Blood Angels

Army Information:

     Description: (Temporary description) Blood Angels are one of the most feared Space Marine chapters. They utilize speed, rage, and lots of assualt cannons. And what is more frightning than having to take an objective from a unit in power armor: having to take an objective from a unit in power armor with feel no pain and assault cannons sitting behind them.
     (no additional information currently available)
Commander Points: 20 3rd
Army Points Limit: 3,298 4th

Primary Codex:

     Blood Angels (Space Marines)

Secondary Codices:


War Hero Information:

     The Blood Angels' war heroes are as follows. For more information about a specific war hero please visit their war hero page.
War Hero Model Total Points
not named Dante 14+?
not named Devastator 7+?
not named Lascannon 4+?
General Points NA 11

Medals and Honors:






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