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Tribute to Peanut


Missing my best Friend, by Danielle


I am still waiting for him to run in the door, 
I still wake up at 2 am waiting for him to rub against my back,
for me to lift the blanket so he can go under the covers and curl up at my legs,

I still get home and wait for him to come running around the corner,
I still think about him every day, I cry evey time I think about him,

I still see him in every little puppy dogs eyes,
I still wait for him to jump on my bed to tell me it's time to wake up and play,

I still miss dressing him up in them silly out-fits,
I still miss having him fall asleep in my arms,
I still miss picking up fluff that use to be off my teddies in the backyard,

I still miss that cute little look he use to give me when he knows he is in trouble,

I still miss that look just before he goes to sleep where his eyes slowly roll in to the back of his head
but most of all,

I still miss my best friend.
I love you Peanut,
Danielle xxx 

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