My Testimony

The Lord has done amazing things in my life. I was born in 1978. My parents young, unsaved, and unmarried. However, the Lord worked a work of grace in their lives, and they were both saved. In 1980, when I was 2 1/2 they were married. My family has been very close ever since then.

I am not sure of the exact time of my salvation, but I believe it was at a very young age while my family was attending a Baptist church. My Sunday School teacher told us of man's sinfulness and how we were all doomed to hell, but how God's own Son came to earth to die for sinners. I remember listening to her, and being amazed that Christ loved sinners so much that he was even willing to die for them.

When I was about 6 years old, my family began visiting the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids. It was there that, especially through the faithful teaching of my Sunday School teachers, I learned how we are to live our lives as Christians. My parents became members there, and my family continued attending that church for many years until about 4 years ago when we moved to the Reformed Baptist Church of Holland. (A church planting work of the RBC of Grand Rapids)

Since I was saved at a young age, my growth in the Christian life has been gradual. The Lord has used many things in my life to cause me to continue to grow, including the wise teachings of my parents and church, Godly friends, and even the death of a good friend which helped me better understand how short this life really is.

In the past few years, I have come to the understanding and belief of the Doctrines of Grace. I now know that we, as sinners, do not have the ability or desire to choose to follow God on our own. I also understand that because of Adams fall and original sin, all men are born guilty and that when Christ died, he took upon himself all the guilt of His people so that we might be justified in the sight of God. I still have remaining sin in me, but by God's grace I continue to hope toward the day when I will reach Heaven and the remaining effects of my sin will be taken away.

On November 12, 1995 I was baptised, and on January 7, 1996 I was joined to the Reformed Baptist Church of Holland.

The Lord has continued to be with me and help me through all the changes in my life in these past few years. I am now a student at Cornerstone College in Grand Rapids, Michigan where I am studying to become an elementary teacher and pursuing some of my other interests which include writing, computers, and playing the piano.

In December of 1995, I met a very special young man, Jason Austin, whose friendship has been a blessing to me. Recently we have begun to pursue a more serious relationship of courtship. We are now getting to know each other better, getting good counsel, and waiting on the Lord concerning our future together, but I can honestly say, there is nobody I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

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