SRR Ra`KalenChapter Ninety-Four: Getting back to the Ship
[Planet's Surface]

Elq smiles and moves quickly to get his gear and heads off quietly on his own towards the military installations to the east. He realizes he can't go to any array, because he needs one with interplanetary capabilities, so he heads off for the building adjacent to a ship docking bay, hoping that in the general hustle and bustle he won't be overly conspicuous and also that since the area serviced interplanetary movements, that maybe he would be able to find what he needed here.

Remi ducks under another plasma burst. the mad Irishman darts his air car rapidly up the cooridor and knocks over yet another asailent. He'd missed the rendez-vous the Arrain had ordered with Idran and Riam- he'd seen what was left of Riam and gotten out as quick as he could. Knowing no other practical destination, the Erien had returned to the motor pool and comundeered a ride there....

Elq darted up the coridor, fully aware of shouting and weapons fire nearby. As yet the pandimonium had concealed his presance. As he rounded a corner he was almost run down by a motorist- he only haulted retaliation when he recognized the driver... tr`Remi.

Remi> Get in! ::rolls to the side::

Elq> ::jumps unthinking into the back:: . i need to- Wooo!

the Erien is cut short as the car speeds up to breakneck speeds in extremely close quarters.

Elq> ::shouting:: I need to get to a com array!

Remi> Da ::looks around::

ELq> At the road! ::points franticly::

Remi> ::shrugs and looks back:: ..i think i can get you started- but you'll have to keep the guards off our backs.

Elq> ::nods:: ie..

With out further `adoo tr`Remi reaches back behind the seat of the air car and starts rumaging. Elq grabs the weel and slows the vehicle. Remi unearths several objects, whcih cause the car to die entirely/ The Erien presents Elq with the pile.

Remi> Here you are lad- a power pack, transponder, reciever, harmonic booster, subspace relay can be 'rigged' with this here..::continues to toss loos parts out of the car's engine and systems:: Elq quickly cconstructs a crude device and 'plugs her in'...


*Plato-n -o to -len... com- in pl---s*

"Llock in on that signal and beam them out of there!" Raith shouts over the din of battle. The security chief makes the adjustments and soon the Erien-a are safely in the hull... as to the rest of the crews status- the commander was unsure.

Elq and Remi emerge in the transporter room of what they assume to be the Kalen, or at any rate a Kalen class ship. The room is empty and so tr'Elq and tr'Remi stride to the turbo lift and make their way to the oira.

Amid a frazzled mess of wires and semi-destroyed consoles, they find t'Pranara, on the oira trying to get the ship up and running again. tr'Elq and tr'Pranara clear rubble away from some of the consoles while tr'Remi begines repairing some of the consoles. After a bit of time, tr'Remi wipes a bead of sweat from his brow and looks up from the panel on the TAC console.

tr'Remi> Allright, COM, TAC and HELM are functional,

tr'Elq> Aye, I'm going to try and get a fix on the position of tr'Nerik's squad moves over to his console and begins to scan the surface for themissing troops' location.

tr'Remi moves towards an access panel at the back of the oira: I'm gonna go rout Ops in helm, be back in a jiffy.

tr'Elq> I'm picking up heavy fire from a bunker not too far from where I met up with tr'Remi. That's got to be Nerik.

tr'ELq> +taps+ Remi are we fuctional to transport longrange onto the ship?

tr'Remi> Give me a moment, laddy and she'll be good as new.

tr'Elq>Aye ::to t'Pranara:: Can you try to find the erie'Riov, he's got to be out here on a ship somewhere.

t'Pranara nods and begins to scan, sending a hailing message out for tr'Raith to all Romulan ships in the area.

t'Pranara> IF he's out there and he's looking for us then that should do it.

tr'Elq> I have a specific location on the last firing in that little bunker frucass, i'll try to send a hail out and see if its them.

He sends the message and after a moment are two he get an uneven response:...this is Arrain tr'Nerik...the SNR KAL...EN...please get us out of here....outgunned.

tr'ELq> +taps+ Remi you ready?

Remi pops up smelling of rhenish: aye, we're good to go! tr'Elq just shakes his head and wonders if theres anywhere he doesn't have a bottle stowed.

tr'ELq> Alright, i've got a lock on their location and I'm getting them ::to Pranara:: how's it coming with Raith?

t'Pranara> I'll send out a hail once again ::she waits for a moment looking at her console:: OK, I'm getting a response!

tr'Raith> jolan tru all, how is my ship?

t'Pranara> Its stable rehkkai. COM, HELM, TAC and a rerouted ops are all functional. We've got all of our senior staff present except for tr'Kuro and t'Kethry and those that did not survive.

tr'Raith> Who is no longer with us?

tr`Elq> t'Mehlak and tr'Remleq

tr`Remi> tr'Riam too...

tr'Raith> Well, it is too bad, but for now we must focus on the living. Find and get tr'Kuro squad off the planet and then make for SB Hama. I'm going to be tied up here on the J'tol for an extended period so i'm sending another officer to take command in my absence. His name is erie'Riov tr`Kandeen. You may beam him aboard when ready.

t'Pranara> Aye, rehkkai, we're beaming him aboard now then. tr'Elq punches in the tranporting locations and in a matter of moments tr'Ryu is aboard the Kalen.

t'Pranara> Jolan tru, rehkkai.

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