In a Year as a Day

You may be wondering what I mean by "In a Year as a Day". It took me quite some time to realize what that meant myself. I've seen it in several lunar books, and still didn't get it. Than it Dawned on me... oh! that's what it is!

Ok... let me see if I can help you understand what it means. Let's step back for a moment. Look at a year as a whole, with all its days, all its seasons. Pretend that full year was just a day. One day. The rising of the sun, the high noon, the setting of the sun, the rising of the moon(if you're in Western Washington, than the moons always out, but it circles between directions), the setting of the moon. Pretend that full year, is just a day. That's what I mean by "In a Year as a Day". I sure hope that clears up a bit of confusion.

Well, Below I have two different ways you can travel through the knowledge that I'm handing to you. You can either go through each season by clicking on the next button, or you can just skip hop and jump to whichever season you want.

Have a wonderful time reading this information, it was great fun putting it together... litteraly!

Imbolc Ostara Beltane Litha Laghnassad Mabon Samhain
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