.:You Know You're An Anime Freak When...:.
That's right, folks! You know it, when you know you're an anime freak when you have done more than one thing on this list! Email me if you have done any of these or have one I don't have on here.
You know you're an anime freak when...

1) You pretend your car is a gundam or a gaint mecha.
2) You actually grew out your hair and braided just to call yourself Duo Maxwell.
3)You've been to more than 10 anime conventions just in the last year.
4) You have costumes for every single one!
5) You've named your household pet after the crossdresser off Fushigi Yugi.
6) You have every single epsiod of Slayers memorized.
7) You have an anime nick name...
8) ...and have more than just one.
9) You yell at the TV screen when a character doesn't do what you wanted then to.
10) You have gotten a tattoo of your favorite game symbol from Final Fantasy. ::Looks innocent::
11) You argue with your best friend whether the 1985 Vampire Hunter D is Sexier than Bloodlust D.
12) Your room is devoted just to anime. (Not just one corner)
13) You've bought over $100 worth anime stuff in the past week.
14) You've dressed your household pet up as their name. (Sorry Nuriko!)
15) You own over 30 OST and understand what is being said in the songs!
16) Most of you harddrive space is taken up by anime pictures, sounds, MP3, est.
17) You own a website devoted to anime...
18) You email the jerks at Toonami just to ask them to have it place back on air during the week.
19) You cussed out InuYasha!
20) You use japanese words such as "baka" or "nani" when you can't remeber what to say in english. (HEY! I have an excuse!)
21) You own katanas just because they're cool looking.
22) You eat japanese food every week.
23) You own anime shirts...
24) ...You have more than 10 anime shirts.
25) You have a thing for grabbing girls' butts.
26) You friends tell you that you act like your favorite anime charatcer.
27) You can eat lke Lina Inverse and Naga!
28) You fight like then when it comes to food!!
30) you have a bumper sticker that says "I am the God of Death. Gotta problem?"
.:Weekly Log:.
.:Anime Costumes:.
.:Cat's Art:.
.:Merageshu's Bio:.
.:Cat Ficition:.
.:Huntress D Bio:.
.:Anime Personality:.
.:Other World:.
.:FFVII AC Review:.
.:Sephiroth Cosplay!:.
.:Cosplay 411:.
.:A-KON Gallery:.
.:Magpie's Cosplays:.
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