SRR Ra`KalenChapter Ninety-Three: Picking up the Troops
[Planet's Surface]

The three pick up the guard and take them up the hill to where the eight other officers are talking amongst themselves. Suddenly blurred coms filter across the team's communicator network. A seemingly familiar voice comes across stating something... tr'Nerik could've sworn it was about standing down--perhaps tr'Raith had succeeded or no... it was.. like from some science officer he once knew...

...We're still trying to establish comunications with the platoons rekkhai, no sucess as yet.

Raith just nodded, clutching hard on his throne's arm rests. The cruiser was back again and, as the kalen was showing a lot of slugish responce, he assumed that who ever was flying it, was flying alone. It could easily be done, any of the engineers could have hard wired the ship through a singal interface, but no one, with the possible exception of the erie`Riov, could control evan a fraction of the ship's systems simaltaniusly.

The J`Tol banks again, firing blind around a disabled weapons' platform. The ship's tac officert was obviusly due for a promotion, as the D`Kazanka swung around perfectly in time to run head-long into the torps. Pursuit shaken, the Destroyer dives through the atmosphere...

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