SRR Ra`KalenChapter One Hundred-Twenty-Eight:
The "Experiment"
[On the oira]

tr'Ragarok had run on up to the oira in order to deliver information about the enemy ships and the anomaly- and at the request of the erie'Riov, had taken science. However, shortly into the battle, he got a communique from Tr'Remi.

Tr'Remi> +taps+ Ragarok, I think now would be a good time to implement the defenses we've been talking about.

Tr'Ragarok> +taps+ Good idea.

Tr'Ragarok glanced around the bridge. The CO seemed too busy to be bothered with the question of whether Ragarok could leave his post or not, so after a second of indecision, gave his post to a Farien. Tr'Ragarok ran to the lab, in order to make the final commands to activate the Ragarok Entropy Shield!

However, he needed a few parts to make the final activation...

Tr'Remi leaves Elq's quarters and makes rounds around the ship to check on the progress of the continuing repairs. Sees Ragorok siting on the floor in the middle of the corridor removing parts from an access panel.

Tr'Ragarok> ::mumbling to himself:: Useless!! An utter waste of silicon!! ::removes a piece of lint from his pocket and places it where the 'excess' parts have been.:: There, that should be adequate.

Tr'Remi> ::sneaking up behind Ragarok and tapping him on the shoulder:: Caught ya'.

Tr'Ragarok> ::turns around startled:: Hmm??!!

Tr'Remi> ::smiling smugly:: Got your hand in the cookie jar.

Tr'Ragarok>::relieved:: Oh hi professor. I ran out of parts and the replicators are limited to food replication.

Tr'Remi> How is your "experiment" coming?

Tr'Ragarok> Almost done. I just needed these last few bits and pieces.

Tr'Remi> Good. How much longer do you need?

Tr'Ragarok> Roughly 3.79843 seuren, give or take .004

Tr'Remi> All right. I have to go prepare for my end of the "experiment".

Tr'Ragorok> ::nods and smiles cheerfully as he scampers into his lab with spare parts in hand::

Remi moves down the corridor and to the nearest weapons depot and procures his disruptor rifle. Looks down the sights to make sure the aim is true and quick swaps a new energy cartridge.

[3.794267 seuren later]

Tr'Ragorok> +taps+ Remi

Tr'Remi> +taps+ Aye.

Tr'Ragorok> +taps+ Experiment RES is ready to go.

Tr'Remi> Menka, I'll call the other "professors" and make sure they are in position. ::Cuts communication with Donal::

Tr'Remi> +taps+ Kuro, it's time.

Tr'Remi> ::moving down the corridor towards the TL:: +taps+ Donal, power up the RES.

Tr'Ragorok> +taps+ ::flips a switch:: Done.

Tr'Remi> +taps+ I'll go to the oira and report the results of the "experiment."

Tr'Remi> ::steps onto the TL and growls:: Oira!

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