The Carpathian Germans were a small German people living in the territory of today's Slovakia from the 12th century to 1945, when they suffered genocide. This is the history, and the current doings, of the people I come from. This page is provided as a private volunteer public service. It does not represent the official opinions of the Carpathian German Landsmannschaft, but only my own. Links are provided only for information. Their contents are not the responsability of the webmaster of this page.

Dr. Thomas Reimer
: Nov. 8, 2008
This Webpage is under construction.

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Individual Websites. This part is in the planning stages. See also the Booklist.:



Pressburg and Danube:

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Forum for Carpathian German Genealogy:

Slovak Roots
Excellent site to discuss archival matters in general. Less helpful for specifically German research as they use different names for villages, etc.

It is probably best to join both Slovak Roots and Karpatenancestors as they complement each other.

Researchers. This list is not an endorsement, but just for information:

Genealogical Agency by Vladimir Bohinc.

Juraj Cisarik
Genealogical Agency by Juraj Cisarik for Eastern Slovakia. He also speaks Rusyn and Ukrainian, a.e.

This genealogical notes below are only for general information. For more, click the genealogy links to Carpathian German genealogy listed above.

Duncan Gardiner, PhD, who does research in Slovak archives. He also published a very useful book: German Towns in Slovakia and Upper Hungary, 3rd ed. 1993. $17.50 from author, 12961 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH 44107-1533. He may have moved, write a postcard before sending the check.

  • Slovak Genealogical-Heraldic Society at the Matica Slovenska. Founded in 1991, the society also includes non-Slavic people within Slovakia. Concerning Carpathian Germans, it cooperates with Dr. Poess, the director of the Carpathian German Museum in Pressburg (Bratislava). Check their Website

    Other useful books in English are (and there are very few in English)s:

    Genealogical Guide to German Ancestors from East Germany and Eastern Europe, 4th ed. 1994, AGOFF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostdeutscher Familienforscher), Neustadt/Aisch (Germany): Verlag Degener & Co. Their website is below.

    Kendrick, Thomas B., An Impression of Muennichwies. Columbus, IN: Thomas B. Kendrick 1998. A village history of 140 pages, the first to be written in English, to my knowledge. For $20 plus $3.50 mailing from Mr. Kendrick at 2405 Franklin St., Columbus, IN 47201. Mr. Kendrick's grandparents were Carpathian Germans from the Hauerland who immigrated to Pennsylvania well before World War I. He describes very well the history and research issues facing Americans of Carpathian German heritage, with plenty of useful tips for Americans travelling there to search for Carpathian German ancestors.

    Other useful genealogical websites are:

    A very useful site, which, though mostly about ethnic Slovaks from Slovakia, has now a city gazetteer providing the names and locations (map) of formerly German cities as well.
    American LocalHistory Network.
    Cindy's List
    AT & T
    Mitteleuropa A great website created by M. Lindenthal.
    Radixindexa very useful website on auld Hungary genealogy.
    German-Hungarian DictionaryUseful if you know some German, but have no idea what a jobbagy, czipsez or polgar is (a peasant, shoemaker, and burgher, respectively).

    If you are a descendant of Germans from the Northern Carpathians, or have an interest in Carpathian German history, culture, or genealogy, come and join us. Email Dan Behl or me at Thomas Reimer .

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