Welcome to the Palladium Martial Arts Netbook. This is an attempt to collect the many player-created martial art forms and powers found on the internet, mailing lists, and other sources.

I have attempted to get permission from the original creators, but in some cases, this was not possible. If you find something of yours on this site and you would like it removed, or if you have a new form, a revision, or correction, please contact Kuseru.


Alphabetical Listing
Author Listing
Total Number of Styles: 523


Arts of Invisibility Atemi Body Hardening Exercises Chi Mastery Martial Art Techniques Special Katas Zenjorike
Advanced Atemi Advanced Chi Mastery Demon Hunter Exercises Chi Katas Other
Total Number of Powers: 253

Note: All my (Kuseru) new combat moves can be found here.
A note about the formatting: If a form has a * in front of it, then the link leads to the file on the creator's page, at their request. In the martial art file, the creator's name is for E-mail.
Please note that the martial arts and martial art powers in this site belong to their respective creators, and Palladium Books.
These are not my creations, unless marked as "By Kuseru."

Question or comment about the Netbook or HTH Rules? Then Click Here
Have a martial art style and/or martial art power you would like to submit to the Netbook? Then Click Here

Guideline for Creating Martial Art Styles
Guideline for Creating Quickie Styles to Replace Hand to Hand Combat: Martial Arts
Martial Art Style Generator (not a program)

Kuseru Satsujin's Rule for Creating Martial Art Styles in Palladium #1: If you study the style, you can not be objective when attempting to convert it to the Palladium system.
Kuseru Satsujin's Rule for Creating Martial Art Styles in Palladium #2: You can't please everyone, so don't bother, do your best to create a style that's unique, interesting, and useful.
Kuseru Satsujin's Rule for Creating Martial Art Styles in Palladium #3: Martial Art Styles give Kuseru a headache.

Additional Links
Palladium Books
Palladium Books Internet Policy

� 2002 Kevin Siembieda; � 2002 Palladium Books�, All rights reserved world wide.
No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher.
All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
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