
archy's friends: Ant brains, The bumbling hive, The economie, Living with bugs, Lovebugs, Mandeville's bees, mehitabel, Ode to a louse, Piss ants, Politically correct roaches, The termite, Worms, Directory

mehitabel's friends: archy, Brann's cat, Cat who loved shoes, On caterwalling, Economist view of cats, Gasket's Christmas ball, How not to drown a cat, MacCavity, Owl and Pussy cat, You done cut the wrong cat, Venture capitalist view of cats, Directory

Don Marquis might have liked these: Christmas Story, Curmudgeon, Free trade, Free lunch, Good ship Molly A, The satiric eye, Directory

Political animules: California's pied piper, Mugwump, New York's most famous hog, Spent hen, Directory

Fictional animules: A chicken is not a bird, Darwin's fish, Darwin's goats, Elephant on the moon, Green turtles are good to eat, Dr. Lobster, A mullet is not a fish, Possum, The vixen and the rabbit, Directory

Other animules: Aplach Oysters, Bartram's crow, Crows, Egrets, Guest , Jackdaw of Reims, John's passage to neuter-land, Ned, a grizzle bear, Ode to a squirrel, Old Crip the chicken, One molar in tadpoles, The peacock, Sparrow on a stick, Woody the stork, Directory



hey boss
its me archy

let me tell you
being closed up in a trunk
for more years than you can count
was no fun
seems mehitabel and i had just had
our last rounds in paris
and down came the lid
there i was in total darkness
good thing mehitabel had decided on a last fling
with that frenchie

who knows what her fate would have been
locked up with a raunchy roach
for years
in the dark

as you can guess
my diet was rather limited
i am not fond of old paper and glue
made from dead trees and animals
but one does what one has to do
it is a good thing recycling
had not got its start
or i might have starved

fortunately there was time to feast
on those stories of the life and times
of those renouned statesmen
of the twenties and thirties
and to reflect on how the new generation
can save us from ourselves
ah well i guess history does repeat itself exclamation point

as an example
look at what s happening in the white house
now t s elliot warned us about mac cavity
but no
they just go on blaming others for their problems
when it s clear as can be that mac cavity isn t there

the problem began with that hussy
now she has come back as socks
and inviting all her no account friends in
where will it end question mark

i find these new computer things
make life for us writers a lot easier
but i got to tell you there is nothing permanent
in this world
i just lost a whole evenings work
which makes banging my head on these damn keys
but as they say in computereze
oh ----

will write again
as soon as i can can figure out how to
oh ----
the lights are flickering again


you can find more of my writings
in archyology
edited by my friend jeff adams
and published by university press of new england


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