Brief Bio
The untold story and discography of Jeremy Pace
1984- Jeremy is born in Salt Lake City  to Larry and Eleni Pace, a  young Christian couple.
Larissa, Jeremy's little sister is born. Jeremy asks his parents if they can return to the hospital, but he is of course refused.That same year his dad gets a  job transfer and moves to Denver Colorado.
Believed to be the approximate year that Jeremy first said the salvation prayer and was diagnosed with asthma that same year.
Jeremy starts 1st grade at Greenwood Christian Academy, a super strict puritan school where he couldn't even talk about TV because it's "evil". Jeremy developes a high esteem for Darkwing Duck and movies  non-the-less. Jeremy's family attends a Spirit-filled AG church where Jeremy's mom   teaches sunday school.
In the summer Jeremy's dad transferes him again, this time to Omaha, Nebraska. The family lives on the other side of river, in Glenwood, Iowa. Jeremy goes to public school for the first time, in 3rd grade. His family starts to attend a pioneering Assembly of God church. Jeremy creates his legendary "Super Mouse" character late that year.
Glenwood AG church closes down and his family starts to attend an AG church in Concil Bluffs. They also move into an apartment after their farmhouse is overrun by snakes.
Jeremy goes into 5th grade, gets first major crush on Melissa McCall. His drawing ability is renowned by the whole elementary school.
Jeremy and
Larissa, now starting 6th and 3rd grade, are homeschooled by their mother in the new house they bought in Malvern, Iowa. Spencer Keroff comes to Glenwood to start an AG church, and the Pace family is back into pioneering a church again. Jeremy turns Super Mouse into Power Mouse.
Jeremy first starts to craft his epic of "
World Without End", then called "The Legend of Palara".
The little church is doing great until it runs into trouble and stops unexpectedly just after Jeremy's 13th birthday. His mom and dad explain what happened, and they start going to a church in a town called Shenandoah. Jeremy is first introduced into the childrens ministry there, helping out with God's Army. His parents meet Ken and Diana Jones. That Christmas,
Larissa gets a video camera.
Jeremy developes a crush on another girl, and he and his sister become great friends with the kids at the church. Together they make numerous videos and Jeremy begins to develope a passion for film making.
The youth group goes to Aquire the Fire in Kansas City. Jeremy signs on and goes on a
mission trip to Dominican Republic. His life is changed as he discovers a side of him he'd never known before. About that time, his dad finally decides to go into the ministry. The beautiful house in Malvern is sold and they move into a cramped duplex in Red Oak for a month until Larry recieves a pastoring job in Fort Madison, Iowa. Just before Christmas, after many good-byes, the Paces move away. Larry Pace becomes senior pastor of First Penecostal Assembly on Dec 12th.
After the Y2K scare, Jeremy and Larissa continued to be homeschooled and help with the childrens church at their dad's church. The church is very backwards and old fashioned, and for months the family struggles to see God do something there. Early that year Jeremy and Larissa begin to go to U-Turn, a Four Square youth group in Fort Madison. That summer Jeremy returns to
DR for a second mission trip, and learns you can't always go back to past memories. Afterwards, now 16, he finally convinces his parents to let him go to a public highschool for his last two years. He makes fast friends with John White and Micah Morgan. Late that year, Jeremy makes his breakthrough music video "Dumb Song (One More Time)" with Larissa's help and shows it at U-Turn. Its a hit, and they start to do the annoucment videos every week. They go to the Gathering, and finally feel like a part of U-Turn.
The church votes out my dad and the rest of us. We start going to Victory Faith (where U-Turn is) regularly. U-Turn grows tremendously, as do the annoucments and their popularity. Jeremy's Dad gets a job working for a glass cutting factory, while still helping in the youth ministry. That summer, Jeremy and
Larissa go to Camp Hickory for Cadet Camp for the first time. Two weeks later, Jeremy takes his legendary mission trip to New Zealand, where we meets Carrie Patterson of Midland, Texas. Larissa begins to attened FMHS as a freshman as Jeremy enters his senior year. She and Micah go out for 4 months, which ends in a messy break-up. Jeremy also enters into his first dating relationship with Crissy Mallenger. It ends almost before it starts and Jeremy persues another girl at U-Turn who wouldn't return his feelings. Larissa and Jeremy both end the year heartbrocken.

And the Saga continues.....
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