This page is basically a tattoo 411. Know where to go, what to do when getting one and what to do after getting it.
1) When planning on getting a tattoo, make sure you know what you want. Don't get something that you'll regret like a rose or a dog. You'd wanna look back one day 20 years from now and say "yo, that was cool. I got that with a friend".

2) Know where to go. Think of it this way;
  a) You want a clean place. You don't want to get any diseses or get sick from the place. 97% of the time, the artists will OPEN a brand new needle in front of you. That's a good thing.
  b) The Talent! Yes, make sure you know what the artist has done. Ask to see their portfilio to get an idea of how well they can tattoo. You don't wanna go home with a dragon that looks like crap.
  c) Prices. A tattoo can be priced anywhere between $20 (for kanji or something extremely small) to thousands of dollars! Know how much you want to spend when you get what you want.

3) When getting it, it's going to be painful... IT'S A TATTOO! The worse thing you can do is tense up, it'll hurt a lot worse than usual. Relax and think of a "happy place". Trust me, I've done it six times, the first time, I learned not to tense up. And make sure you have something to drink because you'll be sitting there between 15 mintues to about 3 or 4 hours, depending on the size and detail of your tattoo.

4) The artist will wrap your inked area. Keep that bandage on minimun 2 hours. When those two hours are up and you take off you bandage, wash it with a mild soap without scents and rinse with cool water. If the bandage sticks to your tattoo, wet it to loosen and pat it dry. Don't rebanaged after 12 hours.

5) Don't let your tattoo to dry out! To avoid that, use a small amount of Tattoo Goo or a cheap non-medicated A&D ointment. Do this for two days then switch a hand lotion. Curel works real well!

6) Here's a killer for you swimmers! No swimming, no saunas or soaking in water for two weeks. Wash you tattoo often in the shower or in the sink.

7) Keep your tattoo out of the sun and the wind for two weeks too.

8) There will be some scaling and scabbing. Don't pick, peel, or remove these scales and scabs! Let them fall off themselves. If you mess with them, you'll lose some ink and shading.

9) You may experience some color loss. Don't worry! It's normal, you're looking at a tattoo through three layers of skin.
This is my sixth tattoo! She huge!
She's on the shin too!
Her face is beautiful, it took a while to do.
This is the skull that's on my shin. It hurt the worse.
This is my baby! This is a design I did and I fell in love with her. She cost me $300 and 2 1/2 hours. My artist's name was Tony. This one is on my left calf.
My third tattoo.
This is my third tattoo. He's on the small of my back. He took about an hour.
My second Tattoo
This is my second tattoo. This is from "Final fantasy VIII" and he took about 30 mins! He's on the base of my neck! OO;
This is my fifth tattoo
This is my Fifth. I'm an InuYasha fan and I decided to get him. Right bicep.
This one is speical to. My fiance and I got the same one, his on his shoulder and mine on my right ankle.
Spirit Sisters
This is my very first tattoo. It's crappy looking, but it's speical to me. I got it with my best friend, Magen the week before graduation. The Kanji means "Spirit Sisters". Mine's on my left bicep and her's is on the base of her neck.
Alex's Skull Wizard
Title; skull wizard
Placement; Base of Neck
Person; Alex
The Burning Sparrow! Krrr-caw!
Title; The "Burning Sparrow"
Placement; Left forearm
person; Alex
A speical design
This tattoo was a requested design from Alex. I sat down and drew it in less than 15 mintues.
Magen's froggy
Title; Froggy
Placement; Right Ankel
Person; Magen
This is Magen's first tattoo
Title;First Dragon
Placement; Between Shoulders
Person; Magen
Blue Dragon
Title;The Blue Dragon
Placement; Right Arm
Person; Magen
This is Magen's Pride and joy
Title; Sailor Saturn
Placement; Left Leg
Person; Magen
Magen and I have been given the nick names "Scythe Sisters"
Title; The Scythe Sisters
Placements; Left legs
Person(s);The "Girls"
Advent Children
Wow... And you thought you were a Final Fantasy freak? This is actually taken from a fan piece I did from Advent Children. Three sittings and three hours apiece!
Oh boy.... This one was a bitch. This tat is one my fore arm. It was two sittings, within a week apart from each other. That sucks. Whoever said beauty wasn't painful?
My Sexy Man-Beast's Tattoo
Title; Ying Yang Dragon
Placements; Left Arm

This is my fiance's first tattoo and he happens ti love dragons. Out of all the tats, he like this one the best.
Aw, ain't he cute???
Number 9 on my list. Yes, I LOVE Sephiroth! I ended up falling in love with the drawing and a week later, got him done. Done on my right fore arm, outter part.
Title; Kirara
Placement: Left Forearm
Person; Magen

She got this the same day I got my Sephiroth Tattoo. Isn't she cute?! The tattoo came to be because Magen and her husband's nicknames are Miruko and Sango (get why I'm Inuyasha? and you can figure out why). Anyway, With Magen being Sango, she needed a Kirara... Well.... HERE SHE IS!!!!
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