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Movie Reviews
Plot Outline Ringo finds himself the human sacrifice target of a cult and the band must try to protect him from it.
My Review: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!
It is extremely funny....I've watched it about 100 times since I got  it!! It NEVER gets old!!!! I reccomend it for ANY Beatles fan!! It's GREAT!!! Oh! And I LOVE the Night Before!
Rating- ***************!!!!!!!
* Bad
** Not great
*** Okay
*****+ GEAR-FAB!
A Hard Day's Night
Plot Outline: An exaggerated "Day In the Life" of the Beatlemania era Beatles. The foursome travel from train to hotel to television studio with their road crew, while "Grandfather" stirs up trouble, and even temporarily convinces one member to leave his responsibilities behind to go off "paradin'."
My Review: AH! AMAZING! Terribly funny! I loved the Paul's Clean Grandfather scene! <3 Too cute....anyways! I didn't like the DVD with the interviews....but hey! That doesn't effect the movie! Very funny, great songs! Perfect!
Rating- *********!(<---Of Course I say this...I'm a Beatles freak! ^_^)
*Plot Outlines from*
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Book Reviews
The Beatles-Anthology
by the Beatles
My Review-
This book is SO has everything. Just EVERYTHING. It has cool pictures, interviews, fab If you are looking to learn about the Beatles, or just want another book on the Beatles, while enjoying what you're reading, GET THIS BOOK! Thats and ORDER (j/k). So, yea.
rating- *****
The Beatles Love Me Do- A Documentary
This video was...okay. It interviewed Victor Spinetti, a guy who was in all of there movies, and one of John's and their good friends, and Allan Williams, their first manager. But, there are no interviews by real "Beatles", which disapponted me. But it did have SOME gear footage of the boys...which was, um, good.
Rating- ***
I reccomend this to the beginner Beatles Fan.
The Beatles From Liverpool to San Francisco
This was a good video. It didn't have any actual interviews, but TONS of footage...very gear footage. Yea, quite enjoyable.
Rating- ****
I reccomend this for any Beatles fan just because it is fun to watch.
Top 5
In His Own Write
by John Lennon
Book Description [From Amazon]
About The Awful
I was bored on the 9th of Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madolf Heatlump (who only had one). Anyway they didn't get me. I attended to varicous schools in Liddypol. And still didn't pass -- much to my Aunties supplies. As a member of the most publified Beatles my (P, G, and R's) records might seem funnier to some of you than this book, but as far as I'm conceived this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've every ready.

God help and breed you all.
My Review-
LOL! This is an amazingly hilarious book! So so funny...this is a necesity for any Beatles or John Lennon fan...great short stories and poems, and not to mention the drawings! All too funny! Love it love it love it...
rating- *****+
Magical Mystery Tour
Plot Outline- Surreal adventure featuring The Beatles taking a bus ride across country called "The Magical Mystery Tour". Early style music videos of Beatle songs string the film together.
My Review: Great movie. Don't believe the negative comments you may hear about it. It's awesome. Hard to follow, maby but great. It's really funny! I love the for (or five) magicians! lol <3 I love it all.
Paul McCartney: The Space Within US
I just watched this last night: OH MY GOD! It is soooooo amazing! So many good songs, great interviews inbetween...I only wish I was there at the concert! You MUST see this DVD...ANOTHER ORDER! (j/k)
I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! 10 bazillion stars! It makes you feel like you are at one of Paul's concerts and it makes you want to go to one sooooo bad! I love all the little interviews in between and how they show the family going to a Paul concert. His band Brian, Rusty, Abe, and Wix they are great as well! I would definitely get it you will love it!
Ta Megan!)
Concert For Bangla Desh
Again, AMAZING! I loved this concert. Ravi Shankar and all of those other Indian peoples were so awesome! So so awesome...and no doubt great songs, by George, Ringo, Bobby Dylan, Leon Russle, Billy Preston and all of them. And not to mention, it is even better in Cleveland at the Rock Hall on the big screen ;)
Concert For George
Great movie! It shows the concert that a bunch of George's friends run by Eric Clapton put on one year to the day of George's death. :-(  I love all the DHANI interviews the most since he is SOOOOOO CUTE!!! And Paul McCartney and Ringo also do some songs, as well as Jeff Lynn and Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Billy Preston is there as well. It is great it will make you cry especially the end....well I did. Definitely watch it you won't regret it!
Ta Megan!)
First US Visit
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! I think it is sooo funny! And the boys look especially cute! It is great to see a video from their perspective like that. The way Ringo dances is so funny too! And to see all the girls with there mop top wigs, and singing outside the plaza hotel, makes me wish I was alive in the 60's. GO GET IT NOW! YOU WILL WANT TO WATCH IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!
Ta Megan!)
A Spaniard in the Works
My Review-
Another amazing book from John! Just as hilarious as IHOW! A must have for any Beatles fan! :) I really recommend The Fat Budgie poem LOL!! It's a great piece of memorabelia, too!
Skywriting by the Word of Mouth
By John Lennon
(First Sentence...back of book-like)
"I''D always had a fantasy about a woman who would be a beautiful, intelligent, dark-haired, high-cheek-boned, free-spirited artist (a la Juliette Greco)..."
By John Lennon
My Review-
Clever, very clever Johnny boy! I really enjoyed this book! Great...filled with Lennonisms! Great for any Beatles fan or  a John fan. Who knows, you could convert someone to become a fan with this book ;)
My Rating- *****
Yellow Submarinew Submarine
Whaa! I love this movie!! It's so bloody funny!!! Great great great trippy '60s animation...all around perfect! Doesn't make too much sence, but ya know it wasn't supposed to! Tons of Beatles jokes in it which I loved...Perfect!
Fun With the Fab Four
Hah...this was awesome. It has great footage...interviews and goofy Beatle-isms! I loved the little Shakespearian skit! Amazing!
The US vs. John Lennon
THE best documentary I've seen in a long time. This was so amazing. Great footage, and it really showed the true intentions of the American justice system >( evil people...anyways. You will learn to appreciate John like 1,000,000x more! Great music too!
Concert Reviews
Sean Lennon
My Buffalo concert review:
This was the most amazing night of my life! Seriously man! Well, he was headlined by two amazing groups/singers, Kamila Thompson and Women & Children. Both were great, I think you all should listen to em. Well, Sean and Kamila came out for W&C's last song and they all sang together. I swear I had a heart attack seeing him in person! We weren't too close or far from the stage..maybe we'll be closer next time..anyways. He started off with on of my favourite songs, Specticle. Quite honestly, I can't remember the order, but I think he ended with Wait For Me. It was all great. The audiance was really relaxed, and he kind of 'chatted' with us all. Handeled very well. It was really overbooked so security was tight. Gotta say, I loved how he went into the coda explanation...that was great. Especially for a music geek like me! So, there was a Pussycat dolls concert down at Shea's theater that night and a drag queen show downstairs and  Sean was like (not an exact quote) "Thanks so much for coming to my show and not the drag queen concert going on down below us. I heard them in the dressing room, they were all like 'iiieieee!!!'" we all laughed. "And the Pussycat dolls are performing down the street (at Shea's performing arts center) thanks!" Someone shouts out "Your hotter!!" Sean's reply was "I'm hotter than the Pussycat dolls?! Oh my god man thank you!" That was perfect night really! :) Plus, his new song Smoke and Mirrors was AMAGING! Here are some photos:
"It's my policy never to read my reviews"-Jeremy, YS
The Beatles In Cleveland
By- Dave Schwensen
*Reviews used with the permission of Dave, the author and site master*
"The book is a masterpiece at capturing a moment that affected not only tens of thousands of people, but the BEATLES themselves. I was swept back to that night and relived the elation, awe, panic, tension and immediate instinctive reaction that made up the moment for me. I think you've done every Beatle fan in the world a service. With the printed page you have 'framed' a VERY precious memory in a time-proof display that will be cherished for generations to come." - Jack Armstrong, MC of the 1966 Beatle concert at Cleveland Stadium

"The Beatles In Cleveland captures the excitement, hysteria and even the terror of being in the middle of an amped-up mob whose only goal was to get a piece of the Fab Four. Not bogged down with minutia, this entertaining book takes you on a journey that encapsulates the live Beatles experience from all perspectives. A must read for old and new fans alike." - Fred Lindgren, Writer / Producer for The Beatle Years from Westwood One Radio, Los Angeles, CA

"At long last, Dave Schwensen digs up hundreds of facts surrounding the Beatles' wildest concerts in the U.S.! Packed with rare photos, The Beatles In Cleveland, covers the riotous '64 & '66 concerts and comes up with fascinating under-stories... like the radio competition to 'own' the '64 concert and a Cleveland photographer's knowledge in '66 - before Brian Epstein's - that The Fab Four were retiring from the road. The Beatles In Cleveland also features observations from dozens of people who were there, including artists who were among the Beatles' opening acts. It's a fascinating look at two wild rides through the city where rock was born from an author, who, as a young'n, got to witness the frenzy!" - Archer, Host of Breakfast With The Beatles on KQMT / Denver-Boulder, Colorado

"As John Lennon once said, "You had to be there." Well, Dave has created the nearest thing to actually witnessing the Cleveland concerts and it's a worthwhile contribution to the growing canon of works about the greatest rock group of them all." - Bill Harry, Founder of Mersey Beat

read more here:

The Four Complete Historic Ed Sullivan Shows Featuring The Beatles
I just got this movie in the mail for my birthday a little while ago, and it's amazing! As far as I know, it's the only movie to show the four complete Ed Sullivan shows that The Beatles appeared on, three of them in early 1964 and one in late 1965. Not only does it show The Beatles, but it shows the entire Ed Sullivan Show exactly how it was shown over 40 years ago to tv audiences! So, it shows most importantly, The Beatles, but it also shows other guests who were on the show and commercials from the '60s. It shows just how much tv has changed since then, the commercials and performances are very different from anything today. Any parents who were kids in the '60s will probably find this really interesting too, since it shows them exactly what they saw on tv so long ago. The other guests on the show have some boring and weird acts, but The Beatles are just wonderful as usual! So, if you want to have a nostalgic feeling of being back in the '60s and experiencing how the Ed Sullivan show was, buy this DVD! It's available on amazon.  (ta julia)
The Beatles Anthology
This is the best movie to get if you want to learn a ton about the Fab Four! It's an entire boxed set with 4 DVDs, each DVD with 2 episodes. Each episode lasts between an hour and an hour 1/2. There's a 5th DVD, which is a special features disc. A great thing about this movie is that it shows personal interviews, done just for the movie, of Paul, George, and Ringo who tell the story in their own eyes rather than having some unknown person telling it. It also has quotes from John, since he wasn't around to be interviewed for the movie :(  It also has George Martin and other people associated with The Beatles do interviews. The movie starts from the days they were all born all the way to the end where the band breaks up. It shows tons of footage, including parts from the films they were in as Beatles, concerts, just every bit of the entire story in chronological order. It's very detailed (but not boring!), and a must-have for new fans, but you'll want to watch it again and again if you've been a fan for a long time, too! If your a Beatles fan, this is the movie set for you! It's more expensive than other Beatle movies, but it's DEFINITLY worth it. Buy it! (ta Julia)

(my review)
THIS---IS---AMAZING! You as Beatle fans MUST buy this! You get to learn so much about them...and see so many music videos that you've never seen before...just perfect! AND Unlike other documentary-style films, they are ACTUALLY INTERVIEWING BEATLES/PEOPLE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM!!!! YEAH! There is so much footage. AND If you have a non-Beatle friend, this is sure to convert them! 11 straight hours of BEATLES! What could be better?! It is a little expensice, but it is worth it! A MUCH HAVE!
                                       Hard Day's Night (a Beatles Tribute Band)
Last night, July 21st, 2007, was just soooo amazing! My mom won concert tickets to go to The House of Blues down in Cleveland to see the Beatles tribute band called Hard Day's Night. It was a special event, because it celebrated the 85th anniversary of the WHK radio station. They gave us a shirt with The Beatles on it and a replica ticket of the 1964 Beatles concert in Cleveland. So, me and my mom and dad got there, and stood on the floor near the stage with my friend and her parents. I was so anxious for the show to start, and I was a lot closer than I ever imagined I would be. When the show finally started, I was standing in the front row right in front of the stage, the guy who played John was probably no more than like six feet in front of me! They all came out, in black suits with the Beatle mop-tops of course! They picked up their instruments, which were exactly like the Fab Four's! Their faces didn't look exactly like The Beatles, but when they played, they did a wonderful job! They even stood, talked, and did all the gestures the way The Beatles do, especially the one who played Paul. He was probably the best impersonator, he played his bass, tapped his feet, stood, smiled, laughed, and talked the way Paul does. When Paul talks onstage, he talks real clipped from all that energy, and the Paul guy was doing the exact same thing. They were just so great, but I guess someone said that the one who played George wasn't feeling well, so he was kind of out of it. But, he still played that guitar wonderful. And "Ringo" was a fantastic drummer, and "John" played great harmonica, and his and "Paul's" voices went together in great harmony. They started out with Twist And Shout, and played a lot of the early songs. After about and hour or so, they took a break and came back out in the Shea Stadium outfits, and played songs from around that time. But they also played stuff off of Revolver and some later stuff like Let It Be, and "Ringo" sang Yellow Submarine! They were just wonderful, I sang along to every song! I didn't want it to end! They talked to the audience a lot, too. It almost felt like it was really The Beatles, I tried to imagine that it was! But, when the show was over, they all came out to this table signing autographs on $1 pictures you could buy. So, I of course bought one, and they all signed it and they were all very nice. They signed their names like John, Paul, George, and Ringo, instead of their actual names, and I stood with the Paul one, and my dad took a picture of me and him with his arm around me! It was just so awesome, if you have a chance to go see this band, go! They might come out and do autographs and pictures, they're very nice and personable. I'm definitly gonna go back and see them again this year. Keep checking back here, I'll eventually send in pics! Go to if you're interested in the band! (ta Julia!!)
                                                             Across the Universe

To be honest, the first time I watched this I was rather disappointed. I thought it would be a little the Beatles. But...then...a few months later...I had the sudden urge to endulge in its...weirdness. I guess it's just portraying the era...not just the lives of The Beatles in particular. I was mistaken. My bad. But...most of the music was great. Jim Sturgess has a real nice voice. I wasn't a fan of their verison of Helter Skelter...or just the chick who played Sadie in general. Ugh. Favourite songs are probably...I've Just Seen A Face, Strawberry Fields Forever, All My Loving, Hold Me Tight, Dear Prudence, I Want You (She's So Heavy), and I Want To Hold Your Hand. Haha...a lot. I know. Over was good. I know a lot of people like...and say that they like The Beatles because they liked the movie. Losers. They're Beatlegeek wanna-bes. Just be proud to say people...that we loved the Beatles WAYYY before Across The Universe! TRUE BEATLEGEEKS UNITE!! BWAHAHAHA!!! *sorry...the sitemistress was having a moment*

Rating: ****
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