The Lords of Change

Army Information:

     Description: Pure Chaos unifies the tainted with the taint itself. The Lords of Change come from both daemons and followers of Chaos. The army originally started with a single unit of nine Thousand Sons. That original aspiring sorcerror now leads the attack on this planet.
     The Lords of Change consists of units from all the Chaos Gods. The commander of the army follows the Changer of Ways, Tzeentch. Other than the favor of the Chaos Gods, the army's most powerful weapons are its Nurgle Plague Towers. Closely following are the numerable Soul Grinders. The wise marines will run for cover from the strength of the army's shells. Swarm armies will hide off the field of battle to avoid Chaos' corrupting flames.
     The forces used by this army are as diverse as the Chaos Gods. Some battles may use all four great daemonic forces. Other may use only Thousand Sons and Obliterators. And when called for the followers of the Chaos Gods may follow thier masters to the field of battle in absurd numbers, swarming the forces of order with the flesh of Chaos. As the Lords of Change unravel their plan their enemies see the writing all around them: death.
Commander Points: 26 4th
Army Points Limit: 3,640 1st

Primary Codex:

     Chaos Marines

Secondary Codices:

     Chaos Daemons

War Hero Information:

     The Lords of Change's war heroes are as follows. For more information about a specific war hero please visit their war hero page.
War Hero Model Total Points
Ruin Chosen Aspiring Champion 40
Jax Mutant 30
Acid Maw Horrors of Tzeentch 35
General Points NA 4

Medals and Honors:





     "The Lords of the Black Crusade, the Tetragon of Darkness, Nurgle Plague Towers, Hosts of the Daemon Forge, Doom Blasters of Khorne, the Lost and the Damned, these are my chess pieces. Come to the battlefield, and accept your fate."
     "Bring me flesh and bone!"

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