Bloodmoon's Herbal

Bloodmoon's Herbal



Adam and Eve Root
To attract or keep love, carry one male and one female root in a yellow or red flannel bag with two lodestones covered with magnetic sand (iron fillings) and attraction powder. A photograph of one�s lover (or hoped to be lover) might also be included. Anoint the bag with Love Me oil, Attraction oil or Come to Me oil, daily, weekly or just once, depending on the spell strength.

(Medicago sativa). Also known as Buffalo Herb, Lucerne, and Purple Medic.
Feminine. Venus. Earth. Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money.
Mix with money-drawing incense and burn to draw money. A tea of Alfalfa and Raspberry leaves restores energy.

(Prunus amygdalus [sweet] or Amygdalus communes [bitter])
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes. Money, Prosperity, Wisdom.
Use the leaves, wood and nuts for prosperity and money spells. Eat the almonds to cure fever, gain wisdom or prevent intoxication.

(Angelica archanegelica) Also known as Archangel and Masterwort.
Masculine. Sun. Fire. Venus. Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions.
Use in protection and exorcism incense. Add to bath to remove hexes. Carry the root in a blue pouch as a protective talisman. Carry root as gambling talisman (Native American tradition). Also used for healing incense, sachets etc. Smoking the leaves causes visions.

Star Anise
(Pimpinella anisum) Also known as Anneys and Aniseed.
Masculine. Jupiter. Air. Protection, Purification, Youth, Psychic Powers, Luck.
Use for protection, meditation and psychic powers incenses. Mix with camphor and burn for clairvoyance. Can be used in purification baths. Wards off evil and averts evil eye. A pillow stuffed with anise seeds will keep away nightmares. A stimulant and diuretic.

(Pyrus malus)
Feminine. Venus. Water. Venus, Dionysus, Olwen, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Zeus, Iduna, Habondia. Love, Healing, Garden Magick, Immortality.
The apple�s most common use is in love spells. The blossoms can be used in sachets, potions, incenses and candles. The apple is one of the foods of the dead, and might be offered to the dead on Samhain. Eating an apple might be part of a ritual to gain immortality. A cut apple can be used for healing by rubbing it on the affected body part. Magickal wands can be made from apple wood, having strong connections with emotions and love. Apples have many more uses and lore surrounding them. Here are some
apple spells.

(Prunus Armeniaca)
Feminine. Venus (planet). Water. Venus (goddess). Love.
Use the juice in love philters, potions and spells. Add leaves and flowers to love sachets. Carry pits to attract love.

Gum Arabic
(Acacia vera) Also known as Arabic, Egyptian Gum, Indian Gum.
Masculine. Sun. Air. Spirituality, Purification.
Used in incense for purification and general positive energy.

(Ferula foetida) Also known as Assyfetida, Devil�s Dung and Food of the Gods.
Masculine. Mars (Saturn). Fire. Exorcism, Purification, Protection, Hexing.
It was called Devil�s Dung because it STINKS. Use a small amount in exorcism and protection incenses. Can also be used for a protection sachet or in a sachet against fever, cold and plague, but you might not want to carry around something that smells like this does. It destroys spirit manifestations if thrown on to a fire or censer during a ritual. Put it in an enemy's car or yard to cause misery and distress.

(Fraxinus excelsior or F. Americana) Also known as Nion.
Masculine. Sun. Fire (water). Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, Woden, Neptune, Mars, Gwydion. Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health, Invincibility.
The ash represented Ygdrasill (the world tree) to the Teutons and was highly revered. A piece of ash wood carved into a solar cross protects from drowning while at sea. Ash sometimes represents the power which resides in water. A staff of ash can ward off evil when hung over doorposts. The leaves can be scattered to protect an area and can be used in protective sachets and spells. Healing wands and brooms are made from the wood. Poppets can be carved from the roots. Ash leaves beneath the pillow induce psychic dreams. The winged seeds of the ash, ash-keys, can be carried to prevent overlooking or ill-wishing. Ash leaves can also be carried for general good fortune. To keep others from making passes at your lover, carry ash leaves and photographs of both of you in a yellow or red flannel bag.

(Populus spp.)
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Eloquence, Anti-theft.
Plant an aspen on your land to protect from thieves. An aspen leaf places under the tongue will make one eloquent.


Balm of Gilead
(Populus candicans or Commiphora opobalsamum) Also known as Balessan, Balsam Tree, Balsumodendrom Gildadensis, Bechan, Mecca Balsam.
Feminine. Venus (Saturn). Water. Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing, Gambling.
The buds can be carried to mend a broken heart or attract a new love. Can be added to love and protection sachets and spells. Can be burned as a material base for spirit manifestations. Add to a mojo bag for good luck while gambling and to protect from the evil eye.

(Hordeum spp.)
Feminine. Venus. Earth. Love, Healing, Protection.
Grain or barley water can be used in love spells and potions. Barley is scattered on the ground to ward off evil.

(Ocimum Basilicum) Also known as Albahaca, American Dittany, Our Herb, St. Joseph�s Wort, Sweet Basil, Witches Herb
Masculine. Mars. Fire. Vishnu, Erzulie. Love, Protection, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying.
Can be used in love incenses, sachets and spells. It can be carried to attract wealth. Use for wealth and prosperity incenses, sachets and spells. If you sprinkle basil over your lover while he or she is asleep, you can be sure of fidelity. It is also used for exorcism incense, and purification baths. Basil is one of the herbs associated with the potion witches would drink to fly. Use basil when cooking for your lover of would-be lover. Put it in your bath to cause a new love in your life or to get rid of an old love. Sprinkle on the floor for protection.

(Lauris noblis) Also known as Bay Laurel, Baie, Bay Tree, Daphne, Greecian Laurel, Laurel, Laurier d�Apollon, Laurier Sauca, Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Roman Laurel, and Sweet Bay.
Masculine. Sun. Fire. Aesculapius, Apollo, Ceres, Faunus, Eros. Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength.
Bay is a wonderful for use in visionary work. It can be used in potions for clairvoyance and wisdom. Bay leaves can be placed under one�s pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Bay is also useful for protection and purification--if can be carried as a ward against evil and scattered or burned for exorcism. Add to cleansing teas and baths. Sprinkle the leaves on the floor and then sweep them out, weekly, for protection. The leaves can be burned or chewed to cause visions. Apollo�s priestesses at Delphi are thought to have induced their prophecy in this manner. The state of consciousness accessed by this is strange--the vision is the only aspect affected. The leaves taste terrible though, so have some water on hand.

(Atropa belladonna) Also known as Banewort, Black Cherry, Deadly Nightshade, Death�s Herb, Devil's Berries, Devil�s Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man�s Cherries, Satan's Cherries, Sorcerer�s Berry, Witch�s Berry.
Feminine. Saturn. Water. Hecate, Bellona, Circe, Hel, Herodias.
A strong hallucinogen when used as an ointment, this herb was one of the common ingredients in the flying ointments. Use caution with this plant. Can be used similarly to datura.

(Styrax benzoin) Also known as Ben, Benjamin, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin, Siamese Benzoin.
Masculine. Sun. Air. Purification, Prosperity.
Use in purification incense or as a base for other incenses. A few drops of simple tincture of benzoin preserves oils and preparations. Burn with cinnamon and copal for better business and protection. Burn to cleanse a home before moving in.

(Betonica officinalis) Also known as Bishopwort, Lousewort and Purple Betony.
Masculine. Jupiter. Fire. Protection, Purification, Love.
Use in purification and protection incenses, sachets and spells. It is especially useful for protection from spirits that wish one harm. Sleep on a pillow stuffed with betony to prevent nightmares.

(Rubus villosis or Rubus fructicosus) Also known as Bly, Bramble, Bramble-Kite, Bumble-Kite, Cloudberry, Dewberry, Goutberry, High Blackberry and Thimbleberry.
Feminine. Venus. Water. Brigit. Healing, Money, Protection, Exorcism.
Crawling under a blackberry bush will cure boils, whooping cough, blackheads and rheumatism. Use the leaves for wealth magick and the berries and vines for protection. To return evil to a person doing you harm, put blackberry leaves and a black image candle or poppet representing that person on a piece of red cloth. Pour black salt on the spell, then wrap it up and tie with black ribbon. Hit it with a hammer three times, calling out the person's name and what you want to return to that person. Every couple of days, repeat this process of hammering and calling. When the spell is done, bury it in a deep hole.

Protection. Carry in a red flannel bag to protect from hexes. Burn as an incense, carry the root, or sew it into your lover's pillow to keep them faithful.

(Borago officinalis) Also known as Bugloss, Burrage, Herb of Gladness.
Masculine. Jupiter. Air. Courage, Psychic Powers, Peace.
Carry the blossoms for courage. Drink borage tea to enhance psychic powers. Sprinkle around the home for peace.

(Pteridium aquilinum)
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Healing, Rain Magick, Prophetic Dreams, Invisibility, Money.
Burn outside to cause rain. Use for protection, healing and fertility magick. The root placed under one�s pillow causes solutions to problems to appear in dreams. When the seeds are gathered at midsummer, they are golden and said to make the possessor invisible and bring gold.

(Cytisus scoparius) Also known as Banal, Basam, Besom, Bisom, Bizzon, Breeam, Broom Tops, Brum, Genista Green Broom, Irish Broom, Irish Tops, Link, Scotch Broom.
Masculine. Mars. Air. Purification, Protection, Wind Magick, Divination.
Use in purification and protection spells and scatter to exorcise. Can be drunk to induce psychic powers (but use caution, as the plant is slightly poisonous). To raise winds, throw broom into the air and to calm winds, burn it and bury the ashes. Sweeping the ground with broom is a good way to banish and cleanse a space for magickal workings. A strong sedative when smoked.


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