Paparazzi Glantri

Etiquette for Newcomers

Do bring all the possible magic items to Glantri, as most things in Glantri, even the simplest most mundane of things is involved in magic.

Do not bring any religious items, prayer books, holy symbols or other clerical paraphernalia, for these —as well as clerics and priestly magic—are illegal in Glantri.

Do use magic as often and yet as effortlessly as possible, even in the simplest of tasks.

Do not use magic on another person, as this may be viewed as an attack or assassination attempt, for which you will be promptly jailed, if not disintegrated.

Do avoid religious references to Immortals, such as “Great Valerias!” or “By Odin’s beard!”

Do not replace such expressions with “Great Étienne!” or “By Morphail’s cloak!” These are just Princes, though some seem immortal, they are not Immortals.

Do try to speak to Glantrians in their native tongues and dialects. At the least, speak to them in proper Thyatian.

Do not speak to Glantrians in Thyatian while imitating their native accents.

Do not attack kobolds, goblins, and other humanoids in Glantri. These are good and brave citizens who defended Glantri against the Ethengar barbarians.

Do capture any dwarves and hin in Glantri, as you may sell them—dead or alive—to the many magical shops as spell components or laboratory specimens.


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