<bgsound src="VitaminC-Graduation.mid">

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A Letter to A Graduate

A Kind Word
Beyond Life's Gate
Bill of Responsibilities
The Butterfly
Children Learn
Do It Anyway
The Gift of Love
Letter to a Graduate
Harsh Words
If I Knew
I Shall Pass This Way
An Old lady's Poem
Let It Go
Life Is..
coming soon
Love You Forever
My Wishes For You
Part Of America Died today
Serenity Prayer
Some People
St. Francis
Steps to Peace
Ten Commandments
Value of Time?
Be A Winner
When You Weren't Looking

I cannot buy you a set of morals;

I cannot build you a sense of


I cannot manufacture for you a

concern and compassion;

I cannot make yours a compelling,

faithful, loyal spirit;

I cannot give you the ability to love.

I have no fortune to will you

with which to gain popularity,

make you a philanthropist, or

help you leave memorials for

charity. I own no secret formula

for success nor any new

philosophy. I�ve never written

a book of wisdom. I cannot send

you away into the world on your

own, with beautiful pictures

only in your memory, for you

have seen me cry faithless tears

of despair; you have seen me

shake my fist in anger; you have

witnessed ugliness in my time

of weakness.

But these things I cannot give

are all yours in Christ Jesus.

As you accept your diploma,

severing your relations with

school, you step into new

relationships with parents,

friends, and the world.

The apron strings that have

been lengthened as you

matured must soon be cut.

You have proven yourself

trustworthy, mature, and

dependable enough to try

your wings, but I will be

�on call� throughout my life.

You are fully accountable to

God, your heavenly father, who

loves you far more than I,

who has riches in store beyond

your comprehension, but

who expects much, sees, and

knows--also beyond your


I commit you to his care

as the fire of the world tests

the gold of your character.

And I will be in prayer for you.

--A Friend--
