Nightelf Grove
Huntress Rush
The Idea of this strategy is that you focus yourself on getting huntresses as fast as possible.  The tech you need for this is simple - a hunters hall and sufficient supply (moonwells) are all required.  The next step in this strategy is to build 2 AOW's (Ancient Of Wars) this will enable you to either pump out more huntresses or (after you have atleast 6 Hunts) Archers to attack from the back. {Reminder! - Both archers and huntresses are upgraded with the same upgrades, this can be very useful}
Massing Archers -+ Taunt
The idea of this strategy is to have a shitload of Archers with a few Mountain Giants at the back.  These huge mammoth creatures can taunt the enemy into attacking them - meaning your archers remain undamaged.  If your enemy doesn't evade this move you will have a massive atatck and your enemy will fall.
Use Skills Of Power To Destroy Your Foes
Wellcome to Will-X's strategy Page
Dryads and DOC's (Druids Of The Claws)
This strategy is only to be used if you see the game going for a long time.  If you can get an army of these two units you will develop power over your enemy.
Power of the Grove
Just to say that the Keeper-Of-The-Grooves Entangling Roots can be used to trap and then kill an enemies hero.
Link To Project-Entropia a Free mmorpg game.
Orcish Horde
These units once upgraded (Master Training) can cast one of the Games most powerful spells 'BloodLust'.
Once you have like 5-7 Shamen your force whatever it is gets a power boost During combat.
Shamen and touren are recommended.
Troll Witch Doctors With Mass Grunts
TrollDocs can cast a 'Healing ward' which during both light and heavy combat.  A healing ward can heal any surrounding units, this spell is my personal favorite.    (Will-X).
Catapult Death
The idea of this strategy is to drop (Goblin Zeppalin) catapults behind your enemy and target the trees close to his buildings creating a empty space.  Then you drop the Catapults inside your new 'tree barrier' and using the zeppalin to scout destroy as many buildings as possible.  Obviously this strategy is void/needs editing if your enemy has either some air units or defence behind his base.
I'd just like to add that the orcs with there 'Instant Town Hall' Item (purchasable after you upgrade your main twice).
The reason this is so good is that you can just use the item to create a faster building (without a Peon) main base at any goldmine around the map.
My friend Peeki Plays This Game Alot
CHimera POwer
This is mainly an endgame 1v1 or team strategy.  What you do is produce from 7 - 10 Chimeras and send them behind your enemies base to destroy their main base FAST!  WARNING - if they telepot back run to next target or hang around ready to strike again.
Although a rather weak air unit these guys can pack a punch if they are non-contested.  Only a strategy to be used when your opponent leaves himself open to air attacks and has no anti-air units amongst his army.
Gouls Rush In
This rush is one of the strongest of the game. The way you do it is instead of building alter at start build crypt, pump out as many gouls as possible and then get a hero.  Buy the time your hero arrives you should have like 12 gouls.  Rushing a person who is teching his main base will prove to be a bloodshed on your behalf.  This strategy i entirely more effective with a human or nightelf opponent.
Statues of mana and health
This is not much of a strategy but should be taken into account for the reaon that the obsidian statues are such a beast of a mechine.  With healing and mana replenishing abilities they are defenatly a unit worth drafting.
SsSkeletal MmMastery!
The idea of this strategy is to get like 15 necromancers 2 statues and all the skeletal upgrades.  You will feast of the dead corpses creating more skeletons then the average player can handle.  Why the statues?  simply for the mana replenish abilty.
And if your game goes for long enough try n get meat wagons so when you reach battle you can drop ready corpses, for without the dead their shall be no undead.
Power Overwhelming! (POSSESION)
TIf you can possess stronger units and more powerful units with a 155-20 gold/wood banshee you will turn the tides on your enemy.  Not to be used i you enemy is going small/basic units or if they have air or splash damage.
The Dead Shall SERVE!
Teching to the 3rd level main base and building 3 heros will allow you to purchase rods of necromacy for all 3 heros.  use these to summon 2 skeletons each with 4 charges each.
This means a possible 24 skeletons increase to your fighting force.  Enough to turn the tides on most battles.
This could be the SLYest strategy around and I --WILL-X-- can honestly say i created it!  The idea is to confine an enemy into their own base by making a line of Shades  in the thinnest place outside their base.  As far as i know this strat wont work against a good human or orc player for the reasons of an item orcs can buy to reveal invisable and the upgrade on the human towers.
One Frostserve please...
Not a real strategy just have atleats 2 frosties in any large battle ok yall.  These units potential is to slow down an enemy attack so that they do 35% less damage  not to mention the fact they can't run away from the battle if your winning.
Creeping Like A Dude sneaking out of church.
If you can do this strategy to 100% effectivness you will win most games.  The idea is to creep more then your fair share in the map so your heros level up much faster then your foes.
Ride The grythins
If your enemies are going mass of units (as opposed to stronger upgraded ones) this strategy will be quite effective.  If you can build grythin riders out of 2 buildings you will be able to pump out enough of these birds to sloughter ground and air enemies.  You must upgrade the storm bolt ability so that the attacks of the grythin riders becomes splash and close enemies will take 100% damage from hits.
Rifle Hunting
The best unit the humans can train at the bigining part of a match is definatly the rifleman.  The strongpoint of riflemen is that they can target enemies and their heros.  killing off 1 by 1 will enable you to take less hits during battles. WARNING - only good for a certain time during games.  A suitable expansion unit would be the priest knight or flying mechine: this depends on your enemies units.
the two best games sites!
PS: all strategies on this page are not by blizzard but by Will-X
Death By Fairy Fire!
Night Elf - Nightelfs main spellcaster is definatly the druids of the talon, the being able to cast fairy-fire (armor -5). So the idea of this strategy is to get around 4 of these druids of the talon one druid of the claw and as many dryads as you can make. The DOTC is for his roar ability. When this is combined with full upgrades for dryads your enemy will fall.
Heroic Rampage
I personally believe Nightelves to have the best heros of all races. If you decide to do this strategy you must first be a great hero manager. (running, micro, ECT)
Using only the three heros (Priestess, Keeperofthegroove and Warden-[for TFT only]) and a few basic units (proferably ranged to take no damage) you creep as much of the map as posssible. When your heros pass level 6 you will have 3 xtremely powerful spells. STARFALL, TRANQUILITY and AVATAR OF VENGENCE. (i only say this strategy on the basis of either  a long game of a FFA.
Dryads and Druids Of Claw RIOT!
If you can get these two unmits in mass amount theres not much stopping you at all.  The only thing is to be sure your not going to be rushed.......
Grunts On Riot
Orc Grunts are a very strong component to any orcish players army. These beastly units are both strong in life and attack. The idea of this strategy is to mass these units out of 3 barracks. And then attack you poor poor enemy. If your enemy gets air get some anti-air but still the grunts ownage.
Blademaster And Far Seer
Hero Harass, The Blademaster and Far seer are the best for this strat. The idea is to send your starting hero over to an opponent and kill as many units as possible. The blademaster has windwalk which is very useful to kill gatherers and units at the start and the Far seer has feral wolves which add to the power of your hero. Either way you can damage your foe and tech at the same time... (-:
Will-X's Strategy of The Week
The human knight is a very powerful melee unit.  The idea of this strat is to go from footmen >> priest >> knight >> steam tanks.  This is very effective vs both air and ground.  If you are on solo or ffa make sure to upgrade everything (armor + attack) but if your in a team agme it may be wise to upgrade their armor mainly to divert damage onto your units --- (not your allies).
Steam tanks a COMMING!
The most powerful unit to take down buildings is definatly thesteam tank.  These mighty units have the potential to destroy a main base before the enemy can stop you, very useful to destroy players tier 3 base making them unable to build ll their units.  Just upgarde their armor and send em in.  You may lose them but chances are they will lose around 2-5 of their preciouse buildings.  just beready for the counter.   (-:
Moon wells for everyone!
Nightelf is a very good race -- why is this???  They gots moonwells....  Moonwells can heal your units to the max and also make your base very strong when you have your army defending it.  This strat is for a solo game when your enemy has decided to stick inside their base.  What you do is build around 8 moonwells outside of your foes base --- this allows you to hit and run on your enemies base and units without even losing a single archer...huntress....or any unit!  Also if you station your army outside of your foes base and then bring some glaive thowers you can use their range and siege attacks to your benifit.
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