Dr. J. Allen Hynek consultant
to Project Blue Book developed
a system to categorize UFO
sightings. Close Ecounters of the
The Third Kind the occupants
of the UFO are actually
seen. The following are examples
of those encounters:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Roswell: At Last Everyone Can Agree

Bueatiful Beings from Orque

Chef E.T.




Sources: Mysteries of the Unexplained p.231

"Blood Red Face"

By: Heather N. Gibson

One of the most horrifying Close Encounters of the third kind happened in 1952 in Flatwoods, West Virginia. A group of kids saw a meteor fall from the sky on the night of September 12, and land on top of a distant hill. the group went to the hill with a neighbor, her two sons and an National Guardsman. When the group topped the hill they saw a globe as large as a house. the globe was making a hissing, throbbing sound. Alarmed one of the group thought he saw an animal up in a tree. But, when he flashed his light at the tree, the whole crowd saw a huge being. The creature stood 10 to 15 feet tall, had a "blood red 'face'" and weird " glowing, greenish-orange 'eyes'." The creature " floated" slowly toward the group, who ran hysterically down the hillside.

A later investigation of the vacant landing site, revealed two parallel skid marks, a large flattened circle of grass, and a strange lingering odor.

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