devouring daddie
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8.18.99 [suggest by list member Kankel]

The Chinese are being "courted" as a possible enemy here, for now and then we see them posed in a very negative light. This is a reference to a news item that pointed out that the Chinese think that unborn fetuses have some health properties. Of course this is not new, as placentas are found in our own culture in hair-care products (Pantene) and "enjoy" popularity in some health-food circles, too. This cartoon is interesting for two reasons: first is the obvious portrayal of the Chinese as Evil Baby Eaters, but second is the very mention of eating babies at all. This sort of thing comes into the news as a reflection of our need t o sacrifice children, due to the opulence of the times.
For more on the current scapegoating of children - see THE SACRIFICE; Kiddie Programming; We thought we'd just nip it in the bud; devouring daddie and the list of current Bad Baby G-F.

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