The Home Of The ShadowXtremers
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This is the newest site around made by will and nic from thee goldcoast in Queensland Australia.  The idea of this site is to be a galery of entertainment.  We wish to put anything enjoyable on this site that is actually possible.
I am Will-X one of this sites creator all my news updates will be written in this green text.  You may see me on TFT wc3 most days account name is Will-X and im @ Lordaeron (US WEST).  If you wish me to add anything to thi site and i do mean anything just send me a message @ [email protected].
I am currently undergoing year 11 which means a shitload of study..............
But there is still time for this site (-: and ovcourse............... Warcraft3!!!!
Does Australia Possess the same mateship qualities it has over the last hundred years?  Does the Australian culture face extinction?  Will mateship die out and the common respect for our mates just fade into nothingness?
I just ask any viewers to express their opinions about this in our -NEWLY ADDED- guestbook.    
News has not been dated.
Strategise Click-Here
Back from a weeks holidays I am.  255 clicks on our site whaah.  Need to make it better for all these peoples.  But also got other shit to do. This site has such great potential and i will even if its slow keep improving it.
Next time guys..... (the saturday i got back)
This site has now got 270 visitors if you wish anything added changed deleted PLEASE Send me a message at my email.
Click on the picture to view a Detailed profile of each HerO with an Animated Picture.
This Site Has Now Been Viewed a total of 300 time, my ff8-10.2 site rocks now so chech it out, also see our card gamas in camman we invented some really good game.

Nothing much happening lately america has there oil from iraq the twin towers arnt rebuilt yet and aussie ?-prime-? minister Jhonny Howard is ok with being  the leach on bushes neck.
Click here to view an awsome agme which was made by the creators of this site!
We are always trying to amke it available for download but at the current time cant...
Books That are Not Crap!
The Series
Name ( of the Book )

News- Astron mine and cin's game has now got mana so the 2 heros caste spells

This new news update is to all members of clan AUSA on warcraft3 Lordaeron! --I am in the process of designing an awsome clan website which will be also hosted by geocities.  The URL will be:
Features are: members directory / stats - Clan strats (sign in / pass needed)  - CLAN NEWS - arranged team championship! - tourens messeges - meeting ECT!!!!

There are some
VERY NEW and VERY COOL new pages on my site which i would like to make a direct link too!
This is Matt Russicks story.  An exciting adventure into death and elves....  It is a direct link to the text and free to view.  Why not see his talented writing skills - the first of many storyies by this author.  AND HE MAY OF DRAWN THIS PICTURE.>>?>?
Clan URL:
These pages are animated pictures and my discriptions of every warcraft3 (TFT) unit in the game.
PS: any info on the neutral heros (not from bnet) would be useful.
Click here to view our clans ladder

This is a message to MONORPRISE rudega is a school friend and he has told me that you wish of my site not to say it is the ausa homepage..... well can you then please tell me that you will make the "official" website a bit more useful.  At the moment you can't do anything on your site and most your links don�t even work...........

Welcome all to the 4th month this site has been in operation!!!  we hope that you have been viewing often as we have tried to make as much interesting things as possible.  The site counter is at 500 now and I hope that you check out our new pages in both warcraft 3 -- clan -- and final fantasy. --- btw the reason we don�t have cheats is because cheats make you worse at playing games.....
FF8 to 10   Walk Throughs
To get some Non internet CD Keys for Warcraft visit DOWNLOADS or if u want some for any other game send me the request through the Guest Book =)
visit the final fantasy Section its Finishes it has FF8 to 10 and 10 2, I will add the other fantasy Walkthrough Soon.   !!VISIT IT!!
Undead Units!!!
Human Units!!!
Orc Units!!!
Nightelf Units!!!
View Each Races Tech Trees---CLICK HERE
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