Dr. J. Allen Hynek consultant
to Project Blue Book developed
a system to categorize UFO
sightings. Close Ecounters of the
The Third Kind the occupants
of the UFO are actually
seen. The following are examples
of those encounters:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:
Roswell: At Last Everyone Can Agree !
Chef E.T.
The Flatwoods Monster Encounter

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Sources: The Humanoids, Charles Bowen, ed. p. 88-89

Bueatiful Beings from Orque

In Baura, Brazil Jose C. Higgins heard a high pitched whistle. Whe he looked for the source of the sound he saw a large-disk shaped UFO. The object landed and Jose estimated the object to be about 150 feet in diameter. The craft was mettalic with a large rim around it. When it landed it rested on curved legs.

Three beings exited the vessel. Each being was at least seven feet tall. Their outer layer of clothing looked like trasparent plastic bags filled with air. On their backs they wore what apppeared to be "metal boxes." Their underwear reseambled colored paper.There was no distinction between the three occupants. They each had large round eyes and huge, hairless heads and faces. Higgins said they were bueatiful in a none sexual way.

It seemed the beings were trying to tell Higgins where they came from. One took a stick and drew eight holes in the ground reseambling a solar system with seven planets. It then pointed to the outermost planet it said it was home and called it Orque.

Higgins claims they tried to get him in their ship, but he escaped. He hid in the bushes and watched them for about 30 min. He said they were jumping and playing as if experimenting with the different gravitational pull. They then boarded their vessel and left.

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