This Walkthrough was not made bye me I got it from this site.

Complete Walkthrough by Pandora

Disc One: After waking up in the Balamb Garden infirmary with your new scar, Dr. Kadowaki will call Squall's instructor, Quistis Trepe, to come get him. He will follow her, and after some dialogue, she will ask him to go with her to the FIRE CAVERN, as a prerequisite he must pass to take the SeeD exam. First, return to Squall's desk and use the study panel computer to learn a few things about battles and junctioning. (For more help on junctioning, see Junctioning on the main page.) Using the computer will get Squall's first two Guardian Forces, Shiva (Ice Elemental) and Quezacotl (Thunder Elemental). Now leave the classroom and explore the Garden, since Quistis said she would wait for you at the front gate, you don't have to worry about time. Squall will run right into a running girl and she will ask if he will show her around, so go ahead. Don�t forget to get the starter pack of seven cards from the guy in the second floor walkway next to the elevator. You can meet with that bastard Seifer and his lackeys in the cafeteria, and pick up the rare Occult Fan magazine from the second bookcase in the library. Once you're good and ready, meet Quistis at the front gate, but be sure once she has prepped you on Junctioning abilities and such, junction yourself up and go back to the Draw point you passed a screen back.

With Quistis, head to the FIRE CAVERN, which is northeast of Balamb Garden. However, before you go you may want to go to the beach that is just south of the Garden, where you can fight Fastitocalons from which you can draw Blizzard spells. These will come in handy once you reach the Fire Cavern, where many enemies have weakness against Ice magic. Stock as many as you can. Although Fastitocalons aren't the toughest creatures in this area, each battle gives you 6 AP, instead of just one. Have Quezacotl learn the ability T-Mag-RF, which allows you to refine five blizzard spells into one Blizzara, which is, if you played Final Fantasy 7, equivalent to Ice 2. Once you have more spells, this ability will allow you to refine stronger spells from them. If you teach Shiva her I-Mag-RF ability which allows you to refine water magic from Fish Fins. These are also obtained by fighting Fastitocalons. These preparations are slightly time consuming, but it is worth it since it makes your objective in the Cavern completed much more easily. Once you feel prepared, head east to the Fire Cavern, set in a small hill behind the forest. Once you reach it, Quistis will give you some instructions on junctioning and how to work Squall's gunblade, you can skip this if you want.

Go to the Garden staff members in front of the Cavern, and select a time limit for your test. (Twenty or thirty minutes should be plenty, if you prepared at the beach, you can try ten minutes, but don't blame me if you run out of time. The clock will start ticking, and you'll head inside. You shouldn't have to use magic on most enemies, just busting them good with your gunblade should work fine for most of them, except bombs which take too long to kill with just whoopass, so cast blizzard, blizzara, or Shiva if you're just lazy. Don't waste time drawing magic, there should be enough time for that on your way out. Just stay on the main path. There is a draw point off to the right side of the path which holds fire, just don't use it in the cavern, the enemies will either absorb the fire or it will do no damage. Get to the end of the path where you will encounter Ifrit, the fire elemental guardian force. BOSS TIPS: Ifrit is weak against ice, so pound on him with blizzard and blizzara, and repeatedly summon Shiva. Since Shiva's hit points become your hit points until she is summoned (it is this way for all GFs), she can be K.O.ed and you won't be able to summon her. Don't hesitate to use Quezacotl, who doesn't do as much damage, but it is still better than using the gunblade, which hardly does anything. Once you bash him in and take his stuff, go back out.

Go home to your dorm and change into your military outfit, then meet Quistis and Zell Dincht in the lobby. Seifer will be named squad leader, and with your party go the parking lot. You'll drive to the town of Balamb, and from there, go into the submarine, where Xu will give you the basics. After the FMV, you'll start your mission. Go to the central square, and attack the hiding enemies. Talk to Seifer while your party is waiting, then go up the mountain. Seifer leaves the party and Selphie, the girl you showed around in the garden, joins. Atop the COMMUNICATION TOWER, you will fight Biggs and Wedge (names sound familiar Final Fantasy fans?), a quick GF summon should eliminate them , for now. BOSS TIPS: Elvoret holds a new GF which you must draw out, Siren. Also, stock some of his double spells before you kill him, they REALLY come in handy. Some double spells and some GFs should kick his kester pretty quick. You will receive the March issue of Weapons Monthly when you defeat him. You will need these periodically to see what you will need to upgrade your weapons at Junk Shops. You will have 30 minutes to get back to the ship, but that there is a droid following you. You can't defeat him, he will just waste you. Don't even try, just run away like the wussy SeeD recruit you are. Weaken him with Thunder attacks and when he falls, RUN AWAY QUICKLY!!! Make it back to the beach ASAP and Quistis will save your sorry butts.

Back in the town of Balamb, Seifer and his lackeys will steal the car, so explore, play cards and then head back to Balamb Garden. Meet Cid, Quistis and Xu in the lobby and then right to talk to that bastard Seifer. There will be an announcement and then you'll go to the 2nd floor hallway. Talk to Zell and kick back until the ceremony. Cid pronounces you SeeDs and such. Talk to him again to receive the BATTLE METER. From this point forward you can select TEST and Review on your Tutorial. Test to raise your SeeD rank and with it, your salary. Your rank can only go as high as your current battle level, so don't fall behind. For test answers, see SeeD Testing on the main page. That evening, change into your ceremonial uniform (after examining the bed) and talk to Selphie who will direct you to the dance. After the famous dance FMV, that just might leave you in a puddle of pee, Quistis meets you on the balcony and tells you to meet her at the training center. Go back to your dorm and then go meet her.

By this time it becomes obvious that Quistis wants to get into Squall's pants. You will go inside the center and head for the very back room, near that save point. After you're all done, go back to the entrance, and you will see the girl that was looking in on Squall in the infirmary, and she is being attacked by a monster. Forget that T-Rexaur Quistis told you about, you won't fight those until later in the game. The monster isn't hard, just draw the protect and shell spells from him and unleash the GFs. Once you've kicked a sufficient amount of ass, go home and sleep, the next morning on your bedside table will be the April issue on Weapons Monthly. Head for the main gate. Now talk to Cid about your mission, if you talk to him again he will give you the Magical Lamp, which, when you open it, brings you to battle your scariest GF, Diablos. He is about as hard as he looks, as it says, save your game before you try it, it will take a few shots unless you are well prepared. Just draw and cast his demi spells on him to do massive damage. You should cast regen and either reflect or protect on your party. His Gravija attack is based on hit points, so it can't kill you, but watch out, you can't shield it with any spells. He is the Gravity GF, and his attacks are all based on the enemy's hit points, so use him on strong enemies. His abilities include Enc-Half and Enc-None, which will lessen your encounters with monsters while walking to a destination to either half or none. His other worth mentioning abilities are Darkside, a command which lets you sacrifice a tenth a someone's max HP to so a triple strength blow, sometimes it is worth it, and Mug, which is sometimes the only way to get objects from enemies that you need to remodel your weapons. ANYWAY, you don't have to do that right when you get it, so, when you feel you are ready, he is very useful.

If you go to the library with Zell in your party, there is a girl with ponytails in front of the bookcase who has a crush on Zell, you can visit her throughout the game. Go to the train station, buy a ticket and head for Timber. When the train is moving, go into your cabin and talk with Zell. You can find the magazine Pet Pals Vol. 1, onboard. Inside the cabin when everyone is sleeping, Squall will freak out and clutch his head in a Cloud meets Sephiroth FF7 sort of way, except then he falls unconscious on the floor. You suddenly will find yourself controlling a stranger.

The three strangers are Laguna, Ward and Kiros. They are Galbadian soldiers, and they have the same magic, Junctions and statistics as your current party members. Head through the burning fields and get on the truck. When you reach Deling City, head right to the Galbadia Hotel, go downstairs, take a load off and watch the pianist, Julia. After a lot of interesting dialogue, head for her room, the guy at the desk knows you are expected, and then Laguna is called away on new orders...suddenly Squall wakes up and realized he was having a dream he "was a moron". You're at Timber station, after the dialogue, go outside to the man at the station. He will ask you a question, to which you were told by the staff at Balamb to answer "But the owls are still around". Head south and board the other train (It is yellow and blue.) Win the Angelo card from Watts, then head to the back room to wake up the "princess". Surprise!! It's the girl who forced you to dance with her and left you standing spellbound on the dance floor. Her name is Rinoa, and you will like her better later. Head back to the front room. There is a save point in the room off of the train hall with the guys in it. There will be a briefing of the plan to kidnap the Galbadian president Vinzer Deling. Don't worry if this plan looks a bit too complex, even for SeeDs, because the game will go most of the work for you. You will have to enter codes to detach the cars and this is Squall's job. Rinoa will tell you the codes after you enter each one and return up to her. Don't worry too much if you screw up the temperature and sound guard thing, because if you answer "Ahhh, nothing" when Rinoa asks what is wrong, you will just start over with more time on your clock, but you will lose one SeeD rank. Just don't screw up every time, you have to do it right to detach the cars. There are three codes the first time, five the second. The game will tell you which buttons to use to look right and left and to jump up when the guards approach. If you do it on the first try you will go up one SeeD rank. When you are back inside, talk to Rinoa to see the president in his car. Yep, the president is fake. He'll attack you, and it is pretty obvious there is something up with this freak. He will attack you and once you think you've got him, he will turn into his true form. BOSS TIPS: Gerogero is this freaky deformed zombie, he will attack with that big freaky arm. He is weak against fire and holy, cure spells and potions also do damage since he is undead. Use a phoenix down for a instant victory. After the battle, form a new party and talk to Watts to get a move on.

You are now in Timber. Go to the pet shop and get Pet Pals Vol. 3 and 4. Fight the guards near the hotel and go to the Timber maniacs building examine the stacks of magazines to find one you will take. Talk to everyone, leave, go right one screen and down the stairs to the pub. Tell the drunk dude "about the cards" to make him move and to gain a card. Leave through the back, go up to the top of the station and watch the fun. Go to the house adjacent to Timber Maniacs and talk to Quistis twice, and everyone else, and form a new party. Board the train and talk to everyone, Zell last. Get off at the first stop, East Academy Station and head into the forest (west) toward Galbadia Garden.

Once again, you have become Laguna, that moron. Follow the path, fight soldiers, when you get to the fork in the road head down the middle path's ladder, you will come to three hatches, examine the upper right corner of the middle hatch and "tamper with it". Badda bing! Follow the path, first east, and then north. You will come to a torpedo and a big rock. Check out the torpedo and choose the first option, which will blow up and send the big rock down to block the path. Head north up the stairs and until you reach a save point. Go through the pipe and fight the many soldiers and you will all dive off a huge cliff.

When you all wake up, leave the forest and head northwest to Galbadia Garden. Go to the central hall (there is a draw point under the yellow light which has Haste) Go upstairs and go into the door on the south side of the corridor. Talk to Zell, Quistis, Rinoa and Selphie--in that order. Squall will flip out and exit all pissed off at life. Go back to the front entrance, and talk to Rinoa. Martine will come and introduce your sharpshooter for the assassination of the sorceress, Mr. Irvine Kinneas. Also known as, that horny bastard.

He will leave, harem in tow, and you go back to the train station to head for Deling City. Talk to Selphie onboard in her usual spot. Head up the escalator once you reach Deling city, and when Bus 8 gets there, talk to the conductor to get on. Get off at Caraway's mansion. Talk to the guard on the right side of the street, he will send you on a quest to test your abilities. You will receive a map of the TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN KING. You should buy the location indicator, which is a 5000G device that puts an X on your map where you are. High technology. Don't bother buying a clue, the only important one is that there is a GF in the tomb, and you should buy the location indicator if you are going after it along with the object belonging to the missing student. (If you don't want the Brothers GF, the object is just inside the door of the tomb so don't waste your money.) In the tomb, which is the little cave up the peninsula from the city, get the ID number, which changes from game to game, mine was 029, but yours should be different. Go into the tomb and head for the easternmost room, where you will fight Sacred. When you whoop him, he will run away and you will have to hit the northernmost room to open the floodgate and get a draw point. Then go to the westernmost room for another draw point and to open the waterwheel switch. Now, go outside and save before re-entering and head for the center of the tomb. Here you will fight Sacred again, and his itty bitty brother Minotaur. They are the Earth GFs, and because of this, they are weak against wind. Use Siren or Silence to stop them from casting regen on themselves, and then just do the same old powerful GFs and spells. Draw double to make your magic more devastating, draw life to bring back the KO�ed to save your phoenix downs. Keep your HP high, they can hit you pretty hard if you�re down. Once you get them to join, leave the tomb and head back to DELING CITY..

Give the student ID number from the sword inside the tomb to the soldier. Be aware of the entry system. If you get it wrong he�ll say again, "You shouldn�t just guess", then you can just re enter it the right way. Once you get inside, talk to Rinoa and meet General Caraway. Follow him through the streets of the city and he will explain the plan, and you will all return to the mansion. When you gain control of Quistis, try to exit and Rinoa will enter. Quistis will become a jealous harpy and snap at Rinoa, then leave. When you are controlling Squall and Irvine, follow the General. Back, controlling Quistis, you will feel bad about being so cruel and return to the mansion to apologize to Rinoa. However, the General will lock the door to trap Rinoa, and instead, trap the second lever pulling party. As Rinoa, guide her up the boxes using the examine button to climb. On the roof, a sequence will begin. As Quistis, escape the room by taking a wineglass and placing it in the hands of the statue, as in the "fishy" painting on the wall. Head in that secret passage to the city sewers. Jump on the waterwheel and head north. The parade begins and you once again are controlling Squall and Irvine. Follow the same path Rinoa took up there, and reach the scary lion lizard beasts, the Iguions. Be sure to draw Carbuncle, that little green GF, and They are weak against Earth and strong against fire. Draw Esuna and stock it if you can, cast it on a member if they get petrified. Once the pair is no more, there will be an interesting dialogue between Rinoa and Squall. Go back one screen and go in the hatch, check out the sniper rifle and once again you become Quistis. Don�t get lost in the sewer, you can go in circles for an hour before returning to the spot you started. You can jump on waterwheels and open gates, be sure to draw life from your battles with the very scary Creeps. Continue north until you reach a crossroad and head west. Continue west until you reach a corner junction and go north until you reach another crossroad. Head east, and crossing four waterwheels and then south until you reach the screen you enter the sewer on. Head east until you see the Weapons Monthly on the floor, you can get it by returning here on a later disc, if you really want it. For now, go north, and find the save point and the ladder. Climb the ladder to the top floor, examine the window and then, flip the switch.

Your party for the final battle in Disc one is Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine. This is the party I recommend you work on, as they are the best for the final battle of the game. Equip them properly, when you have the chance, and after all the mess with the failed assassination and Squall stealing the car and crashing it and such, Squall will find himself fighting our favorite guy Seifer. Keep your HP up and everything should be fine. Then you all fight Edea. BOSS TIPS: She uses mostly Thundaga and other high spells, but she isn�t too fast. Cast double and shell, which Edea may dispel, so watch out. Summon powerful GFs, use your highest spells and of course, heal! Heal! Heal! For an easy win, have someone cast Carbuncle every turn, Edea will devote her energy into dispelling your reflect. In fact, she won�t even attack she will be so busy. Beat on her a little and then comes the FMV, she whips out the ice strike, wounding Squall pretty bad, and thus ending the first disc.

Disc Two:

Oh great, you don�t get to see what happens to Squall, you begin disc two with Laguna. He�s living in a small town called Winhill. Talk to little Ellone, aka Elle, and head to the pub next door and talk to Kiros. Exit the pub and head south, fighting pesky critters as you go. Go right when you reach the flower shop and the draw point, and head down that slope (south). After the little sequence at the southernmost tip of Winhill, head north again to the pub and talk to Raine. Go back to Laguna�s room where you woke up and examine his bed.

Ahh, back with the gang. Yep, what else would you expect but to be in jail after an assassination attempt of Galbadia�s leader? Controlling Zell, talk to everyone, and Rinoa last. The game will alternate between Squall in his private cell and the others in their cell. All except Irvine, where did he go? After awhile, Zell and Quistis will organize a jailbreak, don�t let that irritating action tribal drum beat get to you, you�ve got awhile to go to get the hell out of here. Lead them up the stairs to the eighth floor and get back your weapons. You will fight Biggs and Wedge, be sure to draw some new spells from them before bashing them in. If you want Combat King 001 for Zell, it is on the first floor. Go to the thirteenth floor. If you beat the guy on the tenth floor at cards, he will upgrade your battle meter. On the top floor, open the door on the right to rescue Squall. Poor guy. Take Squall, Quistis, and Selphie to the bottom floor, ( I know, I know, long and annoying gameplay here) have them open the door at the end of the hallway. Lead Zell downstairs until the reunion and then leave Squall and Rinoa�s party up to the thirteenth floor again. Lead Irvine�s party to the third floor. There is a save point on the sixth floor, cause you DO NOT want to do this over again. When you regain control of Squall, go talk to the Moombas and then leave by the stairs on the south. Keep on going until you reach the corridor walkway thing, and fight the boss. It�s some robots, so use lightening based attacks of course. When you�re done, return and cross the corridor. Move Squall toward the green thing. A dialogue sequence begins and Selphie will reveal her plan. Form Squall�s party and then get on the train. Drive Selphie's party to the Galbadian missile base in the southwest of the continent of Galbadia. As Selphie, enter the western bunker, examine the blue light on the west wall, and then continue through the left door. Go past the guard at the security door and keep going east until you get off the staircase. Head south, talk to the soldiers, and then return north and take the elevator. Talk to the soldiers at the missile loading place and return downstairs, head south and talk to the two soldiers at the overhang again. Take the stairs, head west, and take the security door. Talk to the guard and enter the room. Selphie will just mash the keys on the keyboard as a little instructions box pops up declaring PRESS B1 REPEATEDLY!!! Unless you're playing on a playstation, in which case it would probably say X or O or something. Leave, and then when you are asked questions, keep up your disguise by replying "Talk my way out", "we just got here," and "must be your imagination." Go back to the elevator and choose "play it cool", and then "help out". Move those missiles, then go down and examine the computer beside the elevator and choose "Target," "Set Error Ratio" and then set it to maximum, and then "Data upload." Leave and continue eastward, kill the guards, and examine all the computers, and then head north and examine the computer to begin the self-destruct countdown for the missile base. 20 minutes should be plenty, go back to the exit and fight the boss. BOSS TIPS: Use Quezacotl, and other powerful GFs, physical attacks of you have been keeping up with weapon remodeling, and cast haste. Why doesn't he just run your sorry asses over? It's more fun this way! Keep your HP up, after the countdown, a laser beam will take nearly1000 HP off a single character. When you win you will get the June issue of Weapons Monthly, so catch up on those weapon upgrades (see Weapon Remodeling section). Now�run around in circles, there isn�t anything else to do. Just wait for the game to change your party to Squall's.

As Squall, head to BALAMB GARDEN. Go clockwise around the first floor area, exploring and fighting enemies. Talk to people after you save them to get some items. Remember, there is a save point in Squall's dorm room. Find Xu in the lobby and then follow her to the second floor, Talk to her, and then go up to the third floor and talk to Cid three times. Go back to the elevator, and it will jam. Examine the controls and go through the hatch in the floor, and then hurry down the ladder before the elevator restarts. Open the hatch and go down to the basement. Enemies here are weak against fire. Junction fire magic (whichever you have the most of) to your Elemental Attack. Go down the shaft until you reach the wheel and then turn it. Go back one room and climb down that ladder and then the stairs. Head behind the column and a sequence will begin. Squall has to climb up the ladder alone, (OUCH) examine the controls and climb back down the ladder. Examine the blinking green light in the southwest corner of the room. Climb down. Get ready to fight�and pull the level to do so. BOSS TIPS: Use Ifrit, and Fire, Fira, or Firaga. Continue across the bridge, and down another ladder. Examine the controls twice to activate the MD System.

Head to the second floor's north landing, check out the view and return to the bridge. The next morning, go the lobby and take the elevator down. Talk to Master NORG (whatever�) and prepare to duke it out. He's pretty hard. BOSS TIPS: The orbs on the side of his�pod thing, turn from Blue to yellow to red. Do not let them turn red. Hit them with physical attacks to turn them back to blue and start the cycle over before they ever turn red. Destroy the shell in the middle of the two orbs to expose NORG. Draw Leviathan, then waste him. He is weak against wing, so use Aero or Tornado and use those GFs. Don't neglect to hit those orbs. After you kill NORG, head to the infirmary and talk to Dr. Kadowaki and Cid. Be very surprised. Head for the second floor north balcony and talk to the white SeeD. Go to the library and meet Ellone.

The next morning, get up and leave the dorm. Cid makes an announcement, and parks the newly flying Garden. Leave through the second floor north balcony and head outside to FISHERMAN'S HORIZON. Make your way through the city, talk to townsfolk don't forget to talk to the cat guy, he makes a little dippy joke about Hexadecimals, for those of you who get it. Go ahead until you reach Mayor Dobe's house in the center of the amphitheater that look s like a big solar panel. Talk to him and his wife, draw Ultima from the hidden Draw point on the right side of their room, and then leave the stadium and follow him to the right. Continue along the tracks until you meet the guards. Defeat them then fight the Boss. BOSS TIPS: Use Brothers, Leviathan, Quezacotl and powerful magic spells. Once you kill him and all that, talk to Rinoa. Make sure to say something sensitive. You know�"I wanted to see you too�"

Return to BALAMB GARDEN and head to the stage in the quad. Talk to Selphie and then Cid. Now it's concert time�whatever. As Selphie and the others, assign an instrument to each character that goes with each other. There are two pieces, and each instrument has a preset part. Choose the instruments that have matching parts. These are Sax, Electric Guitar, Piano and Bass for a jazz version of Eyes on Me, and Guitar, Violin, Flute and Tap form a little folk tune thing. I did the folk tune, I heard it was recommended, but if you're brave do whatever you want. Once the concert begins, ("Squall! You big stud!") change the camera angle and head left to the ledge and begin a dialogue with Rinoa which is pretty interesting. The next morning talk to Nida at the bridge, you can now explore the world looking for side quests and secrets, however, these are detailed in the Side Quests Walkthrough, which is accessed from the main page.

Go around talking to the two hotel staffs and the Galbadian soldiers until Zell joins your party. Enter Balamb town and talk to Zell's mother. Talk to the soldiers in front of the hotel and the ones at the Harbor in the back of the town, not forgetting the soldiers at the back of the harbor, with the dog. Return to Zell's house and talk to everyone in the dining room. Return to the harbor and talk to the dog. Follow the dog to the train station. Head to the hotel and into a fight against Raijin and the two guards. BOSS TIPS: Just don't use Quezacotl. When you fight the pair of Raijin and Fujin, draw out Pandemona from Fuijin, and cast barrier and shell on yourselves. Defeat Raijin first, he does more damage. You will get the Combat King 002 magazine when you win.

Head for TRABIA GARDEN after the dialogue. It is on the northeastern continent. Follow Selphie into the Garden and head northeast to the cemetery, and return to the fountain. The August Issue of Weapon's Monthly is in the south side of the fountain screen. Head northwest to the barracks, then right to reach the damaged control room. Examine the control room to call up Selphie's data. Return to the cemetery, return to the barracks and head west. Examine the missile to draw aura. On the basketball court, talk to everyone and then try to leave. A flashback begins, once you control the transparent Squall, head left and talk to the child, then head north into the house, head east and then north again. Go down to the beach, talk to everyone, return to the beach. Talk to everyone again. Talk to Rinoa, and form a new party.

GALBADIA GARDEN is located on an island in the south, and head northwest from Trabia Garden and just wrap around the world to get there, it is shorter than flying across the map. Leave the bridge, form a party (I am sure you have your favorites by now�) now head for the quad. Go to the stage area, and talk to Zell and Rinoa. After Squall and his party return to the bridge, lead Zell's party westward from the stage, head to the front gate, and reform the party. Head for the classroom, fight the soldiers, talk to the woman and now go back to the bridge. Controlling Squall, lead him to the second floor hall and talk to the kid sitting on the floor. You will now find yourself in a fight with a Galbadian soldier. After a few hits, "look around for another option" and then "press the button for the emergency exit". You will fly out and fight the soldier on his flying contraption while a FMV of the fighting plays behind you. The best way to win this mini game is to block his hits until you can fit in a special punch, which Squall can do because he's a badass. The control box will tell you which buttons to hold down, since it is different on Playstation I imagine than it is on the PC version. Anyway, then just punch, kick, kick, kick, punch your way until he falls off. Pick up Rinoa from the cliff, land and run past the fighting soldiers. Name your ring, (Griever) and enter the Galbadia Garden.

Once inside, head right from the save point, and then right again from the hallway. Climb the stairs from the second floor and talk to Raijin and Fujin. Head west on the second floor then go in the room located on the right. Talk to the soldier cadet to obtain the first keycard. Go back to the save point and now head left. Enter the left door and cross the ice and exit through the door on the right. (Now, you most likely have Enc.-None on here, but if you want to quickly teach your GFs some abilities and raise your level a bit, the hockey players you can encounter on the ice rink give TONS of AP and EXP and can be easily defeated, especially by a single summoning of Ifrit). Head through the door on the right and talk to the cadet for the second keycard.

Leave the room and head south until you reach the save point. Return to the stairs where you talked with Raijin, Fujin earlier, and head up to the third floor. Open the door, jump down and cross the basketball courts. Go to the exit on the left. Now head south until you reach the big wiggling thing in the center of the lobby. This is a very important GF, Cerberus. SAVE in the southeast corner of the room before you battle. BOSS TIPS: Immediately draw Triple and cast it on yourselves. Don't bother stocking triples. These are found aplenty in the draw points that litter the Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell. Besides, once Cerberus is attained, summoning him will cast double AND triple on all party members. See Guardian Force section for details. Fighting him can be irritating because he casts triple everything. Use strong GFs except Quezacotl and Pandemona. Triple cast the most powerful non-wind and non-lightening spells you have in stock. Don't worry about using the spells you have junctioned to your stats, by the way. You can always get more of these on the Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell, and most of the time, you won't have need of their use. They are for junctioning, except in theose occasions when you need to defeat her quickly, then you can use your Ultimas and Flares. You are just fine without them though, so don't worry about using them. ANYWAY, Haste and Heal constantly using potions, and cure spells. Cast regen. A good thing to do here is fight the tri-faces that can be found in this area of Galbadia Garden. Fraw FLARE and stock from them, and use these on Cerberus. This a good strategy since the spell is powerful and can be easily obtained if you need something good with which to clobber the triple casting jerk. He will fall eventually if you keep this up.

Once you've defeated the three headed doggy, head west and go in the door on the left in the hall. Talk to the girl to get the third keycard. Go back to the lobby, and head north. Take the stairs on the right, head west and take the elevator. Ohhh no-- it's Seifer, that bastard. Draw haste to speed up your party and stand back, he's gotten a little more powerful since you saw him last. Protect Squall, as Seifer tends to single him out for attacks. Do the same old shit. Cast those powerful high magic spells and summon a GF or two. Cure, etc.

Head east to the large lecture hall-like room. Here is the climactic battle of Disc Two. At first you can only fight Seifer, but his ass is already kicked in pretty well so he is easier than EVER to take out. Once he's out of your way, Edea steps in. BOSS TIPS: Draw Alexander. Cast Cerberus. Cast shell, regen and haste on everyone. If Edea casts reflect on herself, dispel it quickly. Use Treatment (Siren's skill) when she resorts to using silence. Draw demi and cast it on her. Cast Aura, you should have this very important spell by now, USE THOSE LIMIT BREAKS! The biggest annoyance here is her spell called Maelstrom, which hurts like hell and also curses you (this is why you are blinking and look like your HP is low ehn it isn't). The curse doesn't do much, really, and curing it only gets her to cast the spell again. If she silences, you, make sure other characters have means to remedy this. She's not terribly difficult, so she will fall soon enough. If need be, use your best GFs. The defeat of Edea completes Disc Two.

Disc Three:

Head to EDEA'S HOUSE and find her beside the shore. Pay attention to everything she has to tell you, and also to everything Squall is thinking while Edea is telling you this. Now, return to Balamb Garden. Pick up the July issue of Weapon's Monthly in the training center, it is in the piles of stuff in the western room. Now, head to the infirmary for a very interesting scene--- Squall is so upset he will collapse and dream once again of Laguna (ahh shit, no!)

This sequence is fairly simple. Basically, Laguna is starring in a very bad B-movie with a medieval theme. There will be a mini-game where you battle a dragon, basically, to win just defend when it rears up to attack and quickly get in a cheap shot when you see an opening that just screams ATTACK! Make sure your party is cured up and equipped properly before you enter the real battle with the dragon. This takes awhile. BOSS TIPS: Ruby Dragon has nearly 65,000 or so hit points. EEK! It is weak against Holy and Ice (if you resort to GFs, Shiva and Alexander, hope he's a little up in level if you need him), but it is strong against Wind and Fire. Use blizzaga, blizzara and physical attacks. If you need to, aura is always the best means by which to kick some mad behind. Good luck!

As Squall and his party, return to Edea's house and talk to her. Make sure you get the letter from her that will enable you to get onto the ship...if she won't give it to you, go to the ship and come back to Edea's house and she will give it to you. (If you're REALLY hard up for cash, you can sell the letter for a couple gil, and if you ask for a new one, Edea will give it to you everytime with only a small scolding. ^_^) Now, find the C-shaped island just north and east of Edea's house. Ellone's ship is hidden in there. After your talk with the White SeeD, and Squall's encounter with Rinoa's forest owl buddies who call him a Son of a Bitch, find Zone upstairs and talk to him until he mentions the Girl Next Door magazine you have in your little items arsenal. Trade it to him to get the Shiva card. Transmuting this with Quezacotl's card mod menu will turn it into 100 North Winds, which will transmute into 10 or 20 blizzagas on High Mag Mod. Head downstairs into the main cabin, and draw holy. Talk to the white Seed leader. Back at the Garden, head to the infirmary and see Rinoa.

Walk until Squall stops, talk to Rinoa again and you'll pick her up and continue walking. Talk to everyone, reform the party, and continue along the railroad tracks. Leave the tracks and go in the snowy field on the east. Climb the skeleton and head eastward again. Draw meteor from the hidden Draw Point (use Move-Find) and continue north on the bone bridge. Jump down and head north to the chasm, go east to save and west to meet the boss man. It's an undead creature, so use recovery, life, cure spells and phoenix downs will kill him almost instantly. Stock Curaga and Flare, drawing Esuna to cure those irritating status changes. Examine the flickering cliff face to find a passageway. Ride the elevator.

Back with Laguna now. Talk to the guard beside the elevator on the right, then the guard on the left. Talk to the Moomba, to the man by the console, and to the Moomba again. Once Kiros and Ward join your party, equip them as necessary and then take the elevator and sneak up the eastern staircase. Talk to the man outside and then go back into the building. Get the Weapon's Monthly First Issue in the southwest corner of the room. This is needed for your ultimate weapons (see Ultimate Weapon Items section for details). Take the elevator down and fight the soldiers. Leave the building and get in the car. In the new building examine the cylinder shaped elevator in the center of the room. Head north, fight the guard, Then examine the console he was standing in front of, then go back downstairs and head north to find Ellone.

Back with your normal party, in ESTHAR, you will meet with Dr. Odine. After this meeting which is in the Presidential Palace leave his room and head east. Take the elevator to reach the main city of Esthar. It's huuuge and it's very easy to get lost. Explore, and definitely go shopping. (Note the closed shop is called Cloud's Shop, hee hee). Exit through the gate on the south. This complex has really high enemy encounter, not to mention it takes awhile to walk across the continent, even with Diablos' Enc-None equipped. My advice here is rent a car. You should be rich as hell by now and the costly fuel and rental that once seemed a bad idea is here a major convenience. Head to TEAR'S POINT in the southeast corner of the continent and get the Solomon Ring from the base of the big statue thing. Head north to reach the LUNAR GATE. Enter and follow the woman to the elevator. Choose to enter space and select your third party member. Board the lift and take off! Back on the ground, lead Zell's party back to the main city of Esthar. Take the elevator to Odine's lab, go upstairs and talk to him. After his briefing, leave and head east until you reach the gate through which you exited the city last time (but don't leave!) Now head north (the path is sort of hidden), and then west. Make sure your location matches the first target, but don't worry about most of this mission. Wait until it reaches the 15:00 mark and then board THE LUNATIC PANDORA through the door on the side. Inside the Pandora, climb the stairs and you'll find three elevators. Go down the 01 elevator and continue north and along the pathway until you meet the robot. You won't get to fight. He will just kick you out.

Back as Squall up in space, talk to the crew and pick up Rinoa from the off-screen foreground. Follow the crew, and win the Alexander card from Piet. Too bad about that Random rule, eh? Head through the north door and place Rinoa in the chamber. Go to the hall, and head north to the bridge. Examine the monitor, and leave and climb those stairs to your south. Talk to the women, and continue south to find Ellone. Win the Laguna card from her. Talk to her and return to Rinoa's room. Talk to Rinoa in the hallway and follow her to the bridge. Talk to her on the bridge and examine the console. Head up the stairs to the locker room on the east side of the hallway. Watch Rinoa leave through the airlock, and then put on the spacesuit from the locker and follow her until you have to turn back. Go back to the bridge, talk to Piet and Ellone. Head right to the escape pod. Talk to Ellone again, and then go after Rinoa into space again. Squall you crazy guy. The mini-game is from a first-person perspective, through Squall's eyes. Position yourself in the center of the screen and use your power thrusters. You will eventually grab Rinoa. After a cute little scene, check it out! A big scary ship just floating around in space!

Welcome aboard the RAGNAROK. Yes, it's another widely used Final Fantasy term, taken from Norse legend. (Ragnarok was the final battle of the war the gods and the warriors from Valhalla fought). Anyway, you don't care about that. You care about that scary ass monster. Yes, aliens have infested this ship. You can kill them, but their bodies remain. This is because you must kill them in a specific order, that is, two of the same color so one will not revive the other. You will mostly likely fight one or two incorrect monsters accidentally. Don't worry. There is a save point down the first staircase and through a small door on the right side of the back wall. Don't forget it is there! Now, the rooms look like this. There are yellow, red, green and purple aliens. To make them stay dead, kill them in pairs of the same color. Here is a chart of the rooms on the Ragnarok and the colors of the monsters in each:

Once they are all dead for good, (the green corpse in front of the elevator to the bridge will disappear), now go up there to the bridge. After a long dialogue sequence with Squall and Rinoa, the Ragnarok will land and Rinoa will leave. Reboard and go to the computer room. You'll sit down and sulk, until your buddies come. Talk to everyone and Selphie will start piloting (gulp). Now that Squall realizes he is a total prick, you will all go to the ESTHAR SORCERESS MEMORIAL. Ragnarok has an auto pilot function, just select a location on the large world map with the location markers and say OK. Instantly you will be flown there. Woo! Enter the memorial and talk to the scientists. Head west and free Rinoa. (Awww, it's so cute.) Leave the building and go to Edea's house. Follow Angelo west to the field and talk to Rinoa. (Awww! You were waiting for that dialogue weren't you?) Leave the house, speaking with Edea before you leave of course, and head back to Esthar. Once in the city, head north until you reach the broken elevator and west to the presidential palace. Take the elevator and head west to find the President of Esthar. Holy shit! It's Laguna! Speak to him and hear everything he has to say. Do be sure to ask how he got there! Before you head to THE LUNATIC PANDORA you will want to complete the side quests that will make you stronger because this is the last time you can do them, it is also the best time.

For information on the side quests, see the side quests walkthrough accessed from the main page.

Complete all desired side quests before entering the Lunatic Pandora. Fly to the Pandora, which is hovering over Tear's Point. First you will fight Raijin and Fujin. Draw full life from them and stock, and then just deal with them as you have in the past, using your new skills and GFs obtained from side quests. After you defeat them, head north and then go left. Talk to Biggs and Wedge, and go in the tunnel on the left. After leaving the 02 elevator, take the 01elevator and follow the path you took before when you thrown out. This time you duke it out. Have thundaga junctioned to your elemental attack, use high thunder spells and if need be, summon Quezacotl. Cerberus is a must. Keep you HP up, he has some pretty irritating HP draining attacks. (Some even reducing your whole party to a single Hit Point, so heal up quickly!) Once you beat him, continue past his crumpled robot ass to reach Seifer. Draw aura and stock it, this is your last chance to stock up, especially if you didn't stock up on the Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell. (See sidequests). SO STOCK AURA! STOCK AURA! STOCK AURA! When you grow tired of stocking, cast it on yourself and defeat Seifer for the last time.

Disc Four:

Form a new party and head south from where you battled Seifer. Climb the first ladder, the pinion, and keep going along the ledge and then right. Since Rinoa is fused to Adel, you can't use powerful spells or GFs, since you can't risk killing Rinoa. Toss her a cure once in awhile, Adel keeps sucking her life away. Use targeted spells and physical attacks to defeat Adel. She is NOT that difficult, however, you ARE a badass, so�this makes it easier. Now comes a long time compression sequence unfolds.

The first save point is real, but the rest are fakes. BOSS TIPS: You will now enter a very long battle against several "sorceresses", they are not hard at all, but once you kill one a new one comes in. The background changes are really cool though, so pay attention to your fight! The final form, you will know it when you see it, is a bit harder. Don't let your HP drop. When her countdown begins, kill her quickly or cure and shell up because when the countdown reaches zero, she will blast out an ultima beam, and that hurts.

The entrance to ULTIMECIA'S CASTLE is on the beach, climb the chain to the entrance. The doors on the way lead to the world map of the future. There are three locations. If you still want those cards, (side quest alert, this isn't necessary!) you can enter the door closest to the castle and arrive in a forest. Head to the northwest to get a chocobo. Ride the chocobo south on the shallow shores of Esthar continent until you reach the Centra continent. The Ragnarok is located near there, in the deserts west of Cactuar Island. It is a red dot on your world map. Inside there is the Card Club, (for Card Club Quest see Triple Triad section). And they are carrying much more powerful cards, including rare, one of a kind cards that before could only be found on the Queen of Cards Quest (see Triple Triad section). Enter the gate near the chip to return to Ultimecia's castle.

Once inside, you discover that Ultimecia has used her power to seal off your abilities. This means no magic, no GFs, no Draw, no Limit Breaks, no Items�etc. The castle journey consists of puzzles, switching parties, (which is a puzzle in itself) and beating bosses that hold your power locked. Beating them all will unlock your abilities so you can fight Ultimecia and prevent her from doing any more damage to the world with her ideas of time compression and her domination over the world.

Save your game after each victory by simply going outside the castle, since you can't save inside the castle. In the main hall, the first boss, Sphinxara, is waiting. There is only one thing to do, physically attack repeatedly until it falls. Unlock the magic command first.

Head up the stairs to the right and go through the door. Head down the stairs and north to reach the art gallery. Examine ALL of the paintings on the first and second floors. Now examine the large one on the first floor, on the west wall. Enter the names of the paintings that contain the roman numerals to which the clock hands are pointing on the floor: VIVIDARIUM, INTERVIGILIUM, and VIATOR. BOSS TIPS: Trauma is weak against air attacks, so cast Tornado and use your physical attacks which should SPANK because you should have your ultimate weapons. Unlock the Draw command.

Continue north through the first floor of the gallery, and go down the stairs to the basement armory. Enter the door on the left, take the prison key, and fight the boss. BOSS TIPS: Red Giant has very high defense, this means the best damage will come from Gravity based attacks, and he will let you know. "NO MORE DEMI, PLEASE!" Draw Demi and use it on him. Unlock the GF command.

Go back to the main hall go through the northern door. Walk across the chandelier and it will fall. Open the bent hatch and go into the basement. Junction Firaga to your elemental attack and Thundaga to your elemental defense. This way, this guy is easy as hell. Unlock the Limit Break Ability.

Leave the basement, head north, and keep going past the fountain, then go up the stairs to the right of the pipe organ. Cross the bridge until the key falls Now go back to that room with the broken hatch and head westward to get to the main hall. Go east, through the big hall and through the art gallery. You should find yourself in the armory in the basement where you fought the Red Giant. Find the armory key in the flowing river and unlock the door on the east side of the basement room. BOSS TIPS: Gargantua is weak against Holy. Unlock the Item command.

You will now need two parties which you will switch off between regularly in order to easily maneuver your way though the castle. One party is a decoy party that is for flipping switches and finding items, all that this party needs is Diablos' Enc-None ability. You will also need a fully equipped real party to do the fighting. Lead the decoy party up the stairs of the main hall and through the door on the to the left. Continue along the path until you reach an elevator. Go down it. Once down, and inside the green party exchange circle, and change back to the real party.

Now, the real party will be led up the left staircase above the armory and go west to the second elevator (the decoy party will be standing at the other one) if it doesn't move, you will need to return to the art gallery and examine all of the paintings. Take the decoy party westward to find the floodgate key, then have them brought to the armory in the basement. Examine the lever thing to the right of the prison door to drain the water from the river. Return to the fountain on the west side (right before the organ) and take the treasury vault key. Head south to find the green party exchange circle and switch back to your real party.

Take the real party south from the elevator. In the hallway with the flickering lights, open the partially hidden door on the left. Now, all four of the coffins in this room must be open in order for you to fight the boss. Open them in this sequence: 3, 1, 4, 2. BOSS TIPS: Catoblepas is weak against earth and water. However, he absorbs lightening. Meaning, if you haven't figured it out by now, it heals him when you use it. DON'T USE THUNDER, THUNDARA OR THUNDAGA, and forget about Quezacotl. Keep Thundaga on your elemental defense (since it is the strongest of the thunder spells.) Use your Quake spells if you have them (you should have gotten them from the Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell.) and if need be, summon the Brothers, Shiva and Leviathan. Unlock the resurrection ability.

Go back to the main hall, and go north. Have the decoy party throw the switch in the room below the chandelier (that's the room with the broken hatch) simply by standing in the green party exchange circle. Change parties. Have your real party cross the chandelier, which won't fall now that the switch is thrown. BOSS TIPS: This boss is a bitch, so Recovery will be a nice ability to have equipped. Be prepared for a nice little ultima blast right before he dies. Unlock Command abilities.

Return to the room with the organ again. Go up the stairs on the right, cross the bridge and go in the door on the left. Climb the tower stairs until you reach the big pendulum. Jump on it and swing across to the other door, BOSS TIPS: The Tiamat has one very mean and evil attack. Dark Flare. Summon Cerberus and cast Shell and Regen on everyone. Make sure to Draw spells (like Flare, from him) and you will notice something called EDEN. Yes, this is the most powerful GF you can get (unless you count those crazy rumors...see updates) who deals upwards of 40,000 damage when levelled up. Too bad you don't have the time to do so now, which is why he was available through the fight with Ultima Weapon earlier. However, you can draw Eden from the Tiamat, regardless. Use triple Flare, Meteor and Ultima if you need to. Use Aura if things get tough, especially on Squall and pray for the Lionheart finishing move. Once a countdown of letters that will spell out Dark Flare begins (with a D, and then a Dar, and ten a Dark Fl, you get the picture.) kill him quick or get ready for the Dark Flare. Unlock the save ability.

Continue along the spiraling pathway and traverse the clock hands, and climb down the ladders. Save at the final save point there�and open the door.


Before you fight Ultimecia, I recommend you have as many AURA spells as possible, and 100 megalixers for quick full cures (these can be obtained by transmuting the Bahamut card, recieved when you defeat Bahamut in the Deep Dea Research center, *see Sidequests walkthough*)The battle begins with something very uncool. Your party is chosen at random. Great. You COULD try to distribute magic and power evenly, but DUDE! This is the final battle, you need to be at your best, with the most powerfully built characters. I, of course, have said that Rinoa, Squall, and Irvine are the best choice. So, my advice is equip your chosen three fighters and if one of the other three shows up, kill them yourself. Another character will take his or her place almost immediately. Do this until the three you want are in your party. And keep curing yourself! You DO NOT want to lose a character that you wanted/needed.

Ultimecia's first form can be taken out pretty easily, and pretty much the same as any other boss. This is most quickly done with an aura casting on Squall who will whip out his Renzokuken and a finishing move (PRAY FOR THE LIONHEART!) This is the time to get your desired party into the ring. Summon Cerberus and cast Shell and Regen and all that stuff. The second form is a little more irritating�

Ultimecia has one very annoying ability. She can nullify all uses of a character's spell, meaning you can't use that spell at all. So make sure all characters have a sufficient amount of important spells. Cast Aura like mad, (you never know if it will be there next turn to use!) and limit break like crazy. Use GFs if needed, except DO NOT USE Doomtrain, Brothers and Diablos. This second form casts "Shockwave Phasor" upon death, damaging each character for about 6000 HP each. Be ready to cure up quickly!

The third form can hit for up to 2000-4000 at a time, so triple cure spells are essential. Keep using the BOSS technique, powerful spells and Aura. GFs if needed. The final form is the tricky one.

This final form has one badass attack: Hell's Judgement. This can send everyone's HP down to 1 HP each, so get ready to CURE UP! Use Recovery and Curaga to stay alive and healthy. Triple magic and aura are once again your best bet. Yes, there is a trick coming here. When the form uses "Draw Apocalypse", this is your cue to do two things. NUMBER ONE: Get your HP to maximum and your shell casted because your ass is about to be toasted for about 7000 HP. NUMBER TWO, your party can now temporarily draw and stock this new spell, so�Stock it(so you can cast it triple.)! This is a good way to hit for a good number of HP. Another thing to use is Rinoa's Angel Wing and let' s not forget Rinoa's Angelo skills�Wishing Star is one SWEET attack. After a long battle, you shall conquer. Sit back, get the jiffy pop and enjoy the long and stunning FMV conclusion (remember, there is always more video following the credits!)

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