SRR Ra`KalenChapter One Hundred-Twenty-Six:
A Sleeper Wakes

First, there was light... everything was blur in his eyes, at first, all he could make out was bright light. He did not quite know yet who he was or where he was, but somehow he knew one thing - he was alive... and that was a good sign already.

"Jolan Tru, e'lev..." he heard a pleasant female voice which seemed distant at first - yet he suddenly knew it was very familiar. "And welcome back to the world of the living."

"Where am I? What happened?" he looked in the direction where the voice was coming from. His vision was still blurred, but what he could make out of the face looked very familiar too...

"Au was knocked out, have been in a coma."

He felt an even more familiar brush of her mind against his - the bond! Memories started returning to him as his eyes started to distinguish his surrounding. He was erei'Arrain Ruanek tr'Shaleya, the Operations Officer and Acting First Officer of RSE Kalen. He was lying on a biobed in what was obviously a MedBay and the attractive woman who leaned over him was none else then the Kalen's Chief Medical Officer and his bondmate Meira t'Kethry.

He rubbed his eyes and lifted his head up. "Do I have anything contagious?" he asked.

"Na, Jol...although I would like to check au out thoroughly before I let au back to duty." Meira replied readily. Ruankek could feel that she was still concerned about him, yet she was happy.

He smiled at her. "Then," he said, "I guess it would be safe to kiss au?"

She smiled back at him and nodded. " would be," she whispered leaning close to him.

His muscles were still numb and it take him some effort to move them, yet his desire was stronger. He wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling her face to his and their lips reunited in a deep kiss.

"How long have I been unconscious?" he asked softly as they finally broke the kiss.

"For about two months, Jol..." she replied.

"*TWO* months?" he blinked, stunned. So long!

Meira nodded, "Ie...I have had au resting in stasis so au could heal. we were in a battle� and seem to have a new CO."

"A new CO?" he looked at her, even more surprised. "Was tr'Raith killed in the battle?"

"Na...he has just given control of the Kalen to this new man� I have na idea why.."

"I need to report to the Oira," he said with determination, starting to get up from the biobed.

"Na... Rest until I check au," Meira kissed him again, trying to push him back gently.

"E'lev..." he looked into her eyes. "I was supposed to be the 2nd in command of this ship... and I was out for *two* months... I would not be able to rest till I know what exactly is going on, on the ship." They both knew he was right.

"Ie..I know, Jol..just let me check au out..please?" she said almost pleadingly.

"As long as it doesn't take longer then 10 minutes..." he smiled at her.


Less then an hour later, Ruanek was dressed in fresh uniform and standing in front of the pair of double doors leading Oira. He took a deep breath and took a step forward. The doors slid open and Ruanek found himself in the familiar interior of the bridge. Immediately, he spotted an officer with erei'Riov's insigna sitting in the central chair whose face he did not recognize, but he assumed this was the new commander.

"Jolan tru, rekkhai," he saluted as he approached him. "I assume you are currently in command of this vessel?"

"Ie, Arrain," the officer nodded, "I am erei'Riov tr'Kandeen. And au are?"

"Erei'Arrain Ruanek tr'Shaleya, Chief Operations Officer and Acting Executive Officer of this vessel... or at least those were my duties before I was temporarily disabled by an injury approximately 2 months ago." Ruanek responded. "I was just released from the sickbay... and I would very much appreciate to be briefed on our current status.".

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