Dr. J. Allen Hynek consultant
to Project Blue Book developed
a system to categorize UFO
sightings. Close Ecounters of the
The Third Kind the occupants
of the UFO are actually
seen. The following are examples
of those encounters:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:
Bueatiful Beings from Orque
Roswell: At Last Everyone Can Agree !
The Flatwoods Monster Encounter

Fascinating Mysteries Area51 Web Poll
If an Extraterrestrial gave you something to eat, would you?



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Sources: ( The Encyclopedia of UFOS, Ronald D. Story, ed., pp. 107-08: The Humanoids, Charles Bowen, ed., p. 161-63)

Simonton, Eagle River, Wisconsin 4-18-1961
"Chef E.T."

Joe Simonton, a master plumber of Eagle River, Wisconsin, was privledged enough to sample some alien cuisine.He recieved four "pancakes" from the occupants of a UFO that hovered over his yard. Simonton first heard a sound, on April 18,1961.He described the sound as " knobby tires on a wet pavement".He then saw a silvery vessel like " two wash bowls turned face to face" just a few inches off the ground. When he approached, a six-foot-high hatch opened and he saw three "men" inside. They appeared young and about five feet tall with dark hair and hairless dark faces. One of the aliens handed Simonton a silver-colored jug with two handles and indicated with a motion that he wanted water. Simonton filled the jug and handed it back. He then saw a creature "cooking" on some kind of flameless stove. The man was making a stack of small, perforated cookie like objects. Simonton motioned that he wanted one. An occupant picked up four of the "pancakes" and gave them to Simonton. The UFO took off at a 45-degree angle, creating such a great rush of wind that it bowed over the pine trees nearby. Simonton ate one of the cookies. He said later that it "tasted like cardboard." He kept a second one and gave the remaining two to various UFO investigation committees. The group from Northwestern University analyzed one of the cookies and concluded that it contained "flour,sugar,and grease.".

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