<bgsound src="dont-worry-be-happy.mid">

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A Kind Word
Beyond Life's Gate
Bill of Responsibilities
The Butterfly
Children Learn
Do It Anyway
The Gift of Love
Letter to a Graduate
Habits To Live By
Harsh Words
If I Knew
I Shall Pass This Way
An Old lady's Poem
Let It Go
Life Is..
coming soon
Love You Forever
My Wishes For You
Part Of America Died today
Serenity Prayer
Some People
St. Francis
Steps to Peace
Ten Commandments
Value of Time?
Be A Winner
When You Weren't Looking

To �let go� does not mean to stop caring,

it means I can�t do it for someone else.

To �let go� is not to cut myself off;

It�s the realization I can�t control another.

To �let go� is to admit powerlessness,

which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To �let go� is to not enable, but allow

learning from natural consequences.

To �let go� is not to try to change or blame another,

it�s to make the most of myself.

To �let go� is not to judge,

but to allow another to be a human being.

To �let go� is not to be in the

middle arranging all the outcomes,

but to allow others to

affect their own destinies.

To �let go� is not to be protective,

it�s to permit another to face reality.

To �let go� is not to nag, scold, or argue,

but instead to search out my own

shortcomings and correct them.

To �let go� is not to criticize and regulate,

but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To �let go� is not to regret the past,

but to grow and live for the future.

To �let go� is not to deny,

but to accept.

To �let go� is to fear less,

and love more.

Author Unknown
