SRR Ra`KalenChapter One Hundred-Twenty-Seven:
[Oira, SNR Kalen...5,000km away from type-B Warbird gradually closing in]

tr'Kandeen motioned his head. "Helm, prepare for sharp course changes. Tactical ready all weapon systems and go to red alert."

At the very mention of his last two words, the oira dimmed and was instantaneously flooded with dull red. He tipped his head to one side and put out a tactical layout of the TSW. All but one group was still not present at the rendezvous coordinates. He wanted to wait until they were full force before going to action.

"tr`Kuro, status of the fleet?", he barked but not looking away from the suspended console. He only expected an answer, none of the pleasantries when it was a critical situation.

"The TSW is now moving into an multi-angle assault formation. All ships are reporting readiness and have cloaked, Rekkhai. The last group is just enter-"

Everyone was caught off guard, including Kandeen. He made a futile attempt to grab the arm rest but his body was knocked to one side. Making a low growling sound, he climbed back up and positioned himself just in time to see 3 D`Deridex Warbirds de-cloaking and splurting out a streak of greenish disruptor blasts.

"Return fire!!", he yelled but they disappeared from sensors.

"tr`Idran! how did they know?"

"Rekkhai, I -"

"Rekkhai, that sub-space anomaly was actually larger than we thought. And it was caused by the de-cloaking and recloaking of starships moving through a Tachyon field. I can't account for it technically, but I'm sure of it!"

Everyone turned and looked, including Idran who was cut off. It was tr`Ragarok who had made his way to the oira during the middle of the action. Kandeen gave him a quick nod.

"Just in time. We need you at Science"

"Rekkhai! The Warbirds are de-cloaking again!!", cried out the now excited tr`Kuro.

"Signal the fleet!! De-cloak and return fire!!", yelled Kandeen.

It was evident that the TSW's formation gave them a very effective edge. No sooner than a few minutes later, the 3 D`Deridex reported massive damages and went adrift in space.

"Oira to Sickbay, I need a casualty report now!"

"Ie Rekkhai", replied Kethry.

"Kuro, damage report"

"Ie Rekkhai", came the reply.

The bridge was bathed in the glow of the red alert. Kandeen has his eyes sliding across the VR Panels madly, as the rest of the crew are conducting diagnostics and making the Kalen battle ready once more. Damages are assessed and the air is left still and intense from the skirmish with the D`Derix class ships. Pranara is crouched behind her console, finishing repairs on the panel. Nerik sits at his console distracted by some task. Idran clutches the sides of his display, fixing the positions of the fleet. The air is deftly still for an instant.

Tr`Remi> +taps+ Kuro, its time

tr`Elq>::hearing the cue Elq pops out of his seat, reeling around and pointing his disruptor at Nerik`s head in a single smooth motion::

tr`Kuro> Pran! ::tosses his disruptor over to her and he lunges toward Kandeen::

tr`Kandeen> ::starts a bit in his throne, looking up at Kuro:: +taps+ Security to ::this time Kandeen is cut off as Kuro brutally lands a blow to his head, shattering the arm of the throne as he is thrust onto the deck::

t`Pranara>::catches the disruptor, thoroughly shocked, but she manages to point her disruptor at Idran`s mid-section::

Idran>::His eyes widen as he jumps back from his console, raising his hands instinctively::

Nerik> ::locks eyes with Elq, coolly. He crosses his arms and assumes a non-combative stance::

tr`Kandeen>::spurts a bit of blood from his fragmented face, hitting the deck hard, he tries to force himself back up slightly::

tr`Kuro> ::stays on task, never doubting that Elq and Pranara had him covered, he stamps down on Kandeen's chest, pinning him to the deck with his massive boot:: Teamwork, rekkhai.

ACTION> the turbo lift doors slide open and Remi, strides onto the Oira, wielding a disruptor

Tr'Remi>::assesses the situation sporting a friendly grin:: Oh, hey Ku, Elq

Tr`Elq>::shimmeys on over to Nerik, keeping his disruptor trained on his head. After he searches him, taking away his disruptor he grins:: there now we can be friends.

Tr`Remi>::checking the status of the RES (Ragorok's Entropy Shield) at the science console:: Ku, we only have about 15 seuren-a before the RES drops off line.

Tr`Kuro>::pushes his weight down onto Kandeen as he steps over him:: Excellent work, all of you. Elq, "kindly" escort Nerik off of the Oira, Remi, alleviate Pranara of the responsibility of tr`Idran, Farien t`Sevron, would you be so kind as to drag this kllhe off of the Oira, stow him in the brig. I need au all to be back her before the�err the shield thing drops- Pran, you have the oira. ::grabs one of Kandeen's arms assisting t`Sevron, grabbing a disruptor::

The crew set about to their tasks immediately. The turbo-lifts are filled and sent off to their destinations. Pranara looks awestruck as she sits in the revered throne. Remi smiles at her and kicks back at the helm console, staring at the pretty stars on the display as he absently points his disruptor at Idran`s crotch.

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