The Carpathian Germans were a small German people living in the territory of today's Slovakia from the 12th century to 1945, when they suffered genocide. The United Nations in 1948 condemned as genocide any attempt "to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such"in its homeland by murder or deportation, and is currently judging political and military leaders who ordered and supervized such actions in the past round of Balkan wars. Such a destruction was also committed against the Carpathian German people in 1945-1947.

This is the history, and the current doings, of the people I descend from my mother's side. This page is provided as a private volunteer public service. It does not represent the official opinions of the Carpathian German Landsmannschaft, but only my own. Links are provided only for information. Their contents are not the responsability of the webmaster of this page. The crest above is the crest of the Carpathian Germans worldwide. The little crest on the right is the crest of Pressburg, capital of the German areas in the West of Slovakia, the middle crest is that of Kremnitz, capital of the Hauerland, the one on the right of Kesmark, capital of the Zips. The lower half is the crest of Slovakia.

: September 15, 2009
In July 2005, I had a virus attack and my computer crashed. As I was slowly updating the site, my computer crashed again in September 2006. Let's hope this will not happen again soon. The site has not been updated as I wanted. Also, there is a "ghost site" from my old compuserve account, not updated since 2002. I can't access it.

Geocities will close in October 2009. This site will be moved to another (paying, sigh!) yahoo webpage account. If the site is switched off before I can post the new link, check my forum at karpatenancestors, or email me.

For current meetings, see Carpathian German-American events. We will have our annual meeting in Danbury, CT on Saturday, October 17, 2009. Details to follow on the page Carpathian German Events in USA.

Thomas Reimer
Webmeister, Carpathian German Homepage.

Since July 1997, the Webcounter has counted visits (including multiple visits by a visitor) to this page.

Fern im Osten, wo die goldne Sonn aufgeht,
liegt ein Land, versunken in dem Moor des Leides,
Unsre Heimat, wo der Väter Erbe steht,
Unsre Heimat, wo der Ahnen Odem weht,
Und wir haben nun verloren Beides.

(By Emil Klein, 1899 Muehlenbach/Zips, ethnically cleansed 1946, died 1980 Sachsenhausen/Hessen).

Far in the East, where the golden Sun rises,
there is a land, sunken in the swamp of pain,
Our Home, where our fathers' legacy rises,
Our Home, where our Ancestors' breath moves,
And We have lost Both.

This Webpage is under construction.

Violence and ethnic oppression continue throughout the world, with few people in the West doing something against it. Rachel Corrie, b. 1979-d. 2003, a courageous young woman from Olympia, WA, did care about opposing ethnic cleansing. Read about her fate at Rachel Corrie

On November 12, 2000, I added a guestbook as Carpathian German Forum for the exchange of useful news about the history and genealogy of the Carpathian German people. The company ended the free guest book service in Spring 2006 and deleted the guesbook. You can now join our new (Nov. 2004) Karpatenacestors forum at Karpatenancestors. Working languages are English and German.

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