The LEGO City of Chris Fortier Police Department

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Come see the southern half of the Historic District.

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The Southside of the Historic District is cornucopia of different histories. Just outside of the Wild West Fort, there is a Native American village, which portrays life in the 1880's just before the Battle of Little Bighorn. Next door, we travel back in time about 750 years to the Medeval times when the Old Crossing with Traps is visited. This bridge was the nemesis for enemies. Every time they tried to cross it, the bridge would collapse on them. Every time they tried to swim across the river, the bridge would collapse on them, therefore banging their heads and giving them nice little migrane headaches for the next four years. On the other side of the Old Crossing with Traps is the Medevil fortress. In here, there are quarters for knights, a catapult weapon, and some nice looking swords. The fortress does look like a miniature castle. Demonstrations are done daily here, in an effort to educate the people about midevil life. Continuing down the Historic District, the 1700's are featured at the Sabre Island. This trilevel watchout post was quintessential to the success of the first Lego people to come to the New World. Originally built on an island, this fortress was a spy post in the middle of the ocean. When a pirate ship was seen, a message was sent via a bottle and tube system, like the one with the Drive-thru bank teller. Then the commander on the coast would then take proper action. Just recently, explorers from Egypt have joined the South Historic District. Their expertise in a new field of history adds more to the excitement of the South Historic District.

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