When your cleaning your home never leave a room empty handed.

Place a basket on your stairs to place items in, then just carry the basket upstairs and put everything in it's proper place.

Clean the bathroom (except the tub and floor) while your small children take a bath.

Place paper towels in the bottom of your trash cans to catch spills.

Let the kids help! Children need structure and responsibility. Even a two year old can help. Younger children want to help and should, enjoy that because it usually doesn't last.

Younger children can help by:

picking up toys
putting dirty clothes in the hamper.
when you wash clothes hand your child the wet clothes to put in the dryer
cleaning the bottom cabinets while you clean the top
helping you make their beds

Older children can help by:

washing and drying clothes
loading and unloading the dishwasher
taking out the trash
sweeping, vacuuming, dusting
cleaning his/her room

Cleaning Tips

Tub - Heat white vinegar and spray heavy, wait 10 - 15 minutes and place more vinegar on a sponge and scrub, using more heated vinegar if necessary. Rinse well and dry.

Shower Curtain - Put curtain in washing machine with 1 cup white vinegar, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of detergent, and old towels. Wash in warm water.

Shower Head - Tie a bag with vinegar over head and leave overnight, then scrub.

Faucets - Use white vinegar on a sponge, dry and buff with a soft cloth. To shine use an used dryer sheet.
For removing hair spray build-up mix a solution of 1/3 liquid fabric softener and 2/3 water in spray bottle. Spray on any hard surface and wipe. This also acts as a dust repellent!

Dishwasher - To remove film from glassware fill the dishwasher with glassware put a bowl in the bottom and pour 1 cup of bleach. Run through was cycle but do not let dry. Fill bowl again with 1 cup white vinegar and wash through entire cycle.
To get rid of dishwasher odors, sprinkle borax in the bottom and leave overnight, then use a damp sponge and borax to wipe the inside, doors, gaskets.
To keep dishwasher spot free place 1 tsp. of this mixture with the detergent: 1 cup borax, 1 cup soda
To open drains, pour 1 cup salt and 1 cup baking soda and follow with boiling water.
Once a month, clean your drains with baking soda and 1/2 cup white vinegar. After 30 minutes flush with cold water. (We mix this at halloween in a big black kettle for witches brew. See our
Halloween Party Page.)
To clean your microwave, place a wet cloth inside and heat for about 30 seconds. Let the cloth cool to touch and then wipe. This is also a great way to disinfect your dishcloth or sponge.
To clean your refrigerator use a cloth moistened with vinegar. To control odor dab vanilla on a cotton pad and leave it inside.
Clean the sink with a paste of soda and water rinse well and dry. Use white vinegar to remove spots.
Clean the floors with 1 gallon of warm water and 1 tbsp. borax.


light scented candles and make sure they are out of children's reach

always trim the candles wick to 1/4" and never burn longer than 2 hours

use the same scent throughout your house

If you have scented items that have lost their scent, place them in a zip-lock bag with cotton balls that have been dipped in scented oil. Leave then in overnight or longer. They come out smelling great!

Uses for Fragrance Oils
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