July, we added a search and rescue component to our operations. Search and rescue is responsible for any airlift emergencies and major rescues at sea. Our state of the art helicopter, LEGOgale, can carry as many as six injured passengers at once.

To the Rescue!

Paitents are dropped off here right by the Nurse's Desk.

Patients are rushed to the operating room by our highly trained paramedic staff.

Our surgeons are the best in the world at LEGOpeople surgery.

Recover in peace and quiet in our recovery rooms, relatives and friends can visit too.

Nurse Hatteras leads the Nurse's Desk, home of the best nurses around the world. Call upon her or her associates to help take care of your needs while you stay in the hospital.

Here are some links to health care pages:

Get Health Insurance:


Trigon Blue Cross and Blue Shield



For Doctors:

Doctors Online

Doctors.Net.UK - by doctors for doctors

Doctors Without Borders Homepage

For Nurses:

RN Magazine

Nursing Spectrum


WWNURSE.COM - Nursing Magazines/Journals

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