This website is protected by
the terror that
flaps in the night.
on't mess.
No crap allowed.
It's My Life
All About Friends
Jeremy's Final Fantasy Cast
Song Parodys
Stories Written
Pace Filmography
Power Mouse's Movie Review
Mortimer's Advice Corner
The Hat
Jeremy's Top Ten
A quick year by year overview of my fun filled life.
The name pretty much says
                 it all
Lots of pictures and facts about those closest to my heart
Popular tunes I "borrowed" to   make funny pointless songs
Sermsons, skits, stories, and                        stuff
The cinema past and presant, reviewed by one of our affiliates
The fuzzy teddy bear conciles through the pitfalls of life.
Jeremy's legendary "Indiana Jones" hat.
Complete listing of short-films, music videos, and goofy stuff so amaturely made by me and friends
"Creativity is forgetting where you stole it from"
I like list. And I like stuff. So why not list about what I like... or dislike?
November 28th, 2004
Everyone else tells about all their little updates, so I guess I can to.
It's Christmas time! And I finally figured out how to make Page Builder work on my new laptop, so I'm ready to do ALOT of much needed additions to this page. First of my new page "JEREMY'S TOP TEN", you must check that out. Some updates in the Final Fantasy Cast, and some newer pics of people in the friends pages are also up. I figured out how to save some space by shrinking pics on Photoshop, as well. And I want to write alot more reviews... so keep watching.
Visit Jeremy's Live Journal! Right 'cher.
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