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It's Time to Free a U.S. Political Prisoner

by Joan P. Gibbs, Esq.
and Florence Moran, Esq.
--Guest Columnists--

SUPPOSEDLY "FAULTY TAIL-LIGHT," a shoot-out with cops and a biased system of criminal justice have combined to keep a man behind bars in the United States for nearly three decades. We write to solicit your support for the freedom of Sundiata Acoli, one of the longest-held U.S. political prisoners.
   On May 2, 1973, Sundiata, along with two other former members of the New York City chapter of the Black Panther Party--Assata Shakur and Zayd Malik Shakur--were stopped in their car on the New Jersey Turnpike for a purportedly "faulty tail-light." A shoot-out ensued during which Zayd and a state trooper, Werner Foster, were killed, and Assata and Sundiata wounded.
   Both Assata and Sundiata were subsequently convicted of the murder of the trooper and related charges, and sentenced to life in prison.
   Twenty-seven years later, Sundiata remains in prison, and if New Jersey and its State Parole Board have their way, will remain there for the remainder of his life. In 1994, Sundiata appeared before the Parole Board and was denied parole and assigned a new parole eligibiity date in 2006. At the time of his appearance, Sundiata had maintained a "charge free" record for eight years
sundiata photo
Sundiata Acoli

and had outstanding educational and work reports. However, the Parole Board, in denying Sundiata's release, ignored all of the evidence supporting his release and instead concluded that a substantial likelihood existed that if released on parole, Sundiata would commit another crime.    What did they base this on? They based it on his former membership in the BPP; his characterization of himself as a "political prisoner," and because his family, friends and supporters had written letters to the parole board demanding his release.
   In other words, Sundiata is being held in prison because of his and his supporters First Amendment-protected beliefs and activities.
   Twenty-seven years is long enough!
   Sundiata has already served more time than the average person convicted of murder. Sundiata is a former member of the Black Panther Party and was convicted of murder of a state trooper, along with another well-known member of the BPP, Assata Shakur. Shakur successfully escaped and was deservedly granted political asylum in Cuba. But these "political reasons" should not mean that Sundiata should spend the remainder of his life in prison. The purpose of prison--except in the instances in which the barbaric punishment of death

is imposed--is supposed to be rehabilitation, not torture and revenge!
    Sundiata unsuccessfully appealed the Parole Board's decision up to the United States Supreme Court and has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the United States District Court for District of New Jersey. In conjunction with the filing of his petition in federal court, Sundiata has also launched a "Call" for his release to Governor Whitman and the Parole Board.
   To succeed, Sundiata needs your support. As Frederick Douglas said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."
   Please add your name to the broad, diverse list of organizations and individuals from throughout the United States as well as around the world who have already endorsed the "CALL TO RELEASE SUNDIATA ACOLI." To date, signers of the "Call" include JoNina Abron, Angela Y. Davis, Joy James, Rod Bush, Bill Sales and Ramona Africa and dozens of individuals and organizations who agree that Sundiata should be released now.
   Twenty-seven years is long enough!

   1. Endorse the "Call for Release of Sundiata Acoli." Contact the Sundiata Acoli Freedom Campaign at the address below for a form to sign, urging that Sundiata be freed.
   2. Publicize, copy, distribute and forward the "Call to Release Sundiata Acoli" to as many people as possible. Urge your family, friends, co-workers, anyone you know to sign the "Call."
   3. Write a letter to the New Jersey State Parole urging that Sundiata be released on parole. The Board's address is P.O. Box 862, Trenton, NJ 08625.
   Publish the "Call for Release of Sundiata Acoli" in your newsletter, newspaper, etc.
   "There is something about Sundiata that exudes calm. From every part of his being, you can sense the presence of revolutionary spirit and fervor. And his love for Black people is so intense that you can almost touch it and hold it in your hands."
--Assata Shakur
Check the site at for more info on this dynamic liberation warrior. You can also write to the SUNDIATA ACOLI FREEDOM CAMPAIGN 655 Fulton Street, Box 123 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 for more information.)

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