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“Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, creation of the Atomic Bomb, and what lead the U.S.A. advance with Nuclear Weapons”

A picture in the America’s Smithsonian inspired me to write a passage about Albert Einstein. Einstein was a scientist who studied mathematics and physics. He taught mathematics in Berlin. Being a very bright student, he was able to study calculus, an extremely hard college course as a Sixth Grader. When he was 23 (1900 A.D.), he was able to create his first theory concerning the smallest particle known to man, the atom in molecular dimensions meaning “The science behind the atom.” At the time though this was only a theory and no one actually knew that the atom did exist, just like he said it would and that “It was the building Blocks of Life” He knew when he created the molecular dimensions that the atom could not only create life, but destroy it as well. Einstein invented the newly formed scientific field where he spent most of this life on it. He teamed up with his former high school classmate, Marcel Grossman, to complete his first theory. Marcel majored in geometry, which helped Einstein further develop creation drawings and technical information (ironically he was also graduated from a mechanical school, which helped him create scientific blueprints on electro-magnetic pull which helped him explain the Earth’s 45 tilt, another theory he did.) At the time electricity was new after President Roosevelt’s invention of the light bulb.  (Source: Albert Einstein the Mathematician) In 1905, he created the formula in what all atomic energy is based on, E=mc2.


So electro-magnetism was how he explained the nucleus aspect of the atom. It was known after Einstein publicly announced his theory to the world soon after electricity was first contained as a new superconductor. Formally machines used by gears and a man’s ability to control it with his bear hands. His study didn’t begin with the atomic bomb, but his study of the universe further explained the vastness of space where he created two new theories about “time slowing down in outer space because light constantly travels at the same speed in a straight line forever and ever, since then called the quantum theory of light where he soon found out that radiation was formed from dwarf stars (dead stars.) Quantum is the study of gamma rays, a byproduct of all stars. The light is actually a path of radiation created by a sun. Which got him fixated on created is own explanation of the yet to be created atomic bomb (a recreation of a small sun).  For a power source as abundant as the sun, he found that some planets age slower then others. What I’m confused about is how he figured out that as the planet decreased in size, the smaller the light, which sometimes disappeared, because it got weaker in the vastness of space. It’s all stated in the Time Space Continuum. Think of Star Trek and you have a pretty good idea of what I’m talking about. Except that Star Trek is a mixture of fantasy and science fiction. He created the term light speed, which are the miles per hour light travels through space. Stars closer to our solar system are brighter then others which determines the mileage between objects. Today with computers and huge telescopes we can calculate the dynamiter and radius of a star. If it is a star giving off blue radiation, it is the largest star in existence. Stars giving off green radiation are the smallest and least   


His second theory was made to explain the gravitational pull of the magnet (the Earth being an over sized magnet itself.) Nucleus of an atom is trapped in the center of an atom by radiation. Well the radiation inside the atom is both magnetic in a way. If the radiation was radioactive, no living thing would exist right? So it had to be a by product of a chemical substance in Petroleum and Uranium, the only two man made substances that are radioactive. Einstein created the top secret formula. So with a mixture of this explosive combination, Einstein probably feared what we call Dooms Day. Actually Dooms Day is a term that the US. Military uses when opposing forces or armies meet one other in the battle field which is forecasted to have a high causality count anyways.  By the time he calculated this, he went to the United States as citizenship one month before Hitler took control of Germany and invaded Poland and parts of Belgium. He came to the Untied States before on visits to University of New Jersey, Princeton.  This is also where he stayed until his death. Einstein continued contributing knowledge further on molecular dimensions, gravity in space this time to the United States instead of Germany. He finally got to witness the first atom spitted. This was of course very small with no radioactive elements. The experiment took place and theory behind it was when compressed heat was introduced in a concealed atmosphere when the atoms when they exploded. Actually it was in a glass tube and the glass shattered because the intense heat. The heated air had to be compressed for it to work else it would felt. Atoms, when compressed together, form a godly amount of heat and made the glass melt. Err, so what’s the big deal about glass getting so hot that it melts? Back in the 1930s, atoms shattering / melting glass was a scientific milestone, I guess. This defiantly explained why heat gets hot.    





Written by Ian Campbell

July 04, 2003 4:00PM

Version 0.1











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