Dr. J. Allen Hynek consultant
to Project Blue Book developed
a system to categorize UFO
sightings. Close Ecounters of the
The Third Kind the occupants
of the UFO are actually
seen. The following are examples
of those encounters:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:
"Blood Red 'Face'"
Bueatiful Beings from Orque
Chef E.T.
The Flatwoods Monster Encounter

Click here for images of
the debris removed from the
Roswell Crash Site.

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Sources: http://ourworld.compuserve.com:80/
Hugh Mulgrew: UFO Research

Roswell: At Last Everyone Can Agree !

The Roswell, New Mexico Close Encounter

By: Heather N. Gibson

Well, at least everyone can agree that something fell from the sky. Everyone can also agree that the debris was recovered. However, conformities end there and the Fascinating Mystery begins. This is where the arguments, accusations, sneering and hot tempers begin. So buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride with a crash landing.

June 24, 1947: Kenneth Arnold, spies nine disc-shaped UFOs flying over Mount Rainier in Washington State. He described what he saw as flying "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water." Arnold arouses the Air Force's curiosity and coins the phrase, "flying disc."

Two weeks later on Tuesday, July 02, 1947 a UFO is spotted on the radar scopes at Roswell, New Mexico It's tremendous speed and erratic motion gather the attention of a Cold War paranoid crowd. For the next two nights the UFO is spotted by various witnesses.

Indpendence Day 1947: Warrant Officer Robert Thomas and team arrive in Washington to coordinate tracking and possible retrieval of the UFO. Mac Brazel and others report hearing a tremendous explosion. William Woody and father see a flaming object fall to earth north of Roswell. Jim Ragsdale and Trudy Truelove observe a bright light crash near their campsite. The UFO Roswell radar scopes had been tracking disappears and R. Thomas readies his team and heads for Roswell and the calculated crash site.

July 5, 1947: (Details really begin to differ here.) Some report that a group of archaeologist report a debris field they assumed to be from some type of aircraft to Sheriff Wilcox. Wilcox mobilizes the local fire department, who arrive on the site shortly after notification. (Other reports make no mention of the of archaeologist or the local fire department.) The fire department is followed by Thomas' team, who then take names and escorts the civilians away from the site. Thomas' team then thoroughly clean the site and transport five bodies away from the site.

Jump forward 50 years later, June 1997. The Air Force release yet another report and conclusion pertaining to the Roswell incident. "The Roswell Report: Case Closed." is an exhaustive 231-page investigation carried out by Capt. James McAndrew (author of the original report). McAndrew concludes the "corpses" witnesses saw being removed from the site were crash test dummies.

The descriptions of the corpses match that of the dummies: Bald, no facial hair of any kind, no ears, bluish skin( I have heard the pigment of their skin described in varying hues) and were between 5'3" and 5'6".

However, the Roswell crash was in 1947, crash test dummies were not used until 1954. There is also the " Alien Autopsy" alleged film of the 1947 Roswell corpses.

Although Kodak confirmed the date, the age was never verified. Special effects experts agree the film would be easy to fake. Photograph evidence is also marred by the joker who faked a photo of the crash complete with bodies.

Back to the chain of events on July 5, 1947. Mac Brazel finds debris consisting of an unknown foil like substance, balsa wood like beams and an unknown sort of "string," like material. Allegedly Brazel's sheep avoid the debris. (I don't know if this atypical behavior for sheep.)

Lydia Sleppy a reporter for KSWS tries to send "unconfirmed" reports of the crash over the teletype. The message is intercepted by the FBI and Sleppy is ordered to cease any transmissions pertaining to the crash.

Melvin Brown one of the guards on the truck transporting the corpses, gives this description: The bodies were small with large heads and their skin was an orange/yellow color.

Glen Dennis is contacted by a Roswell mortuary officer. The officer is curious about treating and preserving bodies that had been exposed to the sun. Dennis is then called in to treat an injured pilot at the base. Dennis sees ambulances and debris. He is threatened and ordered not to report anything. The Air Force deny all of this, except the clean up.

July 6, 1947: Mac Brazel shows the debris from his field to Sheriff Wilcox. Wilcox calls the military and Colonel Will Blanchard commanding officer of the 509th Bomb Group send Jesse A. Marcel out for a closer look.

Marcel accompanied by Captain Sheridan Cavitt spend the night at Brazel's ranch and get a closer look at the debris. The unkown substance would not scratch or burn. When the foil like substance was crumpled it would return to its original shape. When the materials were held in the hand they felt weightless.

July 8, 1947: The story breaks. The Daily Record in Roswell reports that " The Army Air Forces here today announced that a flying disc had been found." The article also says that the debris had been collected by the 509th Bomb Group stationed at Roswell Army Air Force Base and flown to higher headquarters."

Mac Brazel is interrogated by the military over the next few days. Jesse Marcel is ordered to Ft. Worth, Tx. where he is interviewed by General Ramey.

During this time the debris Marcel collected is switched. Marcel retuns to find debris from a weather balloon. He is then ordered to pose for a picture with the balloon debris, recant his findings, and to never tell anyone what he saw.

The Roswell encounter is virtually unheard of over the next 30 years. Project Blue Book doesn't even touch it , because officially the object was "identified" as a weather balloon.

In 1980 Jesse Marcel breaks his silence and insists even to his dying day in 1986 that the debris he discovered was of extraterrestrial origin. His story reopens interest from all parties in the encounter.

In 1994 the Air Force reopened it's investigation and admitted to a coverup. However, it was not a "flying disc" or weather balloon that was found, but a balloon borne listening device called "Project Mogul."

Still dissatisfied the Air Force again reopened it's investigation 50 years after the incident. The 1997 report I covered earlier.

Of course the Roswell encounter is not one-of-a-kind.. James Lumely had his own Close Encounter 80 years before Roswell.

- A luminous body is spotted moving rapidly across the sky.

- The object explodes.

- A path is cut into the earth were the object crashed.

- A disc shape of immense size is found in the side of stone.

- An examination of the wreckage produces varying pieces of debris. Glass, Metal, Wood of extraordinary strength "Two-color markings...like Chineses writing. Nothing you could make sense of." Jesse Marcel.

Mr. Lumely didn't find any bodies. Although the nation was at war, Civil War, it is doubtful there was any missile paranoia or a Lincoln/Johnson UFO coverup.

The truth about Roswell is out there. However, it is so covered up in lies finding it is truly a Fascinating Mystery.

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