Here I will teach you how to Battle.
It's not hard to learn and will probably only take you about 2 minutes.
Battling is probably the most important thing in this RPG,
you won't be able to play if you can't battle.

Firstly we will teach you the basics of how to set out your battle. Ideally you should post a message on the battle-board with the topic "BATTLE (your name) Vs (your opponent)"

In that first post you should have your current stats.

PL: 50 000
Health: 100 000
KI: 450

PL: 65 000
Health 130 000
KI: 450

Now you should reply to the post with your attacks;
You get a total of 10 actions, which can be a combo of;
Any level attack and/or physical attacks, or certain abilitlies...

A level 1 attack is worth 1 action
A level 2 attack is worth 2 actions
      - (this means you would get 5 level 2 actions in your 10!)
A level 3 attack in worth 3 actions, and so on....
A Physical Attack (eg. a kick or punch) is worth half an attack
      - (so you could have a total of 20 physical attacks to make up your 10)

So you should add a reply like this:

I attack by doing 2 kamehameha's (2 actions) and then running up to him and punching and kicking him 4 times (2 actions), I then do another 4 kamehameha's (4 actions) and then finish him off with 4 more kicks to the head (2 actions).

*You don't need what I have in red in your post, I just put them there so you could see how different attacks are worth different action points.

So now you know the basics of attacking, I'll tell you now that the more complex you make it the greater a power level gain you recieve when we work out your experience.  So if you wanted to get a really large power level increase you should do a message like this:

I charge at him doing 2 kicks to him in the head, then I flip backwards as I land on the ground I fire a kamehameha, then I  run forwards, and proceed to smash my opponent with an upper-cut. I then do 2 roundhouse kicks and another kamehameha.
I decide to make him feel pain so I do a body slam on him, after that I jump back and fire another 2 kamehameha's at him.
He falls over so I take this chance to start kicking him in the face 4 times, I then finish him off with another kamehameha to his stomach. Sending him flying backwards into a tree.

Doing a message like that will give you a massive power gain in comparison to the first one I said, so I suggest you make it better by adding in scissor-kicks and elbowing him in the head and stuff. The more original, the better!!

After you posted your attack, your opponent should add a reply with the same sought of message. Describing his actions (attacks on you).Then it's up to the refs to figure out the rest.
If you want to learn how to referee a battle click "Forward".

After the refs have added a reply, you do your attacks again, but be warned you have limited KI so read the KI section first.

NOTE: For an explanation or how to Referee.  Click Refereeing or foward
Still unclear about how to Battle?
Click on Dende and send a message. He shall get back to you as soon as possible!
Basic Battling
Using up KI
Gaining Expereince points
Sparing and Fights
A full battle Example (must look)













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